Came back after a long time.....still can't hold my interest

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BreakingGame, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. BreakingGame

    I logged back in only to discover they still have that broken resource model going...that is what drove me away in the first place.

    As soon as I ran out of resources I logged out, I don't feel like being vehicle fodder for the pay to win crowd generating resources at light speed.

    Really really surprised they haven't fixed this game by now.

    Bye again for another year
  2. Rean

    dont die in vehicles you pull? oh wait, it requires to be a good player.
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  3. NC_agent00kevin

    I like it when people who didnt like the game a year ago come back in a grand entrance to proclaim how they still do not like the game.
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  4. axiom537

    ran out of resources? sounds more like you are the problem. Sorry nothing we can do because it sounds like you are what needs fixed...
  5. nooblet91698

    Yep, another rage quit on the same type of personal problem.
    And plus, the resource model has hardly changed, so bye, and I hope you don't come back to rant :p
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    criminy crickets people!! this is a friggin CA game. if you simply cannot tolerate participating in 1/3rd of this game, then I say to you, good riddance. Im a vehicle lover. Always have been, but i have NO problem playing infantry when its needed.

    Also, if your running out of resources, AND feel like vehicle fodder, then the problem is CERTAILY you. By the time my VG dies, except in rare cases, I have fully restocked my resources. Infantry resources are the only ones i have troubles with. Also Infantry are so powerful against vehicles, that if you really feel that you are at a disadvantage, then your are, again, the problem.
  7. YouWannaGetHigh

    I could've given you a speech of how idiotic statements you make, because you can always jump into a fellow teammate's vehicle, but today I feel more like;
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  8. Revanmug

    I don't need to pay a sub to pull lightnings and farm idiots. Sure, it required a slight amount of talent and knowledge of the map but that's like any fps of that...

    Ah nvm. That's asking way too much for the common population.
  9. Camycamera

    well i'd have you know they are planning to change the resources eventually.
  10. ajma
