ESF-Coyote on's a joke right?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grayson, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. S7rudL

    I assume that those are long range missiles, lead - fire - and forget?

    That might be something for me, where I would fire off a few from a safe distance and then floor it back to the WG safe zone before the average&MLG status players unleash their A2A godliness on me. :confused:
  2. Prudentia

    sounds really cool, if it was cheaper than A2AM(cause 750c is alot) than they would be a great startup for newer pilots
  3. GhostAvatar

    Think of them as lolpods that explode when they come close to an aircraft, basically a near miss now counts as a hit. Because that is essentially what they are, rockets that lock on when they pass within a certain distance of a target. The projectile is just as slow, if not slower, so there effective range is very poor. Unless you can lead your shots extremely well, or the target is just going in a straight line.
  4. GamerOS

    Has anyone noticed these lock on to other vehicles as well? Or am I just seeing things in the VR?

    Anyway, with their low ROF, low velocity and rather low damage I don't see these becoming much a problem and unless you fly in a predictable fashion it's going to be tough for anyone to hit you with them.
  5. Wizz

    You clearly haven't tried them. They aren't OP at all and are extremely balanced. All of the new ESF weapons are. They will help the casual player but not nearly enough to be able to outweigh skill.

    To be able to successfully flare these you would have to see them coming at you. If that was the case you would have ample time to actually dodge wasted flare?
  6. NC_agent00kevin

    Uhhh...I dont think you know what a twink is...pls google it. And never use it again in that context.
  7. IamDH

    No offense to whoever was flying that reaver but he was not leading at all. I havent tried the missile yet tho
  8. xArchAngelx

    shouldn't this be on the PTS section?
  9. CrashB111

    Don't know why you are making a fuss about the Coyotes.

    Every ESF will be running Guided Missiles come update since they let them engage air and ground targets with the same lock on weapon, and even do more DPS against Tanks than Rocket Pods.

    Because SOE cannot into balance and keeps giving the lone wolf pilots A2G weapons so the Liberator loses any role it might have once had.