Conner VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ikillyou1990, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. ikillyou1990

    How can anybody stand playing VS on Connery? The team killing is absurd. Liberator pilots allowing their gunner to fire at friendlies (no not accidentals, intentionally firing at random friendlies). Infiltrators sniping friendlies, heavy assaults shooting rockets at friendlies, tanks and sunderers mowing down groups of friendlies, etc. From what I've experienced after starting my VS character on Connery, I take more friendly damage than I do enemy damage.
  2. Jygal

    Can't say I've had this problem on Connery VS. Maybe just a bad day?
  3. PWGuy93

    PU02 mad a major impact on Connery as a whole, I rarely log in any more.

    The Vanu used to own the evenings, now they can barely keep the grids next to their warpgates.

    NC population sky rocketed with PU02, players I've talked to said they got fed up with the East Coast servers.

    Team Killing, ya, report em all you want, in game GMs seem to be scarce these days, thus rampant team killing.

    Connery isn't a pleasant experience anymore.
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  4. ikillyou1990

    It is this way every time I log into my VS account. I'm only at BR 15 but that's plenty of time to figure out Connery VS are the worst team killing faction on the server..

    Connery hasn't been a good experience since Helios merged into Connery..
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  5. Wizz

    Can't say I have this problem, but I get the occasional br 7 who thinks it's cool to rocket spam rushes to get a kill every 2 min....they hit you i. The head sometimes from behind.
  6. Daedalus272

    I don't see it. Maybe it is your own behavior getting you killed rather than the players shooting.

    Are you running in front of Anti-Vehicle turrets/Anti-Infantry Turrets? Guess what, I may or may not stop shooting and you face the consequences of those decisions.

    Are you running into a room we are using suppressive fire on? Guess what, you get suppressed as well.

    Are you running in the middle of the roadway? Much like real life learn to pay attention or you are road kill.

    If I am engaging an enemy and you run in front of me, well you get my extra bullets because I am not going to have both of us killed because I don't know how good a shot you are.

    Are you standing near the enemy? They tend to attract VS bullets and shells.

    Instead of blaming everyone for TKing you, examine if you are doing things that are getting you TKed. This isn't to say there aren't some people who intentionally TK you, but I find them very few and far between. Most of the time, I understand why I died to friendly fire and move on.
  7. Lewk

    You are describing the same thing that can/does happen with any faction on any server. Broad and sweeping generalizations about THOUSANDS of players that play at different times throughout the day/week. Trying to lump an entire faction from a particular server into a barrel and say "they do this" thing is just silly.
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  8. JustARandomNobody

    I have played all three factions. My last faction to play was VS, which I now currently play on Connery. Not sure what it is, maybe its just the demographic of some of the players that the VS attract. There is insane amounts of team killing. Hordes of players that cower inside spawn rooms refusing to leave and fight out of fear of hurting their KDR or something. They just sit there shooting out the doors even when the fighting is at its best and the battle can still go either way. The vast majority of medics and engineers are extremely unhelpful almost to a trollish degree.

    Now when I played NC and TR they had a lot of bad players as well, but they were bad in the trying to help the team no matter what kind of way. In VS that doesn't seem to be the case nearly as much. It is a lot more just people out for themselves. The result is that VS usually loses fights on Connery unless they have overwhelming numbers. I see coordinated groups of NC and TR players all the time, but I almost never see any coordinated VS groups :(
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  9. TheFamilyGhost

    Don't rage. Engage.
  10. I'mNotDarian

    I'm a VS on Connery and I haven't been intentionally TKed for the past 2 months, the last time I got TK'ed was when an ally didn't like my name so he wanted to kill me.
  11. ikillyou1990

    Never said intentional team kills. The fact that I am taking more friendly damage than enemy damage is sad. It's because very few people are smart enough to stop firing when they hit friendlies..
  12. Killuminati C

    I played my VS alt for a couple hours tonight and never died to a friendly once. Big fights where we were outnumbered on Amerish too so... Maybe you just had a couple of bad sessions then?
  13. I'mNotDarian

    I also don't think I've been accidentally TKed in about a month, and when I do it's most likely my fault as in not noticing ally harassers or flashes or something
  14. innersphere1

    when i drive i always slow down when i see friendly around but not everyone do the same
  15. Brahma2

    I kill a lot of team mates... sorry.
  16. Halon

    Factions are more equally terrible than people experience, IMHO.
  17. PWGuy93

    Have reported the same player multiple times, not focusing on TKing me in particular but anyone and everyone that enters a spawn room that isn't outside. Kind of shortsighted considering most players on the three occasions I saw this had just revived into the spawn room after being out in the fight. This intentional TK player would place prox mines and shoot them inside the spawn room while telling everyone how they should play the game. Serious anger management control issues with this player, should seek counseling in RL before they harm someone or themself. /Reported in game, used the service ticket system on the website and even got a response from support saying they saw this person TKing. The player disappeared - for a day - and was back at again and still persists in telling others how they should play. The worst part, the player used the /yell channel to taunt the other factions in a way that isn't in line with our faction at all.
    On one occasion I busted a TKPlayer who was dumb enough to use the same player name on each of their factions with a different number at the end. Shot me with a dumbfire while I was playing a Max. Asked why, they said because it was XP and how as a TR they should be killing their enemies. Neither of us were playing TR at the time. Person logged immediately upon realizing they had talked to the player they just killed and that I wasn't his TR buddy.

    I can present story after story about bad players abusing the system and how rarely if ever we get responses in game from the GMs. They used to log in and broadcast system wide messages saying which GM was online and working to make play better, since they stopped doing that TKing has gone through the roof.
  18. AFK1

    I think the nature of the Vanu Sovereignty leaves it prone to rampant team killing

    Since VS strategy involves never leaving the spawn shield, players have little room to maneuver, and so they probably wind up accidentally shooting each other a lot. Combine this with the VS race's fascination with explosives, and well... you're going to have a lot of teamkills
  19. Phyr

    Helios hasn't been good since it merged with Genudine, and Genudine hasn't been good since it was flooded by 3KDC on off hours and ADK during prime.

  20. TomaHawk

    I see this as well. When logging in the evenings, I see NC around 40-42% with VS and TR hovering in high 20's. It's pretty stupid trying to compete in Alerts (which I don't care about anyway) when NC population is this out of whack.