Are alts a waste of time?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zephyr88, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Zephyr88

    Lets say you have a higher level character 80+.

    Do you think it's a waste to spend significant time and effort on lower level alts?
  2. Phyr

    If it's the same faction, yes. Alts are a good way to learn another factions pros/cons, and if for some reason it's on the same server, learn how the other side lives for a change.
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  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Are you and AFK1 the same person? I feel like you are.
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  4. Zephyr88

    Who's this AFK you speak of?
  5. Pikachu

    It could only be a waste if you dont like plqying the othdr factionw. I enjoy playing bothe NC and TR.
  6. LibertyRevolution

    What faction do you play?
    If the answer is not VS, make a VS alt.
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  7. Paperlamp

    Reasons to make alts/new characters:

    • Have one character be your stat-padded signature on the forums, another you play for fun.
    • Learn the other faction's weaponry, it's useful information.
    • Re-experience being a rank 1 noob with terrible stuff again, gives you an appreciation for how bad those r1-20s have it.
    • Name-change or stat clearing
    Reasons to not:

    • You may realize you hate your main's faction weapons/strongly prefer a faction you have less invested in. Ignorance is bliss.
    • Temptation to buy stuff you really shouldn't
    • Cert grind sucks

    Personally I've made like 9 characters by now - I've deleted the ones I started the game with and made new names, sometimes I wish I'd have just stuck with one but eh, oh well.

    The main mistake I've made is spending what little SC I got on stupid things that I should've just spend on cross-faction stuff and cosmetics. I own the striker, failstorm, the lynx, the serpent(before the cert cost change ugh) and regret all of these purchases. I'd trade pretty much all of them for a commissioner and some less stupid looking helmets for my characters.
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  8. Tommyp2006

    Unless you are making an alt of the same faction on the same server, I would not say that they are a waste, they will just slow you down on leveling and certing your main character.
  9. Ronin Oni

    waste? no...

    not if you are having fun it's not
  10. travbrad

    Not at all. More alts means you are more likely to be able to find some good fights between one of the servers/factions. During primetime Connery is usually too zerged to even be fun (plus NC pop is too high). Lately I've been playing on Waterson or Matherson during primetime and it has made the game so much more fun for me. The VS on Waterson seem to be much better players than VS Waterson as well. They actually re-deploy to defend bases and give revives/ammo/etc
  11. bPostal

    If your main server is dead then an alt can be fun to **** around on. Not to mention that once you hit BR 15, there is no reason, at all, to care about BR (other than the fact that it's a number that you can make larger).
  12. Kazet

    Why 15?
  13. Bhudda V1

    always a good idea to try out the other factions to get a feel for them and see their weakness and strengths and if you think something is op try it out and see how much skill it takes to use and don't come to the forums until you have played with such op weapons for bare minimum a few hundred kills to complain about them please.
  14. Camycamera

    don't worry, it's just a silly forumsider who posts silly posts. its just recently that he posted a new thread saying the NC tank is the best, and then straight after posted another thread saying that it sucked and was the worst tank in the whole game.

    dont worry though, this question isn't really stupid.

    anyway, i'd say that if you have unlocked everything you want on one faction, make an alt on another. when i reach BR 100, i will probably make an NC alt to play on, but still play on TR as my main char. and then after NC, on to a VS char.....

    but by golly that will take me years.
  15. RHINO_Mk.II

    Someone else who also cannot use the search function and insists on spamming threads every night.
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  16. Killuminati C

    Pointless? I don't think so. With the current overpop of NC on Connery I've been playing VS or TR depending on who's hurting for population more and I've been having a lot of fun doing so. I do miss playing NC though as that's the faction I identify most with :(.

    My VS started out on a different server and then it got merged and then I started playing TR because unless it's early evening on the weekend they always seem to be hurting for players.

    My take on it is as long as you're not jumping ship to the most populated faction thereby making a well known problem worse then it's fair game.
  17. nonrg1

    if im having a bad day with my main character i switch over to an alt. so i can have a little fun
  18. LT_Latency

    With the insane grind this game has, I would never make an alt. I have my one guy and I stick with him so he is loaded up with gear
  19. Posse

    Are you having fun with that alt? If you do, then it's never a waste of time, simple as that
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  20. SevenTwo

    Think you'll have unlocked all three loadout slots for your character's classes and vehicles by then.
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