Server Downtime for ESF Update January 16, 2014 6 AM PT (3 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. alien00785

    Well guys.. going off for today in europe. Nice playing today, not. Let's burn the server down... with the lemons.
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  2. RyanGUK

    It's basically what lets the traffic between Planetside 2 servers & our computers, communicate effectively. Simplest way of putting it.
  3. Yuki10

    Margaret - any chance you would make sure your team read

    I think i speak of quite a few people when i say that flying is not as much fun as it used to be because of how deadly the very top pilots are, especially with all these changes going into effect. It is already hard enough to survive against a career pilot and some of these changes will make it only harder.
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  4. cs0amc

    Yea he says with the 20 EA servers next to him mass pinging Sony....
  5. RedNuttyGuy

    you've gotta be ******* kidding me. what about LA using Jumpjets. why not just leave it, the animation for jumping while in iron sights is fine as it is.
  6. TheBetelman

    Yeah, I'm taking good advice, and whenever there is any sort of patch/update, I'm just counting on not playing for a day. Their estimated times are worse than ISPs
  7. Dewback

    Are alle Timzone servers running on one machine????
    I dont think so.
    And maybe you should think about to run separate patches for EU serves and US servers.
    its no problem for the community to wait because you have to fix a problem (**** happens to all of us) but if you start a update in Maingame time maybe all 800 million European feel a bit ignored
  8. hurtl2305

    I think this is called "Tequila Sunrise". At least if the barkeeper is a bit sloppy with the Tequila.

    Oh by the way: Hello community! ;)
  9. MAMAW

    thanks for the comment it was so fun to read it :D
  10. Colvault

    Not Luperza but I do know the technical stuff. Basically if you have let's say AT&T you have a little box with glowing lights standing upright in your house somewhere. That is a gateway. The gateway controls the internet, phone service, television service, ethernet, ect. Anything that requires an online connection or a signal from space and/or tower. A server is a thing created in PC's to hold people in, or to bring them together. A gateway issue could be a gateway crash where everything does not work, or a certain thing that the gateway cannot pick up for some reason like the internet connection. Without a gateway, no internet, no tv, no nothing. You have power, but that is sort of it.
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  11. ncDieseL

    Actually, I think some of these changes are going to make flying easier. The modified Tomcats means now I can actually approach an enemy ESF without having to worry about whether or not he has a win button equipped, AND I don't have to waste my certs on buying one myself now. Engagement Radar, this! This is going to make dog fighting a lot better.
  12. Underrun

    I remember back when wow had issues w/ at&t and no one could log in... this didn't give so much of a crap cos it was money out of at&t's pocket... mmm contracts. was only for like an hour extra downtime tho.
  13. MiSo1289

    Lol I actualy do believe this is a buff, because of the reduced lock-on time (2 seconds only now). Sure you need to keep the crosshairs on the target, but I do like that there is now a skill ceiling and I'm ussualy going to have my crosshairs at the targets anyway to follow up with rotary shots (unless I'm leading very far). So they're still #1 choice for a2a, unless you're a hellfire no-scope pro. Both of the new wing mounts are actualy ******* useless (I guess you could justify coyotes for realy close dogfights while rotary reloads, but it's almost not worth it for so little dmg) now that they've fixed them.
  14. Ryker

    Its going to be a great year I can sense it.
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  15. KW Driver

    not the OP, but after spending nearly $600 on empty promises, I cancelled, just like I would cancel anything else that didn't deliver on what I paid for (like BF4 (err 3.5), World of Warplanes, etc)... as for the broken car, since I am a mechanic I fix it myself, then I know it gets done right the first time :)
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  16. Kumaro

    Server issues seems to be the latest fad in problems it seems. Good luck with fixing it and the storm of complaints from Europeans at least should reside around now and in the coming hour as people go to sleep <.<

    Btw is a higher flight ceiling on the table for future updates perhaps??
    Right now that and some changes to ESF performance upgrades are things i really am hopping for to diversify the air game play so that more people can join in on it.

    Now then to figure out what to play on my steam list. :cool:
    Or perhaps watch some animé
    My internet is to slow to update the pts when i use the internet sadly
  17. FieldMarshall

    EU players would loose almost 2 months of gametime every year if this becomes a regular weekly thing.
    So if you buy four 7day boosters you really didnt.

    Something to think about
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  18. 69eyes

    EU servers got hit badly by overpowered fire extinguishing will help here, sh*tstorm imminent
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  19. Neuromancer

    It's scary that the college adviser's don't explain this to them. It must rank up there with interior decorator for a pay scale.

    If the classes aren't 50% math and science, or med, the student should have gone into plumbing, or something else that is in demand. They would have far better job opportunities, better pay, and never be out out of work. Everyone needs a toilet. Nobody needs another psychologist that sits around mailing surveys.

    College is a scary place, but even most state colleges don't explain that paying $100k for tuition doesn't guarentee a paying job better than what McDonald's is willing to offer. It's no shock that China and Germany are kicking butt. They actually suggest people go into science and math. Sadly, most 18 year old kids don't know that.
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  20. Excellon

    Hey everyone, i just joined the forums... It seems you guys are having a lot of fun in here xD
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