Why does an engie turret stop a sunderer cold?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SLiCKRiCK, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. SLiCKRiCK

    If you drive over an engineer turret in a sunderer (or any other vehicle), it stops you in your tracks like you just ran into a brick wall. Its not bolted to the ground, the engineer carries it around in his backpack. IMO it should barely even slow you down. .o2 cents spilled.
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  2. Flapatax

    Because video game.
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  3. Samsonn

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  4. Prudentia

    because Debris is OP

    and the debris of Engi turrets is locked in place.
  5. CrashB111

    Better question is, why does a Tank hitting another Tank cause them both to be launched in opposite directions at extremely high speeds?

    You would think something that heavy would just grind to a halt.
  6. Flapatax

    Considering they don't crumple or explode, them bouncing actually makes sense. Maybe not at an accelerated speed though.
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  7. CrashB111

    The real fun is having a Dropod bounce and send you flying a few thousand meters horizontally. Landed at broken arch once and got flung over to Tawrich when my pod turned sideways.
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  8. Samsonn

    ...... because...

  9. Mxiter

    AV turrets
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  10. TomaHawk

    I agree with you. There is no reason for this, and it causes problems. Any vehicle that hits one of these things stops cold and is a sitting duck from nearby AV ordnance. It's stupid and makes no sense.
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  11. BEAT

    This only happens if the sunderer is moving fairly slow. If it is moving fast it will smash the turret and keep going.

    The other day I set up an AV turret when a sunderer was coming at me down a long, straight road. I was counting on it stopping the sunderer since I had seen it do so at lower speeds, so I kept firing as it came at me full speed. When it hit the turret it instantly exploded and took me out with it and kept going down the road.
  12. Hicksimus

    MANA turrets are magic in general........why does the AI turret shield resist everything 100% and if they're infinitely available, why are our tanks not covered in this infinitely available and invulnerable shield?
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  13. Syrathin

    Got a better one for you, An engineer went to set up a turret behind me and between the time that he selected the spot for and it appearing I had unknowingly backed into that spot and was instantly killed.

    Try explaining that one in any realistic way... I moved where he wanted to place his turret so he bludgeoned me with it? TR don't eff around when it comes to claiming territory. :D
  14. Pootisman

    Even better question: Why do you get FF grief points when another person rams his tank into your tank?
  15. SLiCKRiCK

    Not true in my situation. I ran into a turret yesterday at full speed (with max racer chassis) on the bridge from Crown to TI Alloys, and it stopped me dead in my tracks. =/
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  16. Hatesphere

    why can An ESF ram into a 2 tonne max suit and take no damage, but it can land a little hard and explode?
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  17. Ghosty11

    It reminds me of a mailbox that I friend of mine hit with an old 1971 Grand Prix. The mail box was a steel I beam sunk into concrete, when my buddy hit the mail box it destroy his car, and the mail box post was only slightly bent.
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  18. Akeita

    Landing, is a skill
  19. Hatesphere

    That's a quality mail box right there.
  20. Hatesphere

    and its not skillful to ram a max suit at full speed with an ESF and live? I'm not sure what you are trying to say with this. it just seems silly that you can road kill a max suit with an esf and take no damage (as impressive as it is)