Do you play normal during 2x xp or furiously farm certs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChuckNorrisBeard, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. ChuckNorrisBeard

    As in play normal combat or jump on max/tank..medic tool engineer tool and farm certs crazy until it is over???
  2. Selerox

    I tend to play vaguely normally, but I do tend to run around between major fights a lot more than normal.
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  3. Elrobochanco

    Normal, but if anything I'm more spendy on stuff. Double xp is when I feel more ok about topping off the 500/1000 cert purchases. At least if I'm playing for any large length of time.
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  4. Kitakami

    Hehe. Same here. :D

    It seems harder to find a non-zergfest during double XP events though, and lag is always much worse too. I think creates a bit of a vicious circle, as infantry k:d drops towards 1:1*, players start to stay in their vehicles.

    *As lag worsens, I've noticed every enemy infantry you bump into results in you both killing each other.
  5. Syphers

  6. Bonom Denej

    Hmm, is there a 2x XP happening soon ?
  7. GeneralPeragorn

    There's one now.
  8. NC_agent00kevin

    I usually activate a boost and save certs the whole weekend until its over. Then, I go on a shopping spree :D

    This is from one of the last double XP weekends. I wrapped it up with nearly 7500 certs.


    Unfortunately, this weekend, the 4th Factioners have ruined it for me. I wont play NC if we have over 37% population. Its just not fun to roflstomp [almost] every base. When there arent as many enemies as allies, Xp is fewer and further between also. :(
  9. Bonom Denej

    Ooooh, that's why when I played 20 minutes this morning I had like 50 certs with only +37% XP of underpop...
  10. Pikachu

    I used to play cert farming with UBGL and repair sunderer all the time. Now I lost interest in that and the former thing has got so much nerf.
  11. Cougarbrit

    I play normally. So yeah, farming furiously.
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  12. Rean

    got barrage,mutilator and 2nd pounder. i am happy.
    usual 60 certs per hour converted into 120-140
  13. f0d

    exactly the same here

    i buy 1000 cert upgrades until the 2x bonus is over
  14. whitupiggu

    I buy most weapons with SC so I don't really have much of a reason to try and farm certs even during 2x XP.