The Ultimate Thread Dedicated to Refurbishing VS as a Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zorro, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. eldarfalcongravtank

    great job man! keep up the incredible work! as a motivation, here's my contribution

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  2. Zorro

    What is your opinion on empire-specific jetpacks? I am thinking that the VS version would enable quick, short movements in mid-air, assisting in dodging
  3. Zorro

    Where was this recorded?
  4. Epic High Five

    Oh man, I love that and I don't know why. The gun looks pathetically weak and small but that just may be my fervent SAW-lust speaking.

    If the AI turrets are to be believed, green is supposed to be the identifying color of the VS. How "uniformly dark as night purple" was settled on is completely beyond me.
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  5. Camycamera

    yes, i would love to see more unique weapons like in UT, where weapons could Ricochet off walls and stuff :D
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  6. Jalek

    Probably at a wedding. The groom chose purple.
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  7. Zorro

    Indeed, it would be greatly helpful when breaching a room.
  8. Giggily

    All I want is to look fabulous again..
  9. iRhuel

    While I admire your passion, I feel that what you're asking the devs to do is rather unreasonable, and wouldn't be good for the game (though this is not to say that I disagree with everything you say). There are myriad examples in this very game of why asymmetrical balance doesn't work.

    This, to me, highlights the main complaint I have with your vision of the game. You want a game where each gun/vehicle/class has a very clearly defined purpose and function, with very little overlap - if you bring weapon A to situation B, you will lose, 99% of the time. That sounds incredibly boring and uncompelling to the individual player. Weapon/Loadout choice and playing to the strengths of those should have some effect on performance, but they shouldn't be the deciding factor. This design philosophy might work in games of similar scale where the player controls all the elements interacting with each other (RTS), but in a game where a player takes the perspective of a single element, it only serves to pigeonhole them into a single style/mode of play where they should have options.

    Also, if I were the devs I'd be pretty insulted that you, a person with a tiny fraction of the formal training and experience (assuming you possess any at all) that they collectively do designing games, think that you know better than people who've devoted their lives to the task. I find it nothing short of naive and presumptuous when you claim that the devs "find it difficult to find time to look at the details forming the bigger picture", as if you were somehow qualified in any way to make that statement.
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  10. Zorro

    I never claimed I know better. However, anyone (including seasoned developers) can miss obvious solutions. SOE wants us to provide constructive feedback and help them make the game better, and it is our duty to do so.
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  11. EliteEskimo

    The main point of this thread though is to make the VS more cool, more sci-fi, and more unique. When compared to the other factions the VS may be in an okay spot, but there is still much that could be done to make them such a cooler faction given their potential. Especially when considering the fact that the VS are the alien/scientist faction means that all sorts of guns with interesting visual and mechanical functions could be added. Even if these weapons were merely side grades and not considered literally the best the ability to pull the weapons alone would add something cool to the game. The Lasher is a good example of this.
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  12. Zorro

    What additional suggestions do you have?
  13. Zorro

    Indeed, what Planetside 2 needs is more empire uniqueness.
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  14. AdmiralArcher

    while i like the idea of refreshing the VS, honestly you guys need to wait your turn, the VS has already had a redo pass, i played VS for a while back before my computer broke and i liked it aside from the ****tness of the Swagrider back then, and the staleness of VS guns

    but right now, the NC needs a pass badely, im just begining to play NC and i can already tell its pretty bad, and lets face it, most of the guns in the game are dull and overly similar, TR guns have that problem as well

    dont get me wrong, ID LOVE to see this level of development, but i dont think SOE is either capable nor willing to spend this amount of time refining things like this currently, which is sad, because following faction traits and styles is by far more important than getting more decals or camos, their art and design department could easily be fixing the numerous problems with the MBTs and other vehicles as well as gun design, for example the vanguard, while it looks like a modern battle tank, its turret needs to be more like the speacial recruitment reward turret, the prowler needs to look more finished (no one in their right minds would leave the hinge for the guns exposed, and offset doesnt work too much torque)

    these ideas are great, but perhaps there should also be a refurb thread on the NC ans TR as well? and devs should reallly read this, even though they wont consider these ideas..........i wish the devs would cite good ideas they see on the forums, like a best of section on FNO where they highlight a thread that they thought was awesome or a great idea and talk about why they are not going to do it (since they will never do anything mentioned on the forums except for server restarts)

    and as far as design goes, i think a VS gun with revolving automatic cylinders would be cool
    example, the nerf firefly, it would also be cool as a bullpup gun, the round part would be the battery area, and maybe it could have a heatup mechanic and the front end could open up (think of the lancer)

    oh and for a final note, i love that DOT rocket effect, it fits in perfectly with tthe idea of plasma, and i also love the splash damage idea, although you might consider relegating that for the NC and having some kind of melt or heat mechanic that damages armor, so if you heal after getting hit with VS guns in a certain way, you wont heal to 100% or your resistance goes down, since your armor has been weakened since plasma = heat, i think the inherent splash would be better for slower firing, less accurate guns so they arnt OP
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  15. Dingus148

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  16. Xasapis

    While NC could potentially need their own refurbishment, this is a VS thread. TR had their own thread and noone prohibits the NC to create a similar one. As who needs it the most, this is a rather controversial discussion. Personally, I don't think a lot of changes will happen for the NC as long as they hold the complete world population dominance. Not if balance between empires is a bigger priority than fairness of changes distribution.
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  17. Dingus148

    It doesn't matter who needs it "more", it's all open for people to discuss so that the devs have a feel for what the community wants. That way, the devs can pick it up in their own time.
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  18. Takoita

    I may not agree on some of the individual points here (lazor swords, for example), but I give a thumbs up nonetheless. More faction glavour and (hopefully) the 'armored scarab' vanu look from PS1? Sign me up!
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  19. Zorro

    Actually, NC balance should be built around quantity over quality. That would be truly asymmetric balance.
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  20. EliteEskimo

    Perhaps, but can true asymmetric balance really be achieved by the developers? Probably not, and if they attempted to do so it would probably cause much QQ by players as they attempted doing it while being a massive pain in the *** for the Developers.
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