Please use less Rubber in Scythe Production

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icor1031, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. icor1031

  2. SinerAthin

    It would seem as if someone has tampered with your magneto-altruic hover field, potentially causing a reversed flux in the interspherical catalyst device unit.

    The spacial xeno matrix gyro stabilization coil may also have been damaged, and in need of a replacement.
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  3. GhostAvatar

    Who are you kidding, it had a spandex wedgie is all.
  4. DevDevBooday

    Superior technology my ***.
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  5. HellionX

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  6. Brayton

    This has to be the best ******* post about a glitch I've ever seen.
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  7. Axehilt

    Yeah only an hour or so ago itZMurdA had this happen on his stream and we remarked how it's just one of those frustrating little bits of playing a Scythe. Sadly it's kinda infrequent enough (and avoidable most of the time) that there are probably better things for the devs to spend time fixing, unless it's a real quick fix.
  8. Lugia3

    When you eject from a vehicle, any ongoing actions will continue untill the vehicle "shuts down". If you bail out of a lighting with your foot on the gas, it will keep going for a few seconds before stopping. If you bail out of a Magrider while turning, it will rotate... forever.

    Basically, don't roll and eject at the same time.