Has bullet drop increased on bolt actions?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by TechNecro, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. TechNecro

    So I was in the VR training room playing around with some different sensitivity settings when I noticed that 230-250 meter shots using the Parallax and 12X scope, no suppressor is requiring around the first mil dot to headshot targets, and around 280-300 meters is requiring slightly under the first mil dot to land a headshot.

    This used to be aim directly on the crosshairs to land a headshot all the way up to around 250 meters and then approaching 300 meters you had to aim using the first mil dot.

    I did notice I was having difficulty landing headshots earlier out in the field but I blew it off as mouse sensitivity since I've been derping around with it a lot lately.

    Anyone notice this? Is it just me or did I miss a change in a recent patch?

    Not that it's a huge deal I'll just have to make some minor adjustments to my aiming.
  2. BloodyPuma

    Last patch they changed fov [which was changed due to FOV bug 2 patches ago]. Fov do interfere witch the stretch of the x12 zoom, thats why you felt little bit off target.
  3. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    I think the bullet velocity on all Ba was reduced slightly - 50ms- ( i don't know exactly so don't quote me on it ) as were the reload timers.
  4. TechNecro

    OK thanks for the clarification. I was wondering because going from dead on aim to having to aim with 1 mil dot at around 230 meters is a huge change indeed.
  5. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    or i may be confusing with the damage reduction eh i don't even know my self anymore, but yeah, each tear feels slower to me also.
  6. BloodyPuma

  7. TechNecro

    Does bullet velocity have an affect on bullet drop? I know realistically it would but in terms of PS2.
  8. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Hmm i checked through the update notes from before, it doesn't say anything about bullet velocity so I was confusing it with min/max dmg drop off. But as Puma said it may be then to FOV 'bug' - but again, didn't they recently fix the FOV bug. Yet bullet speeds feel bit different.

    Eh lol I don't even know wth is the reason anymore :D
  9. TechNecro

    Looks like I'll just have to make some on the fly adjustments for now =P

    It would make for a more dynamic experience if bullet drop varied more greatly per distance. Not anything as bad as with a suppressor though. Before unless you were aiming in the ball park of 300 meters putting someone's head between crosshairs and your first mil dot would land a headshot but it seems to be a lot more varied now between increments ranging from 230-300 meters.

    I do remember seeing some talk of headshot hit boxes being a little too large. Did they make any changes to this?
  10. Darkelfdruid_LOL

    Well from testing on VR recently and actually shooting some people a mere mm from a head and missing in real combat, I would think it's fixed.

    Yet....today I shot a guy running away behind a corner in the *** from what I seen and it registered as a headshot lol

    So I would guess the hitbox isn't fixd.
  11. asdfPanda

    Those adjustments are pretty much what I'm using for the RAMS.