Why is NC fighting in the war?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tylerso12, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. Earthman

    So in short, the NC is "going Galt".

    No wonder NC warpgate /yell banter smells like a first semester business class.
  2. Commissar Penitus

    The "general desire for freedom" can still take many facets. Chances are it is a heartfelt desire to overthrow the TR's oppression for its working class and most of its military.

    The "freedom" probably turns into "we get to own everything and charge whatever we want for it" the higher you get into the NC's leadership. Just listen to the cringe-inducing complements you get from the NPC commander: "The suits are impressed, good work" "That's what I call a hostile takeover!"
  3. Pootisman

    to kill vanu scum
  4. Tylerso12

  5. Pingonaut

    Did you even read my next post?