bad night ..why can't my AP vanguard kill a sunderer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dunkman, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Kimble

    A guy comes in (maybe a noobie?) and wonders why his 1/2 vangaurd cannot kill a vehicle he fires multiple times on and HITS each time and all you do is insult him..

    Tough internet dork...what's your problem?
  2. Nhilys

    A BR 73 doesn't count as a noobie.
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  3. Kimble

    He could be new to tanks. I even think it is bull that engineers can do that..pretty messed up if you ask me.

    AP vanguards are handicapped enough as it is. Slow as molasses,,,dead in the water targets...sneak up on sunderer and still lose?
  4. Jeslis

    You got it smoking twice, and it was on fire for a good chunk.

    That white flash, -- what the poster above said is not exactly correct.

    Every single *white flash* on a vehicle, is an engineer repairing tool starting up.. At the start of your video, I count 4 flashes .. so thats 4 engi's repairing to start.. and 2 more flashes later on.. so 2 of the engi's stopped, hence you getting it on fire.

    Note; it was a blockade sundy .. 4/4 rank is -12% ADDITIONAL dmg taken from sides./front.
    so.. some math.. let's say the vanguard shot does 2000 dmg, and the sundie has 4000 life (I have no real idea)
    Lets say the sundy takes 50% reduced damage, now 62% from blockade armor.
    Your doing 760 dmg a shot to it... so about 20% of its hp a shot. (one fifth)
    I can repair 20% of a sundy hp in about 5 seconds. (4% a second, or 8.4% per 2.1 seconds. Your reload time is 2.1 (you said 4/5 reload?)
    3engineers are repairing at this rate.. which is 24% per shot of yours, that is doing 20% dmg.
    With regards to the lib attacking it, that was a shredder lib. Sundi's just got their armor buffed against *Heavy Machine guns* (Tankbuster, basilisk, vulcan, shredder, etc..)

    Don't feel bad, I've had the same experience in a 4/4 lockdown prowler scoring every hit, and burning through 80 rounds on a sunderer without killing it.
    Guess what, I didn't have a gunner for my halberd.

    The DPS needed to out kill a vehicle getting repaired by 3+engineers is very high, There is no diminishing returns on adding more rep's to something .. every single engineer is 100% (obviously the tool upgrade matters a little)
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  5. BozoDaClown

    He is mad because he hits his shots (an assload of shots btw) on a sunderer and cannot kill it.

    If I was up against that sunderer that would piss me off too especially if a bunch of mana turrets killed me afterwards like he said.

    Hell I would come here and rage!!

    Nhilys, isn't it your bedtime? or did you get your milk and cookies yet?
  6. Xasapis

    If you think the Vanguard AP is bad, I wonder what you'd think if you rolled VS instead, haha.

    Vanguard is fine. Still the strongest tank available in the game (though in this particular case, a Prowler would either out-DPS it or suppress the engineers sufficiently so somebody else kill it).
  7. Prudentia

    if he would havs been in a magrider it would have been easier. magburn to the sundy, 2tankmines under and shot them.
    the only difference between his situation and the magrider?
    in his case, both survive
    in my case both die
  8. Vivicector

    Loled at the topic. If BR73 can't see the repair flashes... That is really bad. Also, fun thing how you ignored those missiles on the fly, while you could dodge them.

    And yep, you can not kill Sunderer, that is repaired by multiple engineers. Also, it is not about Vanguard being bad (it is not!), but about a tank not being able to out-dps multiple repair tools. Seems legit.

    BTW, Shredder and TB are not HMG damage type, they are something like AP or so.
  9. Zephyr88

    Meh, Nhilys get a life bro.
  10. Dunkman

    Gee whiz people, I knew it was getting repaired.....

    It's a rhetorical question..

    The was BULL!!!! I should of been able to kill it..period..

    There were not 20 engineers repairing it what are you smoking? 3-5 tops..

    Vanny has enough disadvantages...ALREADY! There should be 20 engineers repairing it for it to survive damn straight!!
  11. Camycamera


    i took down plenty of sundies yesterday, but they had no engies repping it.

    but if i remember correctly, even 1 (or maybe its 2) engie can prevent 1 AP tank from destroying it.
  12. Vivicector

    Yea, yea... Even if 20 Engineers will be repairing it, you should be able to kill the thing... Rly... He should have been dead just when he has seen you.

    P.S. Probably the reason of some tank with the best armor, best gun and best ability has the worst stats is not in the tank...
    P.P.S. Funny thing how dedicated Mag drivers get the top gun 1st, only then upgrade the main gun and always try to get a gunner. Comparing it to tons of 1/2 Vanguards...
  13. JasonVoorhees

    There were not 20 engineers repairing it.

    Try again.
  14. Vivicector

    Guys, do you know how to read? The "even if" in the beginning of the sentence was clearly saying about the imaginary situation.
  15. ChairmanMao

    Nihlys, it was 20 engineers....sure.

    ..and i'm the tooth fairy.
  16. Vivicector

    Sunderers are a prime target for a lot of people, they are made to survive at the battlefield. There are 4 people fighting for the life of that Sunderer. If a lone 1/2 tank would be able to nullify 4 persons there and kill a Sunderer, then what would happen in the real combat, with dozens of tanks, AT infantry, MAXes and gunships? Sundy will blow up just when it will appear?

    IMHO, 4 engies are just fine to block damage of a single tank.
  17. ChairmanMao

    Nice edit. lol.
  18. Vivicector

    You are so funny. I was editting it to add P.P.S. "Even if" was there from the beginning.
  19. Vivicector

    You see that the edit is made BEFORE your post?
  20. Borusa

    Handicapped? Disadvantages? Vanguard is the least handicapped MBT out of the three. I'm not sure what kind of trolling do you guys want to pull, but it's not even funny.

    As for not being able to destroy Sunderers with 1/2 MBT while it's being repaired by multiple engineers is the way it should be. If it was like that, it'd be even easier to kill Sunderers, which would break the flow of the battle. Some fights already last just a few minutes because Sunderers are so easy to take out, if they were even easier to destroy then even less players would waste resources getting them. If anything, they should be tougher.
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  21. ChairmanMao


    The tanks are being nerfed to oblivion and this is becoming infantryside 2.

    If I want to play COD I will play COD. Or should I play counterstrike, lol.