Mana turrets ruin everything!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kazet, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. Robertooooo

    You must be a very good sniper then. They normally camp on top of a mountain where it's impossible to go. And it's also impossible to snipe them from lower ground since the turret cover the engineer pretty effectivly making them immune to headshots.

    But i have to agree that the tank zergs are just plain boring and normally just ends up in a bunch of tanks camping the spawnroom. And so it goes on until the other faction counterattacks and then it's the former attackers turn to be spawncamped. So an effective weapon to counter that is needed.
    But the big problem with the mana turret is that it's also used in an offensive role when engineers place the turrets deep within friendly territory and just shoots at defending tanks far away that can't do anything to counter that.
  2. TrainerS2

    Those players who dont like mana turets must newer played as snajpers , but all time spending in vehicles !!!
    I love mana turets cos they just a free exp , you can easy headshot them fron front !!!
    As this is an coperative game , if you see mana turets up some hill , use sqad chat and teel some noobpoders to take them down ^^
    So leve your Tanks and start play as infranty is best idea :p
  3. acksbox

    Well, it seems this whole "can't damage infantry or MANA turrets beyond 300m" is nonsense.

    I just did some testing in game and I've confirmed that infantry does not need to "render" to score hits against them, be spotted, or be killed.

    I was dumbfiring S1 rockets, first from a cliff overlooking Tarwich at a sunderer, and later from near the Red Ridge spawn to near the Skydock spawn. In both cases I marked the targets I had spotted on the map and in both cases they were well in excess of 300m. In the former case I was 350m away and killed six infantry with rockets while trying to strike the Sunderer. In the second situation, I was firing from 560m and I killed one infantry target, then several rockets later I destroyed a MANA turret.

    I didn't record most of it, but I do have a video of the last 560m MANA turret kill, which I will post later.
  4. ComradeHavoc

    Just let them wallow in their own idiotic fluids, the AV turrent isn't balanced just accept it and move on.
  5. Tuco

    wow you sure die to tank HE a lot.
  6. ChairmanMao

    Does SOE recognize the problem with turrets and is it on the docket to be fixed?
  7. Landaren

    A much lesser extent, namely it has limited ammo and isnt guided, and it does half the damage pershot of the mana turret at 3 charges..
  8. IamDH

    Its broken and i dont think i have read a good counter-argument against this claim by skimming through the first few pages.
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  9. TomaHawk

    No I think he's complaining that the AV turrets have a stupid far range, and OP has a valid point. For some reason, a Engineer with UNASSISTED scope can see and fire on tanks X miles away but the tank with ASSISTED/CERTED scope cannot see the turret, and thus, defend or many times, even escape. This is a BROKEN mechanic.
  10. Eyeklops

    I can deal with AV mana turrets most of the time, it's the squad of un-rendered Lancers/Vortexs sitting atop cavern walls that annoys me. If the source doesn't render, it shouldn't hit. Period.
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  11. Tatwi

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  12. Akeita

    You just too bad to drive a good tank or fly an ESFs, deal with it infantry peasant, and learn english properly... At least if you type a word wrong it would give you an option to fix it to a word that make sense, use it. Noobpoders... You mean those noble pilot who know how to fly an ESFs ? You use that pathetic word to ask someone to help you ? Are you nuts ? You can easy headshot them, yes, and medic would just get them up, then counter - snipe you if they're a organized platoon. Doesn't make any fkin sense since tanks place is on an open field, supporting infantry, you want a tank to fit into a tower, use the stair and go to capture the point ?
  13. Tatwi

    Wow. Pot calling the kettle black when it comes to the dig about abusing the English language! lol...
  14. Boomotang


    Not getting out of your vehicles to play infantry = BUSH LEAGUE.
  15. Pikachu

    Mana turrets from Quartz shooting at us 700m away. :(
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