Ceres? More like Ceriously imbalanced....yes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by L0RD L0KI, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Cougarbrit

    Title made me lol, nice awful pun OP.
  2. Chipay

    Not fun playing on Ceres right now (bar on the right are the alerts won, grey one is a draw)

  3. IamDH

    I cant believe you Ceriously made that joke.

    To get real, i find Ceres well balanced....but then again...i do play on Woodman
  4. BrotherLee

    Well the answer is pretty obvious really. VS and TR need to cut each-other a little bit of slack and favor attacking NC. Actually that should be the case whenever there is a population imbalance. We should also take into consideration that most people just like "a good fight" it doesn't matter where, with who(m?) or if it has any strategical purpose. If a fight is basically a stalemate, people love it.
    Remember NC care not for order, loyalty, science or progress. ;)
  5. Akeita

    Ain't happen on Connery

    Oh they did on Connery and get slap in the face, we are pretty much every faction hold a continent and keep switching around. To be honest peace treaty is only needed if a faction have as much pop as other 2 faction combine
  6. Pikachu

    We are at 29% NC on Cobalt now. :L TR being 35%.
  7. Horrida Messor

    Current situation: VS 25%, TR 28%, NC 47%.
    Ballanced, yes /sarcasm
    It's about time to throw our differences aside. 'Cmon, TR, lets carpetbomb the smurf town together!!!!!
  8. bodmans

    Well if NC comes pushing down quartz with 150 players it's indeed a very fun fight... not
  9. TheGreatOne80

    The worst thing on Ceres is not the NC overpop. I haven't found almost any good fights for like 3-4 weeks. Sometimes I play 1-2 hours on Esamir if there is a real fight not 48+ vs nobody and that's all.

    I know people fight on Indar but I've had enough of that, Indar fights mean tanks shelling spawnrooms from miles away (I play on Miller and Woodman too and Indar is the same on every servers). Too many small bases and most of the bigger ones are bad too. And you have to fight at the same 3-4 places every day.

    I don't understand why winning alerts is so important. Even if it's a dominating victory it means 10k XP. How much time do you need to farm 10k XP? With no membership and boosts and slow/relaxed gameplay maybe 40-50 min.

    I think what Ceres needs is more people and it would only happen if SOE merges servers. 4 EU servers are too much. Maybe a Ceres-Woodman merge would be OK.
  10. Robyn

    I dont know if that is a good thing, well the massive amount of VS there could pretty balence it over here out but there is an certain outfit wich actually after i heard is mostly the faction over there itself and i heard they are specialized well in zerging or so. I mean no offence but well its just ...

    Atlast when we can uphold the name Ceres after the merge.
  11. muoni

    the servers are great the way they are right now... being vanu is great on ceres... i can always count on my grenade too blow a hand full of over populated enemies.. im never at loss for good game in ceres, irespective of time and continent.. how about instead of complaining about this "issue", lets come up with a SOLUTION and post THAT letter too SOE!! .. Community FTW
  12. pmurgs

    That's not a bad summary for the state of Ceres atm. It used to be one of if not the best balanced server for quite a while, but not anymore.

    As the leader of a medium sized serious TR outfit on Ceres, lately we have been doing very well on recruiting new players so our overall numbers are up but due to the state of Ceres, we are pulling less people in our platoon every night compared to the past. Despite my posts about it's time for TR up their game on reddit and elsewhere, the NC overpop really is having a serious affect on morale in the TR which is making the situation worse. Now it's not uncommon during an alert during prime time for leader chat to be totally quiet for the whole alert. Not a single SL making an effort to co-ordinate with others. Hopefully this is only a phase and the current Ceres situation will eventually drive the TR into more co-operation than ever before... hopefully...

    To the rest of my TR brethren on Ceres I say this. If you are not part of a serious outfit, join one. Solo players do not help the current TR situation on Ceres. As for those who regularly SL for your outfit, start trying to communicate with others on leader chat. If we just give up in the face of the overwhelming numbers of NC, Ceres is worse off for every faction. I know many of the NC do not enjoy the current situation either as they are struggling to find good fights. And if you are part of the fourth faction, stop logging in as NC on Ceres! Oh and Esamir and especially Amerish... TR needs far more numbers there during alerts. This game is not Indarside.

    One thing the current NC overpop has done is made me understand how tough it's been for the vanu on Ceres who have pretty much always had lower numbers than TR and NC and have always been fighting an uphill battle.
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  13. Konfuzfanten

    Pretty much this, when there isnt an alert on Ceres the pop is around balanced, maybe 5% pop difference between NC and TR/NC.

