SOE removing basic game mechanics to charge for their return later?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SharpeShooter, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. SharpeShooter

    hahaha w/e people like you make me laugh, you're response "nope you're wrong Im right" something a child would post, isn't it past your bedtime? lol
  2. Phyr

    Pot calling the kettle black? :eek:

    We need to implement a forumside bingo game.
  3. SharpeShooter

    They do more damage per shot NOW yes but only after everyone went nuts with SOE over it, and they nerfed the Annihilator..... clueless!

    I pay money to SOE because I enjoy the game! that doesn't mean I cant moan when they do something clearly underhanded!
  4. Taemien

    So if this is factual, care to provide evidence? I've been playing since Nov 2012, and I don't remember the Annihilator doing more damage than the Hawk or Crow. In fact I remember that being a good reason why I didn't bother getting the Annihilator.

    So Battered Wife Syndrome. Well nothing I can do about that. But at least everyone else knows that fact. But the interesting thing is how the OP derailed his own thread away from LA changes lol. He got super defensive really quick on small tangents. So I'm going to go back to my original assumption that this is an agenda and a poorly prepared one at that.

    OP wait a month and try it again. And pray I don't see it lol.
  5. Sebastien

    You're confusing their planning with incompetence
  6. uhlan

    As much as I hate to think this will happen I have to agree that this will come back as an implant for LA's.

    I guess the logic is that the average joe can't fly and aim at the same time. Much like trying to chew gum I guess...
  7. SharpeShooter

    prey that you don't see is lol so you can post more of your moronic nonsense? The Annihilator never did "more" damage but rather the same damage! That's a fact, I don't need to prove it its common knowledge, if you want to go looking through old weapon stats then fine, but I'm not.

    You have played since November 22nd last year logged over 18 days and you're only BR 58.... explains a lot!
  8. Thorval

    My friend, wait until SOE actually does something like this before you accuse them of it. By not waiting you make yourself look foolish and even more so if what you are claiming never becomes true. The best you can hope for right now is that the forums post fades into obscurity.
  9. Rawsteel

    a ****** from waterson, how unexpected ( sarcasm on the unexpected)
  10. Rawsteel

    I challenge The people who just think this is a conspiracy theory. Why would they stop ADS while jumping? the only other answer is that the devs are amateur non gamers who design by spreadsheets and ivory tower ideas.
  11. Goretzu

    I think this (flying ADS) would be very a strange idea for an implant (so I suspect it is not)

    However when they nerfed basic targetting in PS2 a few months ago now, the idea was you'd get most of that back with the Advanced Targetting Implant, I think.
  12. Tragachinos

    Yeah, appearance of the Annihilator felt like a big"**** you" from SOE to those who bought G2A/G2G lock on launchers.I can give you that. SMGs? Maybe in case of TR it's true, but not VS/NC. When Blitz was released it was worse than Cyclone (1st gen SMG). So yeah, except Annihilator/Striker fiasco SOE was quite fair with their brand new guns.
  13. IamDH

    Idk about that. Its possible that it might be an implant for the future but i think thats an assumption not a fact. I can not deny that this was going to occur with the health bars but that does not mean everything that gets removed will later become an implant
  14. LonelyTerran

    I used a biolab jumppad and it reminded why I hate this change so much.
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  15. Dingus148

    They'll pull the same stunt they pulled with the first-gen BASRs (and PA shotguns, if memory serves). They'll pull the same stunt they tried to pull with spotting. They'll remove a feature (say, spotting or air-ADS), then add a new item (only 1000 SmedBucks) which re-introduces the feature you've already paid for/used to get for free!

    EDIT: Pre-coffee reading comprehension fail
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  16. MasterCheef

    In all honesty, if it came back as an implant i dont think it would be a bad idea. It still would be a balanced feature because not everyone would have it.
  17. Shockwave44

    At least he has this. I don't see yours though.

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  18. KnightCole

    Im slow, whats the point behind the tin foil hat? Never made sense to me.....
  19. Dingus148

    Stops the government from reading/controlling your mind via satellites/fluorine/tiny robots in your fillings.
  20. LibertyRevolution

    It is a Faraday cage to block the outside signals that are trying to control your brain.