How many play just one faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pokebreaker, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Rogueghost

    I have NC and VS alts I play on from time to time, their entire purpose is to provide me a solid understanding of enemy equipment so I can go on an angry rant when someone says "X weapon in overpowered".
    All the TR I have killed on my alts have died in the name of science, and their deaths have not been in vain.
  2. sauna

    NC since launch in PS1 here :). I've played a lot of TR/VS as well but I've always felt NC is the underdog (as I always seem to do better with TR/VS weapons) and that's what I like. If stuff is hard and I still do good I know I don't suck, and that is pretty much what gaming is about for me, to improve my personal skill as well as teamplay skill, aside from the social aspect of course ;).
  3. Konstantinn

    I played NC almost exclusively since launch, had a TR below lvl 10 just to try out weapons and see what they're like. Moved to exclusively TR now. It's more about server dynamics, i don't feel like NC have their act together on Mattherson right now. Too many chiefs, and they hardly even talk to each other. TR is only slightly better in that regard, not by much though.
  4. Jolanar

    I actually started with VS. I have a BR 13 on Waterson (Jolanar) but had friends who chose TR. Ever since I started my TR character I have exclusively played TR. I guess that means that I am a TR only player then :)
  5. Mhak

    Only Space 'Murica for me.

    Tried out TR/VS at/before launch, never stuck with them. TR seems like a bunch of keyboard commandos and VS are just a little too into Species. I prefer watching drunk reaver pilots flip over friendly libs onto buildings, and subsequently get shot down by the enraged lib pilots from the rooftop after their gunship burst into rubble. I saw this episode only last night and felt a warm, fuzzy feeling reminding me why I love the NC.
  6. TheShrapnelKing

    I'm a cheap *** who doesn't buy anything so I have to unlock everything the slow way. I can't afford to make any other characters if I want to unlock everything I want. All my certs must go toward that, so not alts for me.
  7. Locke

    I play exclusively NC. Working on my second BR100 right now ;). I have a few TR and VS alts but I just dont really like the feel of those Empires even if I envy some of their equipment.
  8. VSDerp

    I play vanu faithfully. I only played TR when my outfit played it for a month on mattherson and i will soon be playing NC since my outfit will be playing NC for 2 weeks.
  9. Forkyar24

    I only play one faction.
  10. JorgeSarcos

    I only play VS
  11. Nintyuk

    Live free in the NC! I play Planetside 2 for my character, I would never want to play on another one as then I wouldn't be progressing with my main and I would have to work on unlocking a whole bunch of stuff again. Plus the NC lore appeals to me.
  12. Culture

    One faction per server (minus Briggs and Ceres) but an equal distribution overall (2 TR, 2 NC, 2 VS, 1 each US and 1 each EU, men in the US, ladies in the EU :D ). Which server I play on depends upon the time of day I'm playing and my mood. I decided early on that I didn't want my characters of different factions to impact each other, but I couldn't deny the allure of each of the factions, either. While I tend to trend towards VS personality-wise, I relate very much with TR and NC at times as well. I really like that the factions are multi-faceted enough that each speaks to a certain part of me. I don't really hate any of them, but I also am not a fan of the 4th faction so I stay loyal to my chosen group on each server. I do strongly believe that the efforts of one of my characters should not be offset by another.

    That being said, I am a clinical scientist IRL and my favorite color is purple, so if they merged all the servers tomorrow and forced one faction, I would be Vanu all the way.
  13. Archiadus

    I only play one faction and every time I see someone from my faction playing for the enemy they become public enemy #1 and I'll keep attacking until they die, especially when I'm driving around in my skyguard. :p
  14. St0mpy

    TR for life!

    My mains are TR, I just have two VR alts, an NC and a VS for weapon testing. Theyre both <10, Ive tried to play them but they just feel wrong so they live in the VR all the time.
  15. BloodyG

    Have VS/TR alts, i play them only if Ceres is a ghosttown or to test weapons.
  16. Tiedemann

    I've only played NC. I've started a TR char on Woodman and I think I might like it. Hate the iron sights though :p

    I think I'll need to jump between two servers/chars more often later just to mix things up. Woodman looks a bit too much like Cobalt though so not sure that was a good idea (too much spawn camp or be spawn camped).
  17. Kunavi

    You really expect the majority of 4th Factioners will come out and say they jump Factions?... Some will. Most won't.

    That said I play Woodman, TR. Nothing else unless it's for educational purposes so to speak. If I could change Server, I would instantly. But I'm not starting over.
  18. Ac3s

    <------ TR Only since launch

    Its just my style, on any game I prefer to have one char and stick with it until the very end.
    When I create another char its because of boredom and it wont take long for me to just quit playing after that happens.
    • Up x 1
  19. Ragmon

    VS all the way, tho I have a TR and an NC char on 2 randomly chosen server so I can confirm my suspicions if needed.
  20. TheStink

    It's subjective. Your characters are a result of your choices. How much loyalty is placed on each comes from you. So what you're saying is; if I created an NC and went and blew up an NC sunny to help the Vanu attacking, then I personally didn't break any loyalty to my Vanu brothers because the character is the one loyal to the faction, not me. It's how those alts are played that creates the loyalty issue, not just playing alts.