Is NC fighting for no laws/rules?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tylerso12, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. RadiO

    IMO, lore-wise they do. Sick of the TR's b.s. curfews and marshal law after the wormhole incident.
    We understood that it would be difficult until we found a planet, but we've been on Auraxis for 200 years[citation needed] and we're sick of not being free people.
    We're backed by conglomerates and corporations who want a free market for their own ulterior motives, mercenaries and pirates working for them and a civilian body who want to be self-governing; probably a confederation like Switzerland. :p
  2. Tylerso12

    Okay, also thanks for all of the feedback guys.
  3. Kitakami

    Wtf!? I thought the NC were Space-Swedes, fighting for better moose-crash-protection in motor vehicles (see Vanguard shield), the installation of saunas in every amp station, nudity regulations at the aforementioned, and full working rights for au pairs within the imperial territories of the TR?
  4. ZeroErrorz

    TR: redcoat
    NC: the patriots of auraxis
    VS: illegal immigrant lol
  5. SirBurning

    Works for me.
    Bunch of Merc's hired by big corporations.
  6. Tylerso12

  7. ZeroErrorz

    you know you could press the reply button to reply which ever post you want..........
  8. Tylerso12

    Reply button doesnt work for me.
  9. Tylerso12

    If NC does want a government, wouldn't that mean they'd be controlled by the leader or something?
  10. Zorro

    NC does not want a government, they detest all authority. The form of democracy they desire is the worst, composed solely of mob rule, impulse, license, and chaos.
  11. Tylerso12

    Okay so this is my understanding that...

    NC: Wants the worst democracy

    TR: Dictatorship

    VS: Technocratic
  12. Earthman

    So in short, the robber barons that own and run the banks that caused the recession a few years ago, if given absolutely free reign, would look a lot like the NC.

    Scary part: there's no TR or VS in real life to oppose them, at least not at a comparable level.
  13. Meliorist

    Not really, but I suppose it's all a matter of interpretation

    NC wants a democracy. Not specifically a good or bad one. Civilian revolts don't usually plan ahead to much. And they usually get messy and may devolve into blind bloodshed.

    TR is not a dictatorship. A dictator is a single ruler that assumes all power. Where normally a government is in charge of the military, in the TR it is the military who also assumes government functions. See for more information.

    VS isn't a technocracy as they have no intention of ruling the 'technilogically inferior', they intend toweed them out. They basicacly want to remake humanity by enforcing natural selection and genetically modfying those who embrace the sovereignty. Add in some religious zeal for good measure.
  14. Zorro

    The truly scary part is that in real life some of the NC and some of the TR are on the same side.
  15. Tylerso12

  16. Earthman

    Yeah I can see that: the security-state people that want everyone to be monitored like criminals waiting to happen, and maybe even the theocratic lunatics that would want to make sure no one's doing anything naughty in their beds with the help of such a surveillance infrastructure.

    And the extra-scary part to me is that some of these real-life NC types would be fine with all this because, ahem, "they are not doing anything wrong so why worry?"
  17. Tylerso12

    I like how all of the factions have good and bad things about them.
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  18. Zorro

    I said TR and NC, not TR and VS.

    According to one's own philosophy, each of the factions could be the "good guys" while the other two are the "bad guys." The lore is one of the aspects of Planetside 2 that have been expertly crafted.
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  19. RyanGUK

    Auraxis political parties sound a lot like the parties we have over in the UK: All have downsides, none really have good sides.
  20. RenegadeHelios

    The way I see it, each faction has its ups and downs, with the ups being in the soldier's hands themselves, and the downs being via the leadership:

    The NC fights for freedom. The soldiers themselves understand the feeling of oppression and want to break out of the Terran regime. They're fighting for personal freedoms. They're not fighting for lawlessness, they're fighting for the freedom of choice. Meanwhile, the monetary gains are those leaders profiting off the encounter. The higher-ups resemble the greed commonly attributed to the New Conglomerate.

    Similarly, the Terran's soldiers are fighting to unify the empire once again. They see it as a civil war, as you might say, and they're trying to fight to bring the nation's boundaries back on track. They're fighting for unity. The higher ups want to reunite the empire under their communist regime. The soldiers want to reunite their families; the leaders want to control the populace.

    Vanu fight for human advancement. They want to further the human race through technology. Meanwhile, the leadership wishes to control humanity through religious devoutism. So on and so forth.

    That's how I see it anyway..... The people fight for right, the leaders act for selfish gain. Power to the peeps.