Regret in joining a faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by applecherry, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. applecherry


    I am sure some people at some point regretted joining their faction. Please share? Why did or didnt you join? For me, I wish i could start over a TR character. Since TR weapons are usually fast firing, there is a higher chance of hitting your target which it is useful for people with bad aim like me. However, since I am already high br in my NC i couldnt stand the thought of starting from scratch with 0 cert again..

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  2. Rean

    just pick weapons with better accuracy and managable recoil if your aim is a problem for you.
    fast firing doesnt mean more accurate
  3. d3adline

    Bad aim, almost a 10 k/d...

    4/10 for effort.
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  4. Tuco

    In PS1 I mostly played NC.
    So here I joined TR cause I really liked their 1 driver 4-gunner raider, and 1 driver 2 gunner prowlers.

  5. applecherry

    Erm, it a little out of topic but this is a thread on sharing experiences and not about kdr.. Anyway I have to use a 12x scope or be at extremely close range to hit anything..hence not many weapon option for me... What about you? ever thought of changing faction due to something you didnt like?
  6. Pikachu

    Seems like the double signature is gone forever. :eek:
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  7. Squeeck

    He has that k/d because he is mainly playing infil/tanking. Not that K/D says anything.

    If he would join TR because he thinks it helps killing with bad aim, then he will be disappointed.
    If I would be able to start over at another faction it would be Vanu. I would actually start using tanks again. The PPA also looks like fun. I am content with TR though, seems nice in the middle quality wise, though ES stuff is pretty boring.
  8. applecherry

    The TR tanks have 2 cannon which significantly increase the chance of hitting targes which i like whereas other faction have to make their shot counts!
  9. Tuco

    In practice you have to aim twice, concentrate twice as hard, and usually miss on the second shot.

    A terrible choice for someone like me that use to enjoy 2.5 kilometer shots with my 88 in WWIIONLINE.

    chew on that allied easymoders
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  10. Lamat

    Every faction has a few spammy weapons if thats your bag.

    I'd recommend just working on improving your aim though, a basic practice would be something like taking the SAS-R with a 4X scope in VR, face the field with all the TR and make quick snap headshots as quick as you can panning left and right. Do this every time you log in to start a session, it's also a great warmup. This will translate over to your regular gaming in time.
  11. Bonom Denej

    Joined VS because of spandex, laz0rs and purpleness. HA was my main role so I'm pretty happy with the Orion and everything available to me. I'll probably never regret my choice.

    But if I had to make another character, I'd make a NC for sure, as I think TR wouldn't feel much different overall. But I won't make a reroll, I never do. Someone would have to hack me and delete my account for me to create an other character.
  12. Wizz

    Well I had a VS got to BR 50 when I thought hmm I want to fly but the scythe is so hard to use, so I deleted the character and rolled NC. Became an accomplished pilot, managed to get to BR 86, and was living life. Then SOE fixed the reavers off set and ruined my aim. Having no where to go after hating the reaver I had intended to go back to VS,but was approached by a TR outfit to fly in competitive matches. So, I rolled TR never really enjoying it but not exactly hating it. After 94 battle ranks and no foreseeable 48v48 matches happening with a server population filled with gank squads and no fights I finally snapped and quit my TR toon. Leaving for a more populated server and finally reuniting with my first faction choice about a month ago. Got into an outfit that scrims competitive 12's and 24's and am happily 60 BR's into it. So, yes I have regretted a faction choice and started over.
  13. applecherry

    Yes, every faction has its own fast firing weapon but TR generally have more. I also tried using 4x scope and was able to hit enemies..but most of the time due to poor reflexes and in the direct line of fire.. i wasnt able to do much damage. One of the first gun I really enjoyed using is the gd7f due to its extremely fast firing but after awhile i got bored of it..Not much other fast firing weapon for NC besides smg..
  14. applecherry

    I am impressive that after all those effort you put into your VS and TR character.. you deleted them. What makes you motivated to delete and start over again after achieving high br?
  15. applecherry

    I have to disagree to a limited extend.. thought it may not necessary be accurate, there is a higher possibility of landing shots at your target more often when your weapon fire more rounds per minute and that means a higher chance to land a killing shot!
  16. JesNC

    Joined the NC is PS1, never looked back.
  17. Wizz

    I actually only deleted my VS and NC. I still have the TR but I'm never going to play it again, so if asked too I would gladly delete it.

    As for what motivates me.. I don't know. Getting that BR didn't take me long. Being an ESF that farms ESF's you get xp like no other. I think if i keep my pace atm it's only 300 hours to BR 100 on my current VS. I already have everything i use certed pretty much, and starting over is really fun actually. No one knows who you are so you aren't a target, you have better stats due to experience, and you get to see all he factions equally. Which means if I say something is ******** on one faction I'm kind of not biased seeing as how i've got hundreds of hours on NC, TR, and VS.

    This doesn't even take into account my many alts on others servers. Just those that I count as my "mains".
  18. Prudentia

    i started to fly a Sologalaxy.
    i quickly noticed that VS is the worst faction to do this.
    You have to face Prowlers and Vanguards.
    Reavers the hardest to hug aircrafts because of their vertical thrusters and the mossie is the smallest.
    Comets do rather low damage compared to falcons, pounders and fractures.
    Striker really hurts while in the air and on the ground both Pheonix and striker really hurt. you'll die due to boredom faster than to lancer.

    but screw it, more challenge more fun.
  19. Rean

    each bullet does less damage, so in the end you need to land more bullets on targets.

    you said prowler has 2 barrels so its easier to hit stuff, but do you understand how hard it is to land both of shots on same target due to recoil? if you spray and pray, yes, you land some shots due to ROF but its not enough to kill and you die anyway
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  20. d3adline

    Well ok then, I think you would be disappointed with TR weapons, while it is true that the plus 10 bullets in our carbines/assault rifles and the overall higher ROF are helpful, they also have horrible horizontal recoil on them that can be a real pain in the **** to compensate.

    What I hate about TR...

    The Prowler is just aweful, I would love for our MBT to be some sort of nimble MBT/APC hybrid, fast firing single barrel main cannon, driver/maingunner and gunner seat, 6 slots to transport infantry, AMS as special ability, deploying the vehicle would cause the main gun to become inactive.