    But as soon as you get an alert, 5% of both VS+TR switches sides to NC.

    At least TR-Ceres in general tries to do something, normally holdning 1-3 locations, while vanu is just an bad joke on Ceres, has been like that for ages (ZOE masked the problem). But dont worry, someday the NC outfits will get bored/collapse and TR will raise again! Or the devs will buff the striker ;)

    Last weekend, saturday evening, we(TR) had queues on both indar (around 30 or so) and on easmir (a handful). So no, server pop is fine, the problem is that waaay to many switch side when an alert starts.
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  14. Bortasz

    Come to play on Woodman, and join KoTV... And that tell me about poor vanu.
  15. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Look at the bright side. You shoot completely random direction in a fight, you are bound to get an NC kill during prime time on ceres.

    Must be fun for NC shooting all those spawn room shields day after day.
  16. Santondouah

    Please come and visit Ceres NC. I'm sure the average Ceres TR is a genius as compared to our fellow NCs !
  17. Santondouah

    Actually it's not, some Ceres NC outfits get bored of this situation too. Many of my guys are considering creating a TR or VS alt ATM. I already did actually.
  18. Serafine

    Well, Amerish has in some way always been the home continent of Ceres NC. They even have an outfit that is ONLY playing on Amerish (LHOA) whether therer a re enemies or not.
    It also has to be said that if there isn't an alert Esamir is usually dominated by the VS.

    You should try VS. Seriously.
    VS on Ceres is in a HORRIBLE state. We have like 3 good outfits (UVG, DORA and VESP) that have high strategical awareness and are capable of advanced tactics and rapid redeployment.
    The other big outfits have just one "tactic" - throw more people into one area than the enemy, and if they do not completely outnumber their foes they still fail most of the time because they have zero coordination.
    And then there are the 6000 people caught in the dead outfits XMAN, ZAID and VEP (although VEP is actually doing some squads lately), some of them got recruited right away from the warpgate at lvl1 and do not even know they are in an outfit (this is especially true for XMAN which should be disbanded by SOE ASAP).

    Possible solution: More playing/recruiting from the small outfits and tutorials for proper leading within the bigger outfits. Nothing can be done about the dead outfits but they will hopefully starve some day because players realize it is **** to be in a dead outfit.

    Also VS has an extreme tendency to zerg, ghostcapping a single lattice lane with 48/80%. Strategic awareness of platoon leaders is extremly low and flexibility nonexistant. Most platoons just zerg down their lane without ever looking at the map. I don't know what people drives to do this, it seriously can't be the pathetic 250 XP they get after 5-7 minutes standing around waiting for the base to cap, when they could instead make 300 XP for just killing/reviving three guys in another location that isn't a total ghostcap.
    And while they stand around at some remote watchtower picking their noses the VS looses the rest of it's their territory down to the warpgate.

    Possible solution: Well, learn to play. Look at the map, split platoon when you are zerging a base and do NOT walk with the random zerglings. Just go to a different lattice lane. Learn how to assault bigger facilities properly and learn to see when an attack is pointless and it's better to go elsewhere (no 3 hour VS noob farming hour trying to take Vanu Archives from 70% NC).

    Then, everybody is complaining about TR/NC tank zergs but nobody (except DORA) is using the Lancer, the single most powerful long range AV weapon in the entire game.
    That may be due to the absolute lack of coordination within the VS (the Lancer is a team weapon) and the fact that outfits like the foundation, which have no clue about how to handle this weapon, tell people it is crap (seriously, please learn how to charge/lead it properly and how to focus fire instead of just burst-firing it at random targets like some sort of LMG - if ANY other outfit has the potential to successfully use this weapon it's TFDN).
    There are many good spots, especially on Indar (Biolab pads, Tech plant towers, Excavation site/Quarz ridge/Hvar Northgate, Broken arch road/Xenotech labs, Rust mesa lookout) where a squad of lancers can absolutely wreck entire tank columns that are stupid enough to try a breakthrough.

    All you need is an elevated position (preferably with a Sunderer or spawn nearby), a high-level beacon for each squad, 2 engineers for ammo (preferably with AV turrets so they can participate in shooting), some AA (2 Burster MAXes if possible or 2-3 Nemesis/Annihilator), 2-3 medics (if there is no Sundy/spawn nearby) and the rest all HA with Lancers (if in need Lancers also can be used as AA against Libs and Galaxies). It's really that easy.
    But that would require coordination, something that is barely existent even within most outfits of the VS.
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