Do you play support for easy XP only?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pikachu, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Gustavo M

    Nah. I also enjoy supporting my fellow teammates, my dear yellow friend.
    And sometimes to pretend I'm the best player ever and to try to clean a enemy squad by myself.
  2. Mongychops

    I have certed every conceivable load out, specifically so I can play what is needed. My one regret is that I can't be every class at once.
  3. Syrathin

    I play support because I am good at it, My fps skills are middle of the road 1.1 - 1.5 K/D on my characters, But in pretty much every game I play a support role because that is something I can do well.

    I also like to use my phoenix launcher as area denial for tanks since you can hardly get a kill without a group effort, It sucks for gaining certs but you get good results.
  4. Calisai

    Personally, the XP always was a pittance compared to killing both infantry and vehicles for me. Since i've been BR100 since August, XP has now become only a measure of achievement and/or a way of getting certs... and certs have become less and less important.

    When I'm soloing... I throw ammo down, repair maxes, vehicles and revive people because it helps the team out. Not out of any altruistic want to help my team or anything, but solely for the intrinsic gain it gets me. I do those things, because it makes my allies more effective and effective allies help make my job easier.

    When I'm running with my outfit squad, I help them out due to want to make my outfit more effective, and to help out those I consider my friends. That's more of a social thing.

    Those that pass up those opportunities to help those around them be more effective are just shooting themselves in the foot. There are always more targets to kill... it doesn't take too long to throw down an ammo pack or heal up a few guys. That said, i'm not going to go pocket engie a Max unless he's a friend and would be willing to do the same for me.
  5. DrunkenDoughnuts

    I try to thank each and every engineer just about every time they repair my MAX. However, when I'm in a vehicle, especially a magrider, many a friendly has been squished under our superior friendly squishing technology...Don't stand back there!
  6. HmmOkay

    I play support because:

    1) I can't aim for **** (for haters: 3k+ kills on shotty's)
    2) Noone else seems to care about damaged maxes (especially on NC)
    3) you can still get points without having to kill guys

    I can only win by using situational awareness and getting a jump on someone (see reason 1 and latency issues). I've kinda specialised in sneaking and taking alternative routes. This kind of gameplay only works on smaller battles though, and they're practically non-existant since the lattice..

    So yeah, repair tool, ammo boxes; good cert income, help my empire and no need to fail against people that can aim.
    Also, I can justify my score by claiming I'm good support.
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  7. Epic High Five


    > hit F, hope they're not running around expecting you to chase them to heal them (they are)

    Buncha dead bodies? Toss a revive grenade. Bandoleer is a boon here.

    Anybody's got a problem with it, tell them to stuff it.
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  8. Koldorn

    I play engineer for the toys.
    Initially I was really really really hoping to find a spitfire somewhere; but I only found sadness. I guess some handy deploy-able cover.
    There is no 'perfect' carbine for me, so thats a downer. Each one has something that just doesn't click with my handling. What I wouldn't give to be able to use an AR full time on my engineer.

    But its the class I 'started' with, so ended up putting most of my certs into it. Helps also that I can contribute a little to. Bunch of people make a firing line? Toss a pack. MAX challenge some poor sap to Claw-Plach? I'll patch him up if he wins.

    I like laying suppressive fire. My overall accuracy goes to hell because of it, but if I can encourage some forces to not go in a direction, or even slow down; it helps the team. (Hence I love quick reload weapons. More sustained fire. <3 VE3 / Pulsar) I like being able to fix up vehicles; although I don't often pull my own.

    Ammo pack always goes ON the point. Encourages pubs to return to their post every now and again so that lone infiltrator / LA gets turned into paste instead of flipping control on us. However I am admittedly; very guilty of abandoning my post if a 1/2 maggie hovers by. Gotten a lot of practice with that saron and basalisk. Don't really get a chance to shoot a PPA; and for the life of me I hate the halberd aiming reticle. I've actually defused tank mines; but the opportunity doesn't arise often. Side note: I really want to gun some more shredder libs.

    Almost forgot... I am also guilty of having a kitted-out Battle-Gal. All weapons, fire suppression, composite / auto repair, and racer.

