[ VIDEO] Do not watch this!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SCOPSION, Dec 11, 2013.


    I could do that but I also want to have a PC that is going to able to run all new games. Considering the fact that I am almost only playing online shooters, buying PS4 would at least allow me to play a more cheater free game.

    I would like to be able to run bf4,bf5 COD 300 . I doubt I could do that with 500 $. Because of that maybe buying PS4 and playing all games on ( I hope 60 fps ) might be a better solution.
    Also on a PC amount of people cheating is huge. Too many " legit " players running around.
  2. Corporate Thug


    You only need a CPU, mobo, PSU(?), ram(?) and a graphics card. You can reuse your HD if you wish and start with your 4gb of ram on your current mobo. Installation is easy given the amount of tutorials on youtube if you don't know how.

    You also don't need to reinstall windows if you follow this link.


    If you want you can purchase AMD and definitely be able to play this game spending under $500 USD. I just wouldn't recommend playing a FPS game on consoles to anyone, not even people I hate. There are a few exceptions like, Battlefield BadCompany and Battlefield 1943 that were console exclusives, but I would probably still play them if they were on the PC.

    Good Luck with which ever you decide, also keep in mind that we've been playing this game with all of it's bugs and resolves on the PC for over a year, so I can imagine the rocky road PS4 players will have to endure.


    PC 4 LIFE!
  3. Kumaro

    Half of that was to my self to. I know the habit when you suddenly just stop caring and just charge into the fray o-o and as for voices everyone get strange ideas in this game at some moments

  5. Vernii

    Infiltrator can be a particularly difficult class to learn to use well, generally medic and engineer are more newbie friendly because they have methods of gaining certs besides killing people, in this case reviving/healing people or repairing vehicles/turrets/generators or deploying ammo packs. They're also a support class and generally not on the front line but still very much involved in combat, which means you'll probably stay alive longer and give you more time to explore base layouts between deaths.

    Certs are points that you gain for doing useful things, and are used to purchase new weapons and vehicle/equipment upgrades. Generally the best things to cert first are the medic and engineer tools because they will make you more useful to your team, as well as earning certs faster.

    Infantry loadouts and cert options can be accessed through the infantry terminals in spawn rooms, or through your menu (same as you used to get to the map, with the firearm icon). This is also where consumable items like grenades can be purchased with infantry resources (which replenish over time, so don't worry about wasting them).

    Finally, one thing that can elude new people some times is that after an item is unlocked with certs, its not necessarily equipped. Click the picture of whatever you bought for whatever category, and if there's a small circle next to the picture, that means its been equipped.

    Other than that, take the time to explore the menus so you can figure out what your options are. You can change continents at the center console in the spawn room of the warpgate (the dome shielded base that you start off in), and in your deploy menu as well (the hotkey to deploy is U).

    As far as frame rate goes, try finding smaller battles and see if your frame rate declines in those as well. That battle at Indar Ex you were had probably 100+ people at it, with tons of shells and other munitions being tossed around, and that can be pretty tough on older PCs.
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  6. NC_agent00kevin

    My kids are running BF4 on 350$ computers built in 2011. Granted, I built them with parts that I knew would be good for a while longer...but they are running Athlon II X2 CPUs and 9800 GT 1GB cards. They can run PS2 fine until they get in a large battle and try to gun a Lib, and those especially epic 300 man battles. Otherwise they run it great. I was also shocked at how well they ran BF4 when I have more than twice the PC and barely run it better than them. BLOPS II and all their other FPS titles run smoother than a buttered pig.

    The plus side to a PS4 is that everyone is running the exact same specs. No one bought their victory in buying better PCs.
  7. Jin Shepard

    I stopped after I saw you wanting a fight but facility defended 1, 17 certs, level 2 is a bit wierd to have if you havent found a battle yet before you started taping o_O

    PS3 ( released in 2006 ) can also run BF4, but playing a game with 30 fps is not fun for me.
    60 fps is also not that good , but buying a PC that is going to be able to run all new games with constant 100 fps is to expensive.
    Like you said your self, BF4 it not optimized very well. Same goes for COD Ghost. So even if you buy a good gaming rig there is a high chance the game will not run well.
    Also I do not know if only your kids are playing games but if you did play some online shooters on a PC you should have realized that amount of people cheating on a PC is huge ( I do not know what is the situation like in PS2 since I had to stop playing it ). The problem of course is not the PC it self but the developers doing nothing against hackers. That is my main reason why I am considering buying a PS4.
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  9. EmperorPenguin5

    Yeah. Because there is no other game that gives you more rage at the developers terrible terrible ideas when they "balance" things. Which in our case, is always taking a sledgehammer to it till its worth less than garbage(like the harasser)
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    Bump for Humanity.

    Last bump. Goodbye people. See you again in 2015.