Matterson, the less fun versiion of Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by mr.hanky, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Arghy

    Hahahaha that would be such sweet irony to have BCP come back as a messiah, TR would be all 'maybe it will be different this time!' 'he told me he loves me!'.

    I just dont get how a faction can hate winning so much that they turn on each other constantly. Hopefully SOE gets that bot system in place before TRs pop drops below 20% so it doesn't turn into a VS/NC fight every day--maybe if they allow you to mirror your main char over to the under popped faction with all the certs!
  2. Tycoh

    Mainly because if we didn't attack you you'd ghost cap all of our territories during alerts.

    In other words. Alerts suck horribly on Mattherson. VS always win and there is no incentive to play during alerts. Call me a defeatist but i've been fighting as TR on Mattherson for nearly over a year and i've found that TR simply can't win alerts regularly. Which is why i like to either not attend alerts or just **** the server and back to Waterson.

    People try to retort to overpopped factions with "Oh more people to shoot at and more XP for me, lol." No! Wrong! I've 4th factioned onto VS for a single month back when ZOE was still op and i've hit BR 47 in that short time through the constant alert wins and continent dominations on the Mattherson Server. After that i deleted that disgusting character out of shame...

    I'm still waiting on server transfer tokens to get my favorite character out of that poisonous server.
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  3. doogieblauser

    lol competitive this game? ahahahhahaa
  4. Hatesphere

    any player vs player game can be considered competitive, the word has simply been bastardized by the MLG crowd.
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  5. LibertyRevolution

    I made a low level noob on Matterson to see how it was over there compared to Waterson.
    I came to the conclusion that Matterson is easy mode compared to Waterson.

    Here is my lowlevelnoob character on Matterson:

    Compare that to my Waterson character in my sig:
  6. Vearo

    Uh huh.

    On topic, I (TR) find that I fight alerts not to win, but to beat VS. The respond faster to alert objectives, and with decisive force compared to what I have seen with NC/TR. The ability to field a large amount of reinforcements and not suffer weakness in other lines is massively important for Alerts, and it is something that any underpop faction cannot do.

    The only real thing that I can see that TR can improve is response times.
  7. Ghosty11

    Well you picked the Vanu on Mattherson so of course you found easy mode.:rolleyes:

    I have an NC alt on Mattherson, I generally try to fight the Vanu, but that doesn't work out too well because the rest of the Mattherson NC leave when the Vanu show up.
  8. TeknoBug

    VS about half a year ago was fun (even after TE left) because it was often the least populated, now it's often the most populated and loaded with ******** teammates. Mattherson as a whole is toxic and has been for a long time- part of why I migrated back to Connery and occasionally Miller.
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  9. DQCraze

    Stop with the pity me, all I can say is what goes around comes around, ive been there from the start and the TR were roflstomping everything in sight. NC were getting the worst beat downs ive ever seen, WG on 3 daily. I play VS and im glad I didnt move servers watching the daily beat downs of TR is something ill never miss, after all the smack talkin you guys did.
  10. Idiocy

    I like playing on Mattherson :(

    Of course, there's a few names that basically always pop up when it comes to trash talking.

    I know my name often does when it comes to whining about Vanguards and bemoaning the Magrider.
  11. BoomerMk2

    Wat? NC outpops us literally every single alert, and usually own 4/9 of whatever objective we have to cap. VS is a bit closer to TR and usually gives great even fights. But the NC zerg just tends to swamp us on every map.
  12. fr3aksh0w

    If it makes you feel any better -- On Connery, the TR are ALWAYS outpopped and NC zergs its way to victory. I often find myself playing with BR1-10 TR and against BR70-100 NC. I'm hoping that one day SOE plans on finding ways to even out the server pops so we don't see "TR 21% - NC 41%" pops anymore
  13. CommodoreFrank

    I still remember a time not so long ago where the TR didn't want to fight ZOE, and the VS didn't want to fight Vulcan Harassers. Even during a double XP event in that time, I remember seeing no conflict above 12v12 on the VS/TR border. It's not fun in the slightest, so I can relate.

    However, I never notice this supposed double teaming when I play before and during primetime, though I'm quite aware of the VS overpop at night from when I used to stay up late. There's always some kind of fight with the VS when I'm on.
  14. DQCraze

    Pop cycles on every server just a matter of if you have the patience to wait out the bad cycle. SOE cant fix this, its tough but worth pushing one character in the end.
  15. bubbacon

    Well, sadly Waterson is just as bad for TR. Ya know, I haven't even seen the VS take MAO TECH plant one time since the rotation.
    I remember when TR had higher pops, but battles raged on 2 fronts. If TR had the North Warpgate and NC the SE on Indar, NC always pushed MAO hard and many times would own it. The VS would push hard for the crown and more battles raged.

    Today we see mindless NC and VS zergs hammering TR at places like Snakes Ravine(boring)...Quartz/Indar Excavation ****** zone(boring). There are many reasons why I suppose. TR hate or maybe the VS despise assaulting Howling Pass like most ppl. I hate assaulting that base and stay as far away from it as possible.

    Wish you TR guys on Mat all the best...
  16. NoctD

    Best thing I ever did was to delete Mattherson and start over. The game is just more fun to play now... without all that needless drama.
  17. Stonewall_Jackson

    How high level was it that you deleted? What side and where did you go?
  18. NoctD

    My original character was a TR70+ when I deleted it, only reason I ended up on Mattherson was thanks to the SolTech merge. Being stuck on Mattherson with my main actually drove me so crazy I decided to quit the game and went away for a few weeks, so in the process I deleted off a BR60+ NC and BR50+ VS too.

    I went to Connery... Waterson/Mattherson merge is still always a possibility, but not Connery. I do have another VS on Waterson now, but only because I've always been comfortable and like the VS on Waterson.
  19. Tycoh

    Please no. Mattherson is bad enough and Waterson isn't as polluted as that server. We don't need to pour more water into the bucket of trash and stomach acid.
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  20. Nocturnal7x

    I agree, TR are not too bad to fight against, but somehow vanu fields two platoons at every fight. And when the NC have pop, we ghost cap amerish and esamir...

    The server is bad, been declining since TE left. Also doesn't help that the general pops are trash, the place feels like a ghost town some days.