ES Snipers. My predictions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by allattar, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. allattar

    The essence here is really that whatever we get, we get complaints on the forums about how the other sides weapons are op. The only universal truth here is that the VS weapon will be utter trite, and still complained abot :)
  2. Nocturn0l

    Who needs more sniper rifles?

    Give infiltrators class specific sidearms or melee weapons, or both, an EMP launcher and stun traps.
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  3. z1967

    Not an optimist, or a pessimist. Just a realist. +1
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  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    Sounds like a pretty accurate assessment, although the only weapon type in the game that does less than double damage to the head currently is shotguns. Making a single TR sniper also have a headshot multiplier below 2.0 would indeed generate rivers of tears.
  5. uhlan

    My predictions.

    NC sniper shotgun: "The Testosterone express". Range of 50m, narrow cone of fire in CQB, but with useless breathe mechanic, hellacious scope sway and massive random recoil effects.

    TR Sniper: "The real Skyguard". 750 rounds a minute, range 500m, but with 25% bullet drop after 10m.

    VS sniper: "The Cliff-hanger". Sounds like huffing a bong when charging. Massive recoil moves character back a meter at every shot.

    This would be fun.
  6. treeHamster

    I remember when the Lancer came out and the TR were saying how it was such a good weapon even though it couldn't hit a target outside of 50m, Of course they complained that their BORING Striker was just an upgraded Annihilator.

    The Lancer on release was COMPLETELY messed up. It was like the dev team started to binge drink the night before and decided to recode the thing, it was THAT bad.
  7. Ghosty11

    Hey they are giving Infiltrators another weapon Auraxium with! :p
  8. Akeita

    Longshot, Ram, Parallax can take about 1/10 - 2/10 of a MAX health if it hit the head already :eek:
  9. Dramaticus

    I predict a bunch more people effectively remove themselves as any credible threat in a battle because they're sitting 2 hexes away
  10. treeHamster

    I predict a cash grab with guns that are at best useless, and at worst a horribly imbalanced nightmare.
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  11. Erilis

    What a great prediction. Well written and fun to read :)
  12. Kunavi

    NC will get a TV Bullet rifle. Can 1Hit but you have to actually fly the bullet to the target's head :p Later SOE will nerf it so bad you'll need to buy each bullet from Terminals with Resources. The next nerf will be having to buy the whole weapon from Terminals with Resources. New NC motto "Doesn't matter had 1Hit". In terms of design it will look like a miniature Space Shuttle Launch Pad and the bullet will, as you may have guessed, look like a miniature Apollo series shuttle with the NC logo on and Higby's hair on top.

    TR will get a Lock-On rifle with bullets, a la Coyotes :pp So not really Lock-On. It will be semi auto, good mag size but low Dmg, the range would be just as good as the other rifles though... >.> SOE will soon nerf it so you have to actually keep the target at the exact center of your scope until all bullets hit- For HeadShots you'll have to have pin point accuracy AND maintain it for 1'. To compensate for that, SOE might add a Lock-Down option to this weapon, in which mode you only need to maintain aim for only 45" by spending 5000Certs. This weapon will look like CRAP. It's just that simple. When fired, it will emit the same sound pigeons use to let other pigeons know it's mating season. PER SECOND UNTIL THE MAG IS EMPTY. It will also be a redder red, a result of the art team's new direction which will completely change TR in every possible way, FOREVAH.

    VS will probably get a slow penetrating or exploding bolt of energy, brighter than 10 ZOE. Upon contact with a target it will have effects similar to the Patriot Flare plus DubStep and the orb of PURE POWER will also leave a trail much like that of the Deep Freeze gun's only purple, leading right back to the Sniper. Alternatively they could end up with a very high DPS continuous stream style rifle, like the old Lasher I think it was? Yeah, that sort of thing. With great range like the other rifles of course... Its main advantage would be causing epilepsy, FPS drops, CTDs and probably tumorous growths in the eye. And COUNTLESS TKs but CACA HAPPENS so it's OK. With the added effect of actual sound(DubStep) in close proximity of the ray(Good way to prevent TK too) this will be the top selling weapon of the 3... Until NERF HAPPENS, giving it a REVERSE CHARGE UP MECHANIC, where you have to keep your LMB pressed, if you let go the weapon will fire. As to the weapon's form? It will be helmet mounted, slightly resembling an open mouth with fat red lips complete with 2 bulging eye balls right above(Hi-Tech Goggles).

    Having written all this I now feel bad and a bit lonely as I could have done other, constructive things. I find the thought of others here raging after having read this for no reason a bit comforting though... :pp
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  13. Xada

    Don't you know, VS only complain when there actually IS imbalance, unlike the NC and TR players.
  14. Syphers

    NC classified as the big mofo, high caliber rifle with Higby's seal of approval on each bullet -75% run speed

    TR double barrel rifle, it won't hit **** but at least it shoot

    VS a sniper rifle barrel and a premium standard 12x scope mounted on a Beamer, courtesy of Vanu labs
  15. Thardus

    A Rifle that works like a Planetside 1 Lancer might actually be pretty good. Pull the trigger, and it fires a little bit later. A two second delay before actually firing sounds like a pretty good balance for a potential no drop, no travel time. Probably shouldn't be 1 shot kill though.
  16. blampoet

    I wasn't aware we were limiting the "new weapons" only to infil.
    but if we were then:
    *a tool slot cert line of opposition analysis computer. shows the friendlies in the hex the force composition of the enemy. it can make for more effective class choices if one knows if your facing mostly LA, HA or a ton of MAXs.

    in some cases killing isn't the objective. when you're an LA and you're looking down at a mass foot zerg coming at ur friends, killing them is not an option. informing your friends or slowing the enemy down would take precedent. (dare i say "add depth"?). Off the top of my head I can think of at least half a dozen other scenarios where you're not going KILL HIM... but rather "****sitshtst,imgonnaDIE" (most prevalent MAX vs any squishy) for cases like this the following would be nice:

    *LA glue gun (make an area stick, slows down the boots- gives LA's another reason to exist). I'd love this to work like a flamethrower, that you can drawn on the ground where the stuff sticks (***** drawings non-withstanding)

    *LA mustard gas grenade- like invisible smoke & area affect conc mixed.
    both of these could be integrated into the
    HA NS grande launcher (we do need to think dev resources so = more umph for the same programming)
    you can read up on a ton of other good ideas on the forum... the engi barrier is BADLY needed.
    p.s- I am SO gonna sink the 1000 certs into a high powered infil anti-material sniper rifle.... finally something I can do against those annoying strafing swagriders
  17. JesNC

    It's obviously a shotgun. Think Jackhammer with a 6x scope.

    TR will get a lock-on sniper rifle that shoots bullets which track their victims through buildings or terrain. TR players will, of course, complain that it's just a cheap redo of the Striker.

    VS will get a charge-up rilfe that need 10 bullets to kill point blank and uncharged, but will OHK headshot up to 700m with the maximum of 10 charges up.

  18. Phyr

    I predict they could literally give them away and people like you would call it a cash grab.
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  19. GhostAvatar

    Of course people will complain. Since its nothing more than a slightly beefed up semi-auto sniper rifle, with a stupidly small clip size that can't even guarantee a kill on a single clip with 100% accuracy on body shots. Why would anyone take this even over the default sniper rifle.
  20. allattar

    That is perfect thank you. !