Trying playing this way

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AirHarper, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. AirHarper

    I suggest to people who want to make all these change to the game to play like this.

    Dont look at your stats. Play the game to take a base. Play to take a territory. Defend a base.

    Do everything in your power to accomplish an object.

    Join a squad or a platoon and work with them to accomplish something.

    If you die so what. Die trying to take a max out or a tank. If you dont get him the first time try again but do what you can to stop the taking of a tower.

    Dont worry about stats. They will come to you soon and fast.

    I am not saying PS2 is a perfect game by a long shot but if we change the idea of how we play the game I think it would go a long way to making the game better
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  2. Sandpants

    This is what I don't understand. Never have.

    It's like "try playing chess on a tic-tac-toe 3x3 board".
    It's dumb.

    I'll cap bases when there will be a reason to capping bases.
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  3. AirHarper

    The whole game is about taking bases.

    Yes improvement is needed in the department of why are we taking bases and to what purpose, but right now that is all we have.
  4. Hatesphere

    I see it the other way around, people right now are throwing darts at a chess board because they dont want to play chess, even though the pieces are there.
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  5. Sandpants

    People are far more likely to do what they are rewarded to do. More so in a game.
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  6. Ronin Oni

    I PTFO and get certs just fine.
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  7. VanuSovereignty

    The game is certainly not about taking bases right now. Taking bases gets you a pathetic amount of certs compared to getting kills. Getting certs is the only goal of the game right now.

    That may happen, but are you getting those certs from capturing the base and providing utilities like sunderer spawning and radar darts, providing AA, or from killing enemies.
  8. Gustavo M

    That's nice of you to say that, OP, but you forgot to add that trying to cap bases BY YOURSELF is pointless, dumb and should be avoided at all costs.
    (Unless you are a satan incarnate pump-action-wielding Heavy Assault with 4 medi-kits and superb reflexes enough to wipe a whole squad by yourself.)
  9. MrHenderson

    Yes, the game is about taking bases.

    No, attacking a base with 48+ with 3 people defending is not fun.

    Your move.
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  10. TheBlindFreak

    That's how I normally play...

    I play where I feel it will best help my allies cap territory.

    Squad play:
    VCO usually plays the objective. Capping territory and defending our own territory.
  11. Prudentia

    The problem is not that people don't care about bases.
    they don't care about challenges or proving their skill. that is to themself, accomplishing something they couldn't do before and be proud of it, not running around in the forums with your BR100 sig.

    this morning i looged into Miller when i had a bit of time. i joined the only VS/TR fight. roughly a 20v20
    with 3 prowlers, 2 lightnings, 1 Lib with 2BR100 from an EmElGeh Outfit and 2 Mossies.
    after 10 minutes of running trough explosions i asked them if they wanted to play a shooter or the most recent Sherlock holmes point'n'click and got told that every faction does that.
    So i continue to run around with a Pulsar C w/ Laser/Suppresor/IRNV, Underboss and Shades, while others just want to feel like they are great without trying.
    I'm Lazy, like really lazy IRL but if i didn't earn something, i get whatever cool stuff there is, it just doesn't give satisfaction. and i guess that is true for most people. especially for those who complain that this game has no meta or 'nothing has a deeper meaning'. Just TRY! do you need the game to teach you how you can have fun?
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  12. LegioX

    Until you get more XP for defending or capturing a base, people are not going to give a crap. I can get more XP by killing 2-3 sundies in 10min in a tank, than i will defending a base and holding it in 2+hr of gameplay. Thats the problem.
  13. Raraldor

    That's what I do all the time. My outfit does sometime camp in the spawn in rare and extreme cases, and while they do that I'm rushing outside and running to the point furthest away from the enemy spawn. It's just how I play, and I die lots because of it, but neither side is really wrong. Either there is nowhere else to fight so may as well stay and get certs, or rush headlong and maybe kill a couple people just to die and reset, or kill absolutely no one and die 2 seconds after leaving spawn. It just boils down to what is fun to people.
  14. zukhov

    You mean something like this?
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  15. Raraldor

    Well now, that's not even true lol. Defending bases for 2 hours will net you at the very, very, least 30 kills, which get you more than enough points than you'd get for blowing up 3 sunderers
  16. Akeita

    How to have fun ? Learn to fly an ESFs, might not as much kills but it's fun.
  17. AirHarper

    I do agree that PS2 needs a few things to help this,

    1. A better command structure. Something for commanders and squad leaders to give orders.
    2. Better objectives. With capping maps I think the will help with giving better objective to people to attach and defend
    3 Better map layout. Have bases Further apart to allow for more LAND combat.
    4. Better base layout that to allow for better defense
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  18. TheReaperKing82

    That was epic and certainly what this game is really about. I totally agree with the OP, play the game to take territory and not just to farm people. I get much more satisfaction from whooping *** and driving the opponents back than just killing people. I think there should be some sort of bonus XP for taking objectives that your squad leader has marked. They did this when I was playing MAG for the PS3 and it encouraged people to coordinate and stay together because you got rewarded for doing so.
  19. Tuco

    There sure are a reason to attack certain bases. Just found out that if you're taking a biolab, a percentage of your XP goes towards boosting your personal infantry resources; amp station air resources; tech mechanized resources.

    Unfortunately what I need the most is infantry resources and I hate biolabs.
  20. Alarox

    I play to win battles and kick @$$ while doing so, not to take territory.

    There are incentives to win, but not really to take territory. I enjoy winning a good fight but I don't get all excited over capping a base. Sometimes those two things coincide and sometimes they don't.