Smed's Philosophy ( From Planestside Reddit )

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Phyr

    You're taking the micro part too literal.
  2. DeadliestMoon

    Well his reference isn't completely far fetched.

    I would've just assumed people were cheap.
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  3. Rigs

    what? I can name many MANY other companies that fit that description but Valve knows WTF its doing.
  4. EmmettLBrown

    That really only applies to what they're doing through their steam client because, hey, how else are you going to access the games you bought through them? If they are successful with this steam-box-thingy-idea-whatever, then you can say they know what they're doing.
  5. Redshift

    I'm really not, the point of micro transactions is to get you to spend lots of small amounts instead of a few big amounts, because you then spend more overall, the SOE shop doesn't get this, $7 is not an insignificant amount hence it's not a microtransaction.
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  6. Phyr

    7$ is insignificant to other people, and you're completely ignoring the cost of other items, most of which are less than 7$. You're arguing an opinion.
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  7. Axehilt

    You're getting fixated on "microtransaction" when in reality all that matters are transactions, regardless of size, and whether transaction-times-cost results in a higher or lower revenue.

    In other threads I've described price optimization, and then noted that at the optimal price many (often most) people can feel it's too expensive.

    Other posts of mine have explained why 2x/3x sales were incredibly reckless on SOE's part and continue to have destructive effects to this day (see also: your post above where you refuse to pay more money because you've seen them give away the currency dramatially cheaper, which has permanently altered your perception of how valuable the currency should be.) There's a very strong reason you see virtually no other F2P games running 2x/3x sales, and SOE learned that lesson the hard way
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  8. Grimfalcon77

    Glad to see the one thing that hasn't changed with SOE is that they still require players to make a reddit account to find out what is going on with their game.
  9. Halcyon

    I'm sick of reading stuff like this on 3rd party sites.
    He wants to keep us in the loop on their thought process?

    Do it here in your FORUMS and not on twitter/reddit/facebook. Then we can take you seriously.
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  10. Camycamera

    you think that's bad, what about the microtransactions featured in Xbone exclusives that are FULL PRICED?!

    i am looking at you, Forza 5 and your $200 cars....

    main reason i am staying away from consoles, as it seems they are turning in that direction....

    and their subscription-crap that allows you to do things online that i can do on pc for free anyway.
  11. Silkensmooth

    Actions speak louder than words. There is no reason for lock-ons in their current state than money. There is no reason for AV turrets in their current state except money. These two things are horrible for the game and make it so frustrating and unfun its unbelievable. I have spent plenty of time ground pounding and i never was as frustrated at being killed by vehicles as i am by lock-ons and AV turrets.

    If you care about the game and not money get rid of the universally derided lock-ons and mana AV turrets. Or at least fix them so they arent killing vehicles at ranges where they are completely undetectable.

    The F2P model is terrible. Absolute garbage. If you care about your game and not just making money then get a subscription model. F2P till 20 and then 15$ a month. F2P costs more to play than a sub game and it breeds griefers who sit in the warp gate flipping libs and TK'ing people.

    People have been screaming bloody murder about AV turrets and lock-ons for months and months and yet you nerf rotary damage vs infantry and again vs vehicles.

    As a tank driver i can tell you it is 1k times more important to me that you fix mana AV turrets than you make the already useless rotary do less damage.

    Actions speak louder than words. Thats all that really needs to be said. We look at their actions and they look to me like the actions of money grubbers.

    Building a solid reputation based on honesty and integrity will build you a loyal rabid fanbase. Doing what SOE does and has done to other games leaves me saying damn i wish PS2 wasnt so fun because i cant stand the way this company does business.

    Resource boosters omfg wtf. I pay a membership to play your game and due to AV turrets i have to buy an extra 3 dollar booster every week so that i can spend any kind of time in a tank. Getting hit on the northern bluff at snake ravine from a mana AV turret on a landing pad at the Crown is way more than ridiculous, which means worthy of ridicule.

    Fix the game, stop doing shady sales of A2A missiles and maybe your reputation wont smell like a dead skunk.
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  12. VoivodPure

    This product is free. Not many MMO games are, certainly not good ones. If I created an awesome free product these accusations would confuse me. Especially if I actually tried to update and enhance these peoples experience. If I made something that the users constantly *****ed about, I would quit, ride my motorbike, and say screw those folks....
  13. Shadowyc

    And ultimately, people would still turn on them for any particular reason you can imagine. Life sucks like that. You should ultimately just shrug and accept life sucks, and assume everyone wants you dead. They won't kill you. They just don't want you to keep living. You know?
  14. Liquid23

    hey now I don't want EVERYBODY dead...I mean if everybody was dead who would I take advantage of for laughs and to make my life easier? who would do all those crappy jobs that I don't want to do but need to be done?
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  15. Cab00se187

    Without using your official forums and have to make people go dig for info? That's the great work of a great business.
  16. Chinchy

    What gun, other than the gold plated ones are $20? On top of that there stats are no different than the $7 counterpart so I don't see much of an issue. I like my golden Commissioner and would buy more $20 guns if I had the money ATM just to support the game its only a skin.
  17. Chinchy

    As one of those wales I support this post!
  18. Redshift

    No other company sells proprietary cash that is then used to buy stuff.... SOE failed because people have placed a value on smed bucks that are less than they really are worth. The added fact that this is then a cross game currency has really borked things for them.

    If you look at valve for example they've publically stated that reducing the price on items on steam by 75% leads to a 40 fold increase in revenue, not 40%... 40 fold....

    i'd also just like to point out i'm not exactly strapped for cash, i'm happy to dump money into a hobby, i have alpha squad, a years membership and a buttload of x3 station cash, because all those purchases were worth it. However normal station cash with the prices in the current store are unpalatable.
  19. deggy

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  20. jiggu

    Shut it you cultist