Best/Favorite NC LMG (Heavy Assault)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    What's the best and/or your favorite LMG for the NC?
  2. Pikachu

    98% of players say NC6.
  3. Crackulous

    EM6 hands down.
  4. Evito

    I'm really liking the em6.
  5. Catch23

    EM6, can do practically what the Saw can (although worse at single-headshooting BR1s at 200m with a 6x scope lol) but has better recoil and even little better damage fall-off.
    Saw really needs a compensator, EM6 doesnt. that means shooting with EM6 compared to the Saw either shows you up on the minmap from shorter range + has better hipfire or has stupidly good recoil for a high DPS/ DPM LMG if you do cert into the compensator on the EM6.
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

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  7. Degenatron

    EM6 is a great gun.

    However, I just went to the LA1 Anchor and it is a beast. It's basically a assault rifle for the Heavy. It's extremely accurate with a 4x scope and foregrip.
  8. AFK1

    em6 has a really long reload speed...
  9. Tylerso12

    A lot of NC LMGs have long reload speeds IMO
  10. FieldMarshall

    SAW. Because damage.
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  11. phreec


    But I'm no HA expert, only used the EM6 and SAW as far as LMG's go. The Anchor is also a fine choice for a more CQC and mobility oriented build but I don't bother spending another ~1300+ certs on it as I already have the EM6.
  12. BadAsElite

    EM6 & GD22s
  13. ComradeHavoc

    Guass Saw for open fields, EM6 for everything else.
  14. Sprigwomp

    Another vote for the obvious EM6
  15. KnightCole

    Lol, if you call EM6 a long reload, what do you call the NC6 reload?

    But OP, EM6 I vote is best NC LMG.
  16. Phrygen

    EM6 or Anchor.

    Boss saw if you are Boss enough to not miss.
  17. Voiidd

    EM6 hands down.... trying the LA1 atm and loving it but I still fall back to the EM6 when things go ******, it's never let me down :D
  18. Goretzu

    Anchor for situations generally close to mid (it's still ok long).
    EM6 for everything else.
  19. KnightCole

    What we dont realize is this is a secret VS or TR Agent tryn to get the info on which of our NC LMGs is our fav and best so that this info can be sent to SoE and have the EM6 nerfed to ****.
  20. Bhudda V1

    favorite: em1 silliest gun the nc have i think axauxiumed that ....thing
    best: have to say gauss saw s does almost everything and if it had a grenade launcher it would do everything anyone would ever need except damage/destroy vehicles