Best player on Waterson? or most fun to play against/with.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname6587, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Badname6587

    1. Hammerboss
    2. Mac1
    3. MadHatta
    4. Matt7070
    5. my TFPR crew, old and new!
    1. Pntballa18
    2, Lunitical
    3. JunkStory
    4. Sinist
    1. LuminousBlades

    Keep the thread positive ladies. Who do you enjoy interacting with and or fragging with the most?

    *Edit - title should not read who is the best player. Who is your favorite to interact with, makes you laugh, or favorite to frag, give a friendly ribbing to.
  2. why spend my cash?

    Goatsack = #1 leader player
    Yo Dawg! You got some mad skillz up in this beeyotch!
  3. AFK1

    My favorite players to play against on Waterson are ZAPS because I know that for ever ZAP once his Scythe goes down, we won't be seeing him for another 10 minutes
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  4. why spend my cash?

  5. Amandol

    Troll more...
  6. vsae

  7. Astealoth

    Typomancer, our outfit's vice president. He always motivates us to do ridiculous nonsense and it usually works.
  8. EViLMinD

    I'll add...

    NC's Poonanners. Love that guy. His voice FXs are the best. SOE needs to spotlight him. He's what a zerg leader needs to be: fun, exciting, easy going, hilarious and focused on the big picture

    VS's Jobes is a nightmare in the air, but a true gent.

    TR's Pwnyboy is also an outstanding player who's respectful to his opposition.
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  9. IamDH

    Pfft, we all know the best player to step foot in Waterson was me.
  10. Cirevam

    DuhGovernator always makes fights hilarious with his constant proximity chatter.
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  11. Monkeydmomo

    Yeah, because he's busy smashing you on the ground instead :p
  12. Hunterion

    YES! Whenever I hear those voice FXs, I instantly know it's gonna a ridiculously fun battle.

    He needs to be logged on more often.
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  13. Klypto

    Poonanners & DuhGovernator for sure.
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  14. NinjaTurtle

    DuhGovernator is hilarious. He sounds exactly like Arnold Swarzernggar over NC prox chat

    I love it whem he arrives at the battle
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  15. Hatesphere

    my favorite laid back VS squad leader is a guy named breachwood.
  16. starlinvf

    EvilMind does a spot on Christopher Walken. I miss the old days where I could hop into any platoon and find someone I liked there. And an outfit's primary rival was actually on the other empires. The in-fighting on the NC lately has gotten more irritating then normal.
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  17. LayZ

    I have to agree. Hadn't seen DuhGovernator much in the last few months playing NC. My first encounter with him was in a biolab hearing him yell over prox saying "Aughgh I need a medic, or a band-aid, or sometink". I nearly lost it laughing.

    Poonanners is a trip and I've always had a blast when he's around.
  18. NinjaTurtle

    Never heard that, might have to ask him next time I see him on the field
  19. Frizzbro

  20. EViLMinD

    I'll do it for ya next time we meet. The kids love it. I do all the classic Waken bits, but this one is my fav

    It really pumps the troops before a big op.

    I should do Walken all the time. Gives me more slack when chewing out incompetent allies. People don't get as uppity with me if I'm being a jerk Walken-style ;)