So I don't want to be negative but..

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Hoki, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Hoki

    Higby's request for ideas, while its good to query your players for weapon ideas, is doing so after they designed the weapons.

    What I mean is, its already been decided the look and animation, they're bolt actions.

    If they'd have asked us for ideas for ES infiltrator weapons back before they decided that we're getting ES bolt actions, I think his query would have been a good one.

    There will be some people that buy these weapons no matter what. I'm not saying they won't get bought, I'm just saying we already have bolt actions that get the job done.

    I haven't even stopped using my SR-7, even though people piss me off by calling it Tier 2 (IT COST ME 700SC YOU SONS OF *******), i've only been inconvenienced by the 250 meter ******** at one fight where a headshot didn't kill and 2 bodyshots didn't kill.

    My idea for ES bolt actions are to.. NOT spend any effort on making another bolt action..

    Especially with this new cloak, some inf only sidearms would have been a much better time investment imo.

    I mean, that would have been my suggestion for an infiltrator weapon if you asked us this a long time ago..

    If you read any of the feedback (harsh criticism) for your current sniper rifle selection, or had been in touch with sniping in your own game, you probably wouldn't have made ES sniper rifles..
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  2. CuteBeaver

    You mean like these?
    Only one has been released as of yet...
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  3. CaptainAmeda

    We don't need more bolt actions. My Rams .50 is @#$%ing amazing as is, and I aint trading it for a gun with any less velocity.

    We need an empire specific semi auto or burst.
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  4. Tenebrae Aeterna

    This is why I suggested that these new empire specific bolt-action sniper rifles should be geared towards the future extension of the infantry rendering range. Balancing these rifles around a one-hit-kill headshot up to 350m would have provided us with something that actually fits a role...even if that role isn't yet in the game.

    I'm pleased to be getting a NS Semi-Auto though, and that may be why they wanted to make the faction flavored rifles ensure that everyone spent money on the NS Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle.
  5. Hoki

    What is this from?
  6. Hoki

    No way, **** that. Don't encourage their nonsensical new sniping damage model that penalizes based on how much harder the shot was.
    By that logic, the ES weapons should be hitscan OHK bodyshots.
  7. LT_Latency

    Lame, The bolt actions are capped out. You can only so so much with a one shot one kill weapon.

    I beat the make them just a little bit better then the current ones so we all buy the new ones
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  8. Rift23

    Anti-tank rifles would better than sniper rifles.
  9. ZillFattak

    Have to agree. They are asking the community way too late, especially considering how long it takes them roll out the update. The existing bolts are enough. There wasn't really a need for another bolt action, especially considering the lackluster concept of the TR version: more ammo? Seriously? "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn".

    Creating new semi-autos, at least from my perspective, seems pointless and a waste of time compared to the usage the new one will get. The way I see it, few people are using semi-autos (always willing to change my perspective should an army of semi-auto-users start screaming and shouting at me). Imo, the creation of these new weapons is SOEs way of circumventing the problem of having to give the class some really interesting new playstyles and options (vehicle hacking, giving infiltrators different objectives to go for while capping bases, whatever you can think of).

    Having better sights on secondaries - looking at my trusted Commissioner here - would be nice, even preferable to getting new secondaries.
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  10. BloodyG

    Gota love the variation and creatiivity , you just see at the first glimps that TRay puts his soul into his work.:D
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  11. Lucidius134

    Stop being cheeky.

    Those are all just place holders from early beta back when we had Auraxium as a _resource_, well before we had "infantry, Mechanized and Air" resources.
  12. BloodyG

    You think i don't know that?

    But look at the MagShot-Rebel, Beamer-Manticore, EM6-EM1, TR AssaultRifles, don't want to name even more but there are some other^^.
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  13. M2_Bradley

    lol...Not to mention that all the NC carbines have the pistol grip of a mag-shot....
  14. Biddion

    I'm not interested in new rifles. We have enough rifles that shoot normal bullets. What we don't have is an anti-Max rifle. When Maxes and only maxes are hit, their vision is obscured (mini emp bullets) or some other effect. Other targets just receive usual damage. Give them a smaller clip and long reload. Boom! There's your balance.
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  15. Sworaven

    Even if the rendering range of infantry is ever extended, which I highly doubt, there really is no need for that kind of range. And I don't see why they'd release a weapon next month that would be able to OHK at a range where players don't even render at the moment. I'd rather have a weapon that's more useful.
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  16. Tenebrae Aeterna

    Increased range provides further options in terms of positioning and maximizes your field of view; the greater your field of view...the better chance you have at being able to cover the entire base with but a sway of your scope. This, in turn, increases your chance to pick off more high priority targets because your killzone has been increased.

    So, increased range is always good and always useful for a long ranged sniper. I'm used to sniping from 500-1000m in DF:LW with my Barret, it was my preferred range.

    With that said, I don't expect that they'll be increasing the rendering distance anytime soon either...but I expect that it'll transpire down the road because it's been asked for enough to get an official response...that response being that they can't really do it just yet. That, however, was before they might be able to do so now.

    The reason I say that these rifles should be balanced around an increased range is because that's the new system of our sniper it makes sense to bump them up accordingly to fall in line with the system that they made. Granted, I didn't expect them to add new rifles any time soon...not bolt-action rifles at least. These models were done before the new system though, so it's likely they want to make use of the models and are just doing it now while they're working on our update so they can get it over with.
  17. DeadliestMoon

    Having them extend the range past 300m would be the worst thing ever. They should never allow players to kill other players 500 or so meters. For infantry vs infantry I mean.
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  18. ZeroErrorz

    ill take 30 round semi auto rifle like the one on CS
  19. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I really would have liked to see you try and play any of the Delta Force games, just to hear you rage... :p
  20. Hoki

    Not just delta force, this is the only game I've ever played where a bolt action headshot does not kill end of story.

    Its a mickey mouse decision they should be ashamed of, the justification was utter garbage, and building new weapons balanced around it while leaving our current in their nerfed state would be the ultimate betrayal.