I just went 130-0 (I finally logged out) with AV turret

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Poorform, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Dis

    This thread is stupid.

    Then again so are AV turrets, so it looks like I've come to the right place.
  2. Axehilt

    It does deal a high rate of damage.

    TTK against Magrider (front):
    • Shrike: ~33 sec
    • AV MANA: ~23 sec
    That's a high rate of damage!
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  3. Stargazer86

    Not hard. Borderline impossible. Anyone using an AV turret that can hit that shot deserves the damage done. If you're at a range where you can consistently hit your mark, then you're at a range a tank can consistently hit you right back.
  4. Stargazer86

    I assume you mean lower sensitivity, and my mouse sure doesn't have a sensitivity slider.

    And what range would you like it to have? The ranges that some people have suggested in here are ridiculously short, essentially turning the AV turret into a free kill for the first tank that sees it.
  5. Camycamera

    so, if i go 130-0 on my anchor prowler, should it get a nerf as well?
  6. Astealoth

    You've fired the AV mana exactly 41 times in your whole PS2 career and barely ever hit anything. Why are you spamming complete BS here?
  7. Chrattac

    Actually hitting moving targets further away is easier with this thing (they move relatively less than those closer). I should know because I am mediocre at best on gun play otherwise. Just go to settings and slide vehicle mouse sensitivity down before settling to turret, 0.1 works fine for me.

    I got max certed one but use it only rarely due to knowing how disgustingly OP it is. Being decent tanker even one is pain in the **** (not possibly fatal tho) due to how hard they are to spot if they are shooting at distance.

    Definitely, even though OP is exaggerating and 8-0 isn't that hard, the whole thing is yelling for nerf. Maybe not the distance (or yes it too or at least make the engies using them to have priority render so infs standing alongside tanks can actually try to shot them down) but maybe the damage output at range so shooting tank from hexes away wouldn't be so fatal if that tank is engaging another threats closer by.

    The main problem is when you are busy at handling and fighting enemy armor and then suddenly you get bombarded by dick heads from two hexes away w/o reliable way to retaliate (if you even realize let alone see what or where is hitting you before too late). And before you get your inflintrators to take down those nuisances the damage done may already lose the armored fight for you. Well this is falling to same category with C4 fairies sneaking tankers that are mainly trying to fight enemy armor and thus ruining the whole point of armored fights in this game which makes me really frustrated sometimes.
  8. deggy

    No, you're not. Everyone but you agrees on this.

    The turret is (newsflash) much smaller than a tank.
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  9. Axehilt

    It should have a 150-200m range limit, similar to the soft limit to effective range that most infantry AV has.

    And then it should get something like "While no missiles are in flight, AV turret recharges 50% faster" which increases the weapon's DPS output in general use, and in particular at short range (where the missile hits much sooner, resulting in more time spent with 50% faster recharge.)

    Infantry AV is about ambush, not about aggressively pushing back vehicles.
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  10. Peebuddy

    Didn't they reduce the range of lock-ons in part because of the campability they had at the crown? I mean they reduced the range for a lot of reasons but the range they settled on is about the distance between Ti Alloys and the Crown, so they couldn't affect the battle over there.

    SoE then removes every anti-camping mechanic they've gained by introducing the extreme range of the AV mana turret.

    One step foreword two steps back
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  11. Poorform

    Oh god what have my fat fingers done
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  12. dufhstsfff

    So your solution is to make it 100% useless. Cool idea. So while no missiles are in flight I can stand completely still within spitting distance of a tank and ask him kindly not to one shot me.

    Here's my (Much better) solution. Remove the AV mana turret from the game AND remove tanks from the game. Just made PS2 33% more bearable to play, I'm available to be hired at any point SOE.
  13. dufhstsfff

    Tanks should have a 50-100 range limit, and do no damage to infantry unless equipped with HE rounds (Which will require a direct hit to kill)

    And then tanks should get something like "While your tank is not moving it reloads 4% faster" which increases the weapon's DPS output in general use, and in particular at short range (where the tank is camping infantry spawn points which is their only use, resulting in more time spent with 4% faster reloads.)

    Tanks are about spawn camping, not about aggressively pushing back vehicles.
  14. Silkensmooth

    You can have more than one projectile in the air at a time. So its whatever the fire rate is. Repair does not work against a mana AV turret it can outdamage two engineers with max repair tools repairing at the same time.
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  15. dufhstsfff

    *SIts AFK outside of cover in a tank while being shot by an AV turret without ever making any attempt to one shot the engineer* .. Hudrrr durrdfgfurrurrr I spend all day firing shels into spawn shields how do I compensate for gravity hur durr i spent a trivial amount of resources that regenerate faster than I can use them hurr durr why am i not an invicible death god hurr durr gonna pull a max
  16. Desirsar

    Dev team meeting, coffee, and donut saver : Render all engineer turrets at vehicle distance. The infantry manning it doesn't matter, we know where he is.
  17. Axehilt

    If you don't want vehicles, you're playing the wrong game.

    My solution balances the AV turret by having guidance fail at that range (hits are still possible, just very difficult) and it ends up being a very high damage turret which is good against all ground vehicles but especially good against sunderers.
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  18. Jogido

    It's a decent rate. I wouldn't call it abnormality high though
  19. Axehilt

    Decent rate? It's nearly 50% faster vehicle damage than the primary weapon infantry use to damage vehicles!
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  20. Jalek

    A lone turret usually only lasts until someone q-spots it, but anything that can fire from one base to another simply proves how poor the maps are.