    And I am the lone engineer in the spawn room; slowly working my way through 5-6 injured MAXes. Repair aura, repair station deployable, or "repairs don't overheat while in spawn room" please.
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  9. Lancener

    Really if they took away experience for revives I'd still run medic with revive grenade + bandolier, getting people back up and into the fight is essential to fights, I do like the experience though it's really nice to throw a grenade into a group of people and get 1000+ experience dumped into my lap.

    I usually just revive and heal when I'm not in the middle of a fight anyway and the guns for medics are some of the best so I'd be playing medic a lot still. Plus that self-heal is pretty nice, win a close fight then just tap F and suddenly full health.
  10. KoS-1

    No Army can do another without support.
  11. RealityWarrior

    In general, to answer the original question, no. I mainly play engieneer and I play it to help others out, the xp is "easy" because you have worse offensive capabilities when you play Eng. Killing is no longer a "fair" fight. Yeah you can get kills but carbines are underpowered and the LA at least has the ability to attack from odd angles to get the jump on someone (pun intended)
    I do not understand why more people don't do this.
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  12. Sen7rygun

    I play engineer primarily for the awesome utility of the class.

    Its worth keeping in mind that there are only two certainties in PS2: Death and expenditure of ammo. Being in business with either of these is a never ending cert mine.
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  13. Azarga

    I supply ammo because nobody else does. I revive because nobody else does.

    Every NC push I find myself to be the only Engie/Medic in a crowd of HAs. Everyone spams V2 and V4, dropping like flies all over the path to cap-point.

    It pains me to watch NC getting slaughtered. I switch to support again and again even if I'm not in the mood.
  14. Hiding in VR

    I still consider myself a noob at this game and I am just concentrating on one or two things at a time, so generally I play HA and ESF Pilot. The first time I tried playing support I must admit I was surprised to discover you got XP for revives and repairs. I must also admit that the only reason I swapped to an Engineer was to get this bleeting MAX to quiet down.

    Still, my intention is that the next class I will concentrate on will be either the Medic or the Engineer. Not sure which, any suggestions?
  15. KiRRA

    Too many players have a set goal of what they intend to play and don't deviate from it. They think it's a chore to go through with that repetitive action. Too many players play only for themselves and don't even think about what actions they could take to aid their factions AS WELL AS themselves. It's a sad truth....
  16. Majorleague

    Yes, yes i do.
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  17. Earthman

    When I play support I genuinely do it because I enjoy being that essential support role in combat, be it keeping MAXes going forward on a push, feeding a squad on a mountain ridge overlooking an objective, or reviving the fallen. My Sunderer is geared the same way: to be an extension of what I like to do.

    I also love shooting enemies and that's a blast, especially blowing up their vehicles.

    Thing is I think a lot of folks who look down on support roles see it from their own narcissistic lens: They can't imagine wanting to help other players succeed, so assume it's strictly for some selfish reason.
  18. Subway

    I am not so hot on the shooting part so healing and repairing things tends to be a natural fall back for me in these sort of games :)
  19. Zentoco

    I play support (Medic mainly) due to my time in Enemy Territory (ET). Of course in that game there was nothing to gain for playing other than the enjoyment. Well, akimbo .45s were the freakin bees-knees. :cool: Sure, XP is great, but I've always just had that type of play style in what type of character I play.

    For me, healing has been my mainstay in gaming from RPGs, EQ Cleric, WoW Priest, etc. to shooters now too. Not to be too off topic, but I liked that ET medics used up needles as if it were ammo and had to resupply. Think that could be brought into PS2 pretty well. Sorry for OT.
  20. Pirbi

    I played only engineer until BR35. Still played it a lot after that. Seemed to be a role not many were good at or willing to do. So I would just find a large battle and be a lone-wolfing engineer or insert into random platoons. When lolpods were actually lolpods, being in full flak armor and standing next to a tank in battle would generate a lot of grateful players. Same with maxes. Plus I'm an engineer by degree so it seemed kinda funny. Although the real world nanite repair gun is just a roll of duct tape. But have since shifted focus more to assault classes.