Teamkillers are completely out of control

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    The problem with that is I think it still counts against you for friendly fire, so it puts you closer to weapons lock for when you legitimately accidentally shoot your own team. I've gotten all the way to "final warning" in a couple big battles, just from idiots strafing into by rifle barrel point blank; so if I revenge kill the intentional teamkillers, I'll probably wind up weapon locked if there's a big battle soon, and then the teamkiller was just even more successful at griefing me
  2. Deus Draco

    I mainly snipe, so that's not as big a concern for me as I go out of my way to find a spot that's out of the way with little risk of some idiot strafing into my line of fire as I pull the trigger. And I like to think that knifing an intentional TKer to death gets the point across fairly quickly.
  3. ST4LK3R

    If someone tk me for fun, I usually tk them repeatedly until I get weapon locked and ask them if it's still fun. I suggest you do the same, OP. There a few rules that I follow.

    - Don't involve when someone who tk another VS in front of me unless the victim is my friend.
    - Don't take revenge if it's an accident. (I don't even get mad any more if someone run me over.)
    - Own up your mistake using text chat if you shoot/kill an ally accidentally. Res them if there's a terminal near by.
    - Don't get mad when you try to spawn camp the enemy and get killed by friendly tanks who are shelling the spawn room.

    These days I mostly get tked from HAs using launchers to kill tanks because using C4 is more fun for me.
  4. sucoon

    sometimes the deathcreens bugs and shows wrong killers or dmg. i often got c4, by factionmembers for kills i havent done, flipping magrider and other stupid thing. i notice the frensh are most agressiv in teamkilling. don't know why.

    also you have stupid ignorant players which are running in your supression fire or between you and your enemy. especialy when i used lasher my weapons often got deactivated.

    killstealing is the other thing, for example: "oh lock, someone places c4 at an enemy sunderer, i should fire a rocket after he placed the 2. to get the kill" that happend to me up to 5 time a day. at this time i startet TKing back.
  5. uhlan

    TKing is ridiculous, but not epidemic.

    I will not name names and my story is pure anecdotal; take it as you like.

    Yesterday in a long battle at a base on Indar, I killed a lot of people and really ticked of more than a few of those jaded souls who aren't used to dying so often.

    One of these persons came back with his high lvl alt, walked up to me and one other racking up kills and tk'd us both. Now, normally I would just take this in stride, but since I happen to KNOW who this persons alt is, I thought I'd tell this story.

    1. Many, MANY of the folks you kill on purpose or by accident who are high level will do this to "put the upstart straight!" as some sort of revenge.

    2. Some of the TKers are bored and have little to do, but are from the other team trying to clean out the spawn.

    3. Your fellow teammate, tired of your crappy game-play decides to TK you in order for you to get out of the spawn. Makes no sense until you realize this little Napoleon in his infinite tactical wisdom thinks doing so will cause all sorts of good things to happen including taking the base back. Really, he's just frustrated that you don't do what he wants and instead of crying and stomping his feet, decides to kill you to make himself feel better.

    Remember who plays these games folks, there is ego at stake here and this is the internet after all.
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  6. Giggily

    I feel as though I should be able to freely TK inferior players without accumulating any grief points, but on the other hand TKing me should result in a temporary ban. People need to be punished more severely for being bad at this game.
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  7. Pootisman

    Protip: Look left and right before you cross the street.
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  8. Giggily

    Maybe implement cert loss for TKing better players.
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  9. Slandebande

    I agree, every time someone TK's a person from DA, that DA-member should lose 50 cert points permanently (and put in negative balance if at 0). If they refuse to gain more certs, every 100certs into the negative, ends up costing you one cert-line upgrade (starting with the 1k ones of course).
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  10. Giggily

    I said better player, peasant.
  11. Slandebande

    Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were just writing gibberish :p
  12. Rogueghost

    In an hour session I get Tk'd maybe twice and TK maybe 1 guy by accident, it isn't really much of an issue.
  13. DQCraze

    Throw in the lib/gal flipping at the warpgate biggest waste of resources in the game. I have no idea why the game even allows this it shows the blatent stupidty of the dev team who Im beginning to think encourages teamkilling.
  14. oherror

    I play on connery TR and havent had much TKing. When i played NC you would get tked alot by higher level players for not playing how they think you should. The BR100 like to use C4 on people too...those are the ones you need to report. Eventually they get banned and it hurts.
  15. equinub

    Simply influx of new lowbies without kills.

    They get very trigger happy, especially in spawn rooms and around shields.
  16. Cthulhu

    Problem is differentiating people who TK on purpose and when a dozen idiots step into my line of fire. I'm so sick of these idiots that step in front of a my turret or LMG when I'm just sitting there shooting nonstop and they suddenly feel stepping in front of a stream of bullets is there best course of action.
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  17. KatieCross

    Well its pretty much the main reason TK-ing annoys me, that and when they try to kill my vehicle.. But still not quite comprehending your comment at the moment, care expand on your reply a bit?
  18. Pirbi

    I got a few neckbeards that I can count on to TK me and then pretend to be bewildered at the fact I won't give them the time of day.
  19. Vinakis

    Punishing TKs is fine and great, until you have people getting punished because friendlies seem to be attracted to the stream of bullets leaving their gun. The one and only time I've been weapon locked was a few weeks back, when it seemed every TR in the biolab wanted to save the NC from the dual chaingun, lead spewing death machine. Didn't matter that I was on the front line of the battle, they just had to run out into the stream of bullets.

    Then there's also the issue of 4th faction agents. Or complete idiots. One or the other, not sure which they are, enjoys going to battles on which an alert hinges, and proceeds to blow up their own factions' Sunderers. I've seen one in particular (the most killed NC on my NC character) just sit next to the Sunderer, shooting rockets at it whenever he thinks no one is looking. He had it smoking and on fire when I spawned there and repaired it, then as I was leaving he started shooting more rockets, so it was either have myself and my squad TK him until he left, or let him blow up the Sunderer. Guess which option I'd go with if I was dealt a heavy-handed punishment for TKing. :p
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  20. aRottenKomquat

    I find intentional teamkilling to be quite rare (except for the liberator and galaxy flipping done at the warpgate). Usually I get teamkilled by tank zergs that show up from nowhere and run me over, or friendly grenades if I'm part of a push into an enemy-occupied building. And most of my teamkills are due to morons who think it's perfectly acceptable to stand (without crouching) in front of my MAX when I'm defending a capture point. They're usually dead before I can realize I'm committing friendly-fire.