smedley wants feed back on Ps2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Villanuk, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. UberBonisseur

    At least Maggie is trying.

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  2. Luighseach

    It's not about the model of the Reddit forum its the people on Reddit. Anyone can use both but most flamers tend to use the official.

    Pretty much posts like yours does not really happen as much on Reddit(just an example not hating)
  3. Blarg20011

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  4. Tuco


    Step 1) PS1 cloaking AMS (the vehicle not a cloak mod on a sunderer), remove AMS from sunderer.
    Step 2) PS1 CE from when the game first came out: 20 mines, 10 spitfires, 10 motion detectors per player.
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    i dont even believe that is smedley himself who posted. probably some random SoE guy that has the "reddit connection" and works under a smedley pseudonym
  6. Tuco

    People who don't even play MMOFPS, or barely play them once a month, should have no creative input at all.
  7. Giggily

    Unfortunately SOE's balance team seems to disagree.
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  8. Tuco

    Well if there's one thing I have faith in MMO developers, it is balance; balancing until everything Is completely, heat death of the universe, infinite entropy, homogenized.
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  9. Borusa

    You want a reason why isn't this topic full of feedbacks? Because nobody of the staff members bothered to post it and a great deal of players would've never heard of it if Villanuk hasn't posted it.

    Do take a look at the topic about monthly subscription for example. They asked for feedback there, they got 46 pages of it with lot of pretty good opinions.

    Now personally I'm never reading reddit, but if you told me there wasn't whining, trolls, et cetera - I would not believe you.
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  10. Nocturnal7x

    yea, there are no useless clutter posts, no toxic rhetoric, no off topic posts ect on reddit.
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  11. Halcyon

    Wait...they want feedback from users on a 3rd party social media website that may/may not have anything to do with PS2, but people that actually have SOE accounts and post in the PS2 forums aren't included in this request?

    Seems totally logical.
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  12. Bankrotas

    Wait wait, that AMA, that never officially came to official forums?
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  13. Bankrotas

    Of course they probably don't. Calling reddit crappy in serious manner would get you downvoted immediately. As much as I read on reddit, it has same amount of flaming as here.
    Thing is, the flaming here is fueled by devs not treating official forums as "syrup"
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  14. Luighseach

    Like I said you don't see as many of the flamers on Reddit(because of the point above) so they tend to come here more often which is why Reddit is used more.
  15. Jalek

    Imagine that, people who play the game head to official forums, while the dev fans follow them around the social networking internet sites wherever they are. Said people are also likely to be blowing sunshine and sugar anyway, then the man in charge tries to give a presentation at a live event and all the positivity and praise is meaningless when the game doesn't play well, resulting in a roadblock on the roadmap.
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  16. Luighseach

    Kinda confused about this reply. Anyway I have no problem with them using Reddit or their official forums. They have an official forum but that does not mean they are obligated to use it or even visit it. I mean too much negativity is just as bad as too much praise.

    I think they get a good amount of both between all the outlets and am happy with the current way things are going.
  17. Jalek

    Mostly that if they frequent other sites to avoid negativity, they may not get the responses they need, just the ones they want.
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  18. Luighseach

    Well also try not to think with too much hyperbole because if you read Reddit there is just as much "good so far but this game is not perfect" talk. The reason Reddit again is probably better discussion site is because the posts that are up-voted usually add constructive criticism without being angry or raging.
  19. EliteEskimo

    The fact that the Ultimate TR Refurbishment Thread part 1 didn't get good feedback even though it has over 40 pages with loads of ideas from the community , and then part 2 which was summation of all those ideas also didn't get any good developer feedback really leaves me scratching my head. I mean really, you aren't going to comment at all on an extremely popular thread which is at its base really constructive and had tons of constructive feedback and suggestions?:confused:
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  20. Halcyon

    Then why even bother having forums?
    We should just get rid of the forums and move everything to Reddit.

    Actually...that's pretty much already happened.

    You can call the forums toxic, but remember the reason why they're toxic. If we don't get feedback from our ideas, eventually we feel unappreciated and stop giving feedback.
    After that happens, it's just loads of negativity of what's wrong with the game and requests for the devs to comment.

    Of course they don't, and that just adds fuel to the fire.
    Meanwhile, Reddit is active with discussion by people who don't even play PS2 but are happy to give balance suggestions anyway, while the actual subscribers who use the forums are left wondering what the hell happened to support for people who are playing the game.

    It's a snowball and it's still rolling down the hill, and getting bigger.
    The only thing to stop it is for SOE to stop using 3rd party websites to communicate with their player base and start using the one place all their players congregate...the forums.

    Having the need for a community manager to relay information from 3rd party websites from the CEO when the subject matter is "keeping everyone in the loop" is just insulting.
    More fuel on the fire.
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