Do you play support for easy XP only?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pikachu, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Tonberry76

    its my first time ever i try a FPS game so am very bad in close combat ore aim very well
    but am good in repair stuff

    so i try help out to get all turrents back online and sometimes i try to shoot aircraft out of the sky ore blow up tanks
    and help repair the max suits

    and if there is not much to do for engineer i switch to Medic and try to help out

    only 1 thing i cant figure out yet maby am stil to noob XD
    that some players ask for ammo but i cant find what class can do that ??

    but for the rest i have fun :)

    sorry for my bad english
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  2. K2k4

    I find getting certs is more consistent as a medic or engineer.. Even when there are only a couple of friendlies and enemies at a base I can still get refill or rez certs. The medic weapons are the best in the game too regardless.. And engineers get infinite ammo and turrets so they are the most versatile class
  3. ajma

    Engineer. Select the turret, press "B".
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  4. Tonberry76

    thx so much :)
  5. Purg

    I don't remember the last time I invested significant certs into something. The lowest amount of certs my main 3 characters have is ~5000, my main is ~13000 with the Nanoweave refunds and I haven't played that main in ~6 months. XP at this point is meaningless to me.

    I gravitate towards medic these days because I can kill infantry as effectively as I can as a heavy and I can bring those around me back from the dead - which helps me to survive and helps whatever it is we're trying to do. I'll Engy if I'm going to drive or gun in a vehicle and I'll heavy if I'm infantry that'll be attacking or defending around enemy vehicles.
  6. Hibiki54

    I appreciate anyone that supports me in killing VS and TR, so props to the Op. But if you stand in my way, the NC6 Swag SAW will chop you down like the rest.
  7. Liberty

    The assault rifle weapon class is generally the best when it comes to weapon handling. You can pick an option with higher ROF and better hipfire than any LMG, or pick one that will do much better at range than any carbine (only one tier damage drop instead of two). And everything in between is generally deadly accurate.

    As for engineer, I'll usually quickly swap to top off a MAX and go back to something else, but when the situation comes up where you can make use of the AI mana turret (and they do exist) you can't really beat it for laying down sustained fire. And survivability wise, if you use it right it is a significant boost to the class.
  8. Wizz

    I play engi to fly usually.

    I use medic because assault rifles/nantie aura <3 I'll rez squad/platoon but outside that I don't rez pubs unless there is nothing, or I need help on a push.
  9. Tuco

  10. Axehilt

    I play Medic to kill people with beasty assault rifles while raising a necromantic army of the dead to fight for me. My minions are a functional meatshield, absorbing hits in order to reveal enemy positions to me.

    I play Engineer because the game demands I play Engineer 60% or more of the time that I'm in vehicles. Several times I've mentioned how it would be a lot more interesting if the classes were balanced for vehicle piloting (where all classes can repair their vehicle, but engineers get auto-repair for free, heavies get +10% vehicle health, infiltrators get vehicle stealth for free, etc.) Either that or record stats a bit better (treat vehicles like their own class, so while in a tank it counts toward tank time not engineer time.)
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  11. DocteurVK

    When in an organized squad, you'll Have to have players playing support classes to ensure your infantry group will not die in 5 seconds and will always have ammo to use.

    Also, while in the back of the column, you can use your long range ARS or Carbines / BRs to eliminate or scare potential long ranged threats.

    With closer range weapons, you can easily defend your back from any stealthy threat without risking to take too much hits...

    I think those classes shine when in good synergy with their group... Playing support for easy XP without co-ordinating will probably lead you to death if you can't "read" the battlefield...

    I also consider the Infil being a support class, especially since they removed sway from close range snipers, making them very nice to provide close range sniper cover, enlighting the path your troops are going to follow, removing threats from unsuspected positions, and being able to provide supply points (hacking terminals).
  12. FocusLight

    You are not the odd one at all, this is true for lots of people.

    For my part, I play support classes mostly because, in order of importance to me

    It's fun and entertains me - this is the reason I play this game. Among other things it entertains me to know that that heal, that revive, that ammo, those repairs keep my guys going, and keeps them happy. It get's me a sense of being useful and contributing, much like then the air get's tight with enemy aircraft or the ground is covered in enemy armor.

    It enables me to provide specialized assistance to my outfit-mates and the rest of the TR (or whomsoever the heck I play for on whatever server at that time) and this helps the cause in general. When, say, a HA and AA is needed I'll swap back to that class, etc.

    And finally it pays loads of certs to keep supplying ammo and repairs, or heals and revives to others. That's useful to have, for me, making the whole idea of helping out a Win-Win situation for everyone. You get your ammo, I get my certs. At the end of the day, I don't care if that medic revived me out of greed for certs or