Why do players like the C75 Viper better than HE Python for AI so much?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Starlight288, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Phazaar

    I'm eternally amazed when someone is trying to use the HE... It's simply a worse weapon in -every- way...
  2. Zagareth

    Oh yeah... dumb guy? How about you get your facts straight and try the Viper in the VR training (where all soldiers are in default armor) and then tell me how many direct body hits you need to kill one... ah wait, it's 3 (THREE). So does the Viper make different damage in the other areas than in VR?

    But Im wondering that the splash damage doesn't seem to exist in VR and also headshots are 3 needed to kill a soldier... so is the Viper really a good choice over the HE or HEAT?
  3. Revanmug

    Considering I made 1.7k kills in 15 hours, I don't need I need to try the Viper in VR. I know how damn powerful it is, even more now that it got a pretty large buff AV wise.

    Jesus, do people still don't know the VR doesn't have splash working on the dummies?! It's been the ******* case since release!

    And please dummy, use your brain a little. Direct hit does 400 damage + Splash is 600 for a total of 1000 which is the EH of any infantry without Flak armor.

    Can you please think just a little bit before posting next time?
  4. IamDH

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  5. Ronin Oni

    Bassilisks also have gotten buffed twice in the last 2 big updates and are probably one of the best secondary options available.
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  6. Shellana

    Yeah, Baslisks are one of the reasons I hate doing A2G these days. Individually they are not that big of a deal if you fly smart, but they are lethal in numbers and there are so damn many of them.... Nothing like flying over a battle at 500m and seeing 5+ streams of tracers coming up at you.
  7. Ronin Oni

    yeah, they're the anti-everything and not a sloth at any of them.

    More accurate and faster RoF now against inf
    Higher angle of fire against ESF
    Competitive DPS vs armor as any dedicated AV

    I've replaced Bassies on just about everything, but I'm thinking of going back and certing them up.
  8. WTSherman

    Yes, actually. Keep in mind that splash damage is still taken by infantry when you hit them directly. Since splash damage is bugged in VR (read: it doesn't register), any weapon that has a splash component will do that much less damage in VR.

    Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!
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  9. Eglaer

    Because it's more OP than the Prowler HEAT ever was.
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  10. Kid Gloves

    c-75: 6 shot magazine, 4.5 second reload. 3 kills / magazine against flak-5. Effective AV
    HEAT: 1 shot per magazine, 3.75 second reload. 0.5 kills/magazine against flak-5. Not so effective AV.

    One of these things is better than the other.

    As for bassies:

    I have been cert-ing bassies and drakes for a bit now. I have a cert'd drake on the back of my galaxy, and a cert'd bassy on my magrider. Looking to cert up the bassies on my sunderer too. Dual-bassy sunderer with extended magazines and thermal is a scary vehicle.
  11. Ghosty11

    Well if you do have good aim then the C75 is even better, since it has a 6 round magazine means you can kill even more between reloads, but yes while moving mag dumping the C75 gets kills you probably wouldn't with the HEAT or HE turrets.
  12. Santondouah

    Mostly because if you learnt to do AI duty AP style (only direct hits) the Viper allows you killing 5 targets per clip whereas python HE only allows you killing one.

    Python HE is only interesting when you know there will be huge infantry packs (spawn camp, sundy camp) or for suppressive fire (spam a capture point). In every other situations the Viper is more interesting (and I did not even talk about the much higher effetiveness of the viper versus armor as compared to HE).
  13. Taskforce

    Why is everyone talking about the viper, we all know "If they" know we like it... it will get the nerf bat ;)
  14. Shinrah

    The C75 Viper is by far the best allround gun the Lightning has. It´s probably the overall best AI gun in the game atm.
    All HE guns suffer from ridiculous reload times and have been nerfed so often that you need direct hits on anything with Flakk, or at the very least a near miss. It´s not completely useless against armor like the HE, if you find a Harrasser or another Lightning while having an HE gun equipped you´re toast. If you have a Viper you have a decent chance to win the engagement.

    So, there is literally no reason to use the HE in it´s current state.
  15. libbmaster

    I can attest that getting smacked with a volley of six rounds, whether you are in a vehicle or on foot, is terrifying and confusing.

    The particle effects build up real fast, and you cannot see a thing.
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  16. Devrailis

    This pretty much. A Viper round doesn't do a lot of damage on a front armour hit. But land 6 rounds in quick succession and most Prowlers and Magriders will bug out ASAP despite the piddling damage. That's the magic of suppression for you.
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  17. libbmaster

    And they do it without screen blur and increased cones of fire!

    Mind games for the win.