Future Crew's Guide to Spawn Camping Amerish

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ScourgeOfTheServer, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. EliteEskimo

    It would be a lot easier if they just admitted vehicle spam was a problem, and made MBT's a bigger investment so not everyone and their dog could pull one (without screwing over dedicated tankers). That way you'd only ever have a few tanks at any given battle rather than like 10-20 . Would 1-2 tanks at a base be annoying at times, sure if you didn't fight back against it, but it's way better than asking people to deal with like 10 plus stock tanks at any given base. Come on developers, end this nonsense!

    Stop using walls as band aids, and fix vehicle spam so we can get more battles like this.


    Putting up walls isn't making the following go away...

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  2. Tuco

    I'm sure infantry will be used more if they had somewhere to spawn from, but the non-cloaking PS2 big fat target AMS-sunderer is constantly being destroyed, instantly camped after deployment, or always in horrible spots where infantry are constantly thrown into a grinder.

    Dang, too bad we don't have the PS1 AMS.
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  3. Mastachief

    While we don't need copy and paste PS1 structures, they did a lot of things right in that game. They have already flirted with the idea of dome shields, why not put them in (this way you can have all the freedom of design if vehicle cannot get within a certain distance and introduce fuel for bases too. Reducing the facility quantity massively would bring back the proper combined arms people want.

    PS1 had epic tank warfare between bases. AA was mostly dogfighting because of the gaps between bases.

    The router..... Phantasm.... Proper AMS
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  4. Tuco

    You're going about it all wrong if you're thought process revolves around segregating vehicles and infantry.

    Yeah yeah, blah blah, I've been listening to you're "Rah Rah" speeches since 2001 wwiionline.
  5. Mastachief

    Separating vehicles from infantry when it comes to influencing the capture of the base capture points it definitely is the approach to take.
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  6. ScourgeOfTheServer

    EliteEskimo brings up the real issue, that anyone who wants a tank merely needs to stop by a terminal. In the cert system of the original Planetside, someone had to choose to have a tank, at the expense of not having something else.

    Hopefully the developers come to their senses soon and stop delaying the resource revamp, their first attempt at addressing the core issue.

    Even with that in mind though, you have to admit that some of the camping spots I highlighted are a little unreasonable. Faced with the reality before us, I think I might prefer the ugly grey Esamir prison walls after all.
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  7. Mastachief

    We said it a lot in beta that while everyone can do everything at any time you will never have balance but SOE will never put that limitation in sadly.

    Thats also the problem made worse by the MBT's only needing 1 player to be effective.
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  8. HadesR

    Makes you wonder if the design process includes the running through them in first person. Doesn't take much to stand in a spawn room door or on a cap point and think " Hmm yeah LoS is a bit open from X direction, let's add a rock or some trees "
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  9. Tuco

    Unfortunately that's where 90% of our time is spent.
  10. Mastachief

    Need fewer bases/outposts.
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  11. Tuco

    Won't matter if you removed everything but tech/amp/bio, same exact thing will happen. A zerg will just spend 30 seconds longer driving.
  12. Cinnamon

    I don't agree with this. With more space between bases they would have more room to zone vehicle dominated areas from infantry areas.
  13. Devrailis

    Create vehicle based objectives.

    Destructible objectives that only vehicles can damage. Wide open areas with objectives that only vehicles can capture. Create some objective based vehicles that serve a necessary function besides going "Boom-boom" or "Pew-pew".

    Most vehicles don't really have anything to do besides:

    1) Destroy other vehicles - which infantry frankly do a better job of much of the time


    2) Farm infantry
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  14. Schwak

    And to a lesser extent, shoot at the skychariots.

    Apart from that, HAMMER>NAIL>HEAD>BAM!
  15. Wargrim

    This thread is Mountain Prowler approved.
  16. IronRoids

    YAY!!!!!! more spawn camping infantry zones with my vehicles!

    Seriously though this is an important thread so here's a bump to getting things like this fixed... hopefully.
  17. HadesR

    Weird .. It does actually look like a Prowler :)

  18. Accuser

    Need interior bases and power drain from PS1.

    Interior base means that only infantry are useful for capping and spawn camping.

    Power drain means that dominating the outside with vehicles for long enough WILL capture the base.

    Tanks are still useful, but aren't spamming spawn rooms.
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  19. Dopeyx3

    This! This times 1000000x.

    Planetside 1 nailed it on the head with its basic base designs! Build upon those! Stop pretending that you are going to make an outdoor base that won't somehow be spawn camped by Tanks or Libs! It is not going to happen, the mass creativity and the sheer number of people driving tanks will always find a way to land rounds on an outdoor spawn room. How difficult is that concept to understand?!
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  20. Gav7x

    MTN DEW prowler aint got nothin on the DORITOS prowler