So I don't want to be negative but..

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Hoki, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Azimaith

    I can't see what the crossbow is going to provide that every other BASR doesn't already do.

    Silence? We got suppressors.
    OHK to the head? Check.
    What else is there supposed to be for a sniper.
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  2. Shadowhunter1

    anti-tank rifle? i'm sure that is not even the slightest bit OP just in the name alone. a rifle that can destroy a tank. time to go back to halo if you want that, that would imbalance the game severely if introduced here.
  3. drNovikov

    Guys, I'd rather not declare "not interested in new rifles", because such declaration could lead to nerfing the old rifles. Just to make us buy them.

    Also, I'd pay for an armor thathas full camo coverage and does not have the ******** glowing all over it.
  4. LownWolfe

    bs excuse. The initial comment did not require a gender specification. You used condescending tones and clearly meant it as an insult. Also, the whole "you know nothing about me." is baseless. You've done nothing but make assumptions about other based on little to no evidence and claim that as solid fact. You are adding nothing constructive, please stop.
  5. Rift23

    It's a real thing that's been around since WWI. More real than the turret that shoots infinite wire-guided rockets from sniper range we already do have.

    Hurr...durr...imbalance...Xbox games....if it can hurt armor it's is a shift key? :confused:
  6. vanu123

    I want a BA sniper rifle without drop for a change.
  7. Camlost

    ^ I am a loyal TR, and I am all for this. It was supposed to be no bullet drop for VS, so ****** give them no bullet drop on a BA sniper rifle.
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  8. vanu123

    :') thank you
  9. Akeita

    To be honest, bullet drop or not it doesn't matter as long as you get used for it ( yes, this is pretty much the thing that noobs need ), the only reason why no bullet drop is good is because it can go with supressor, which is irrelevant since you are sniping far away and the red dot on mini map is removed once you cloaked anyway... So just give Vanu what they want, increase NC's Longshot by 100 dmg and increase Ram magazine size and reload speed :p
  10. sL360

    Empire Specific sniper rifles could be amazing if they did em right.

    For TR I'd give them a fast firing sniper rifle, that sort of works on a fast, sort of a rotary magazine that has a really fast chamber time, so if you're good at lining up shots, you can quickly drop targets at range. Check out this rifle from Borderlands 2:


    The way the barrels are designed, it looks like you're allowed to fire several shots off before you have to reload. Real dakka.

    For VS I feel the geth javelin rifle from Mass Effect 3 would be a pretty cool template. The description of the weapon states that "this weapon holds a reservoir of ferrofluid, magnetically drawn into the firing chamber and expelled at lethal speeds. Like a high-pressure water-jet, the ferrofluid cuts through nearly anything it hits with so much heat that it resembles a beam of light, causing terrible wounds."


    I mean it doesn't have to be a strict copy and paste weapon...I think SOE is creative enough to come up with their own stuff.

    For NC I'm not really sure what I'd give em...harpoon gun? lol that sounds pretty terrifying. A big part of their theme is that they do use new experimental tech and whatever they can get their hands on...I think it could be pretty plausible...

    Mass Effect 3 also has a harpoon gun for a sniper rifle but I'm not gonna post it on here. It's design doesn't scream NC to me. These rifles also don't have to be bolt action, but I have to admit I'd rather use them and other rifles in that class. Bolt actions are the tops in OHK's.
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  11. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Either way, again, I was speaking of the Barret in Delta Force; interesting to know though! Like I said, I don't have any experience with the weapon in reality.

    Strange, I'm missing the quote that you're commenting to.

    It's flattering that he's stalking me clear over to twitter though...and appreciates my long luscious locks enough to refer to me as "sweetheart." Here's to you DeadliestMoon!

    Edit: Nevermind, I found it!



    In all seriousness, I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with the bolt-action sniper rifles now that they have obtained such an abundance of feedback.
  12. MrGhosty

    I would love an anti tank rifle, not super powered but a weapon that does enough damage you will eventually destroy the vehicle if the tank doesn't bother to move or repair. I see it performing less as the sole attacking weapon of a vehicle and more the sniper can finish off vehicles after heavies and turret engies have dealt out the bulk of the damage.

    In terms of balancing the weapon, I would say that it only has maybe 8 rounds, four in the chamber four in reserve. Those 8 rounds would also need to be limited in what they can destroy. My thinking is that this weapon would work really well in a support role but not make the weapon overpowered. It would probably also have a massive bullet drop rewarding skilled snipers and punishing stationary ESFs, and other vehicles for not being aware of the battlefield.

    As far as current bolt actions go, I would rather have an NS version of the bolt action and then have ES weapons that serve a niche purpose. My reasoning for the NS is that I prefer that style of sights and weapon behavior to most of the VS behaviors at least as far as BASRs are concerned. The VS sniper should be a version of the lancer, so it is devastating but actually draws a line back to you. The NC could have a slightly heavier variant of their BASR that does more damage but takes longer to reload maybe? and I would like to see TR get a lockdown style tripod to increase their firing speed at the expense of being stuck in a lockdown position.
  13. Shadowhunter1

    i know it has existed since BEFORE WWI, still a SERIOUS IMBALANCE to the game and should not be introduced at all. If a tank killing sniper rifle is put into this game, i will quit playing it.
  14. Hoki

    We have carbon copies with different names, an NS version would just be a 5th carbon copy.
  15. acksbox

    And stopped being a viable weapon for it's intended role by early WWII, when tank armor became too thick to be overcome by any man-portable ranged weapon that didn't include a shaped charge. Their effects against a modern tank are extremely limited.

    Sure, a PlanetSide variant could use PlanetSide nanomagics to be viable again, but only if it has a real niche and can be balanced against other assets.

    What about the Lancer, or even Vortex?

    These are line of sight weapons with high accuracy that have better rage than most sniper rifles and are perfectly capable of damaging or destroying tanks in PS2.
  16. DeadliestMoon

    I made a mistake in thinking you were a woman, everyone makes mistakes, chillax dude. (I suggest changing your profile pic on Twitter, that's how I got confused.)

    Again, I didn't say sniping is easy, I said that it's unfair.

    Since you're claiming that sniping is underpowered, I want you to prove so.
  17. Tenebrae Aeterna


    Despite dressing male, I get mistaken for a woman rather's even gotten my roommate and I free parking recently. I don't mind this, I'd rather be even more androgynous than I already am. The fact remains that you're being far more presumptuous than I, hence the statement.

    I didn't say that sniping was underpowered seems like it's either black or white with you; either something is underpowered, or something is overpowered. I said that sniping is as equally challenging as run and gun oriented gameplay, just in different ways...which is why they are balanced through different methods.

    You and I have argued this throughout several threads...ultimately, it boils down to the graphs that they released; which are likely the pushing force behind why they never went through with the range cap and completely changed their position, never even addressing why. They made a mistake, thought the same way as you did from a run and gun oriented position and checked the data only to find, to their shock, that the data is comparable.

    It's the only explanation for their complete Uturn on the proposed range cap...they didn't have the statistical data to support their position, no justification to annihilate long ranged sniping.
  18. Shadowhunter1

    they are not sniper rifles, plus it takes 5 shots to destroy a tank. which makes it balanced. the other guy wanted a 1 shot tank destroying sniper rifle WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY OP!!!
  19. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Isn't the Barrett still classified as an anti-material sniper rifle?
  20. DevDevBooday

    Im seeing alot of complaints about new bolt actions but next to no actual realistic alternatives. To be frank though, there is only so much you can do with a sniper rifle. At least they are bolt-actions, the only alternative is semi-auto and we know how popular they are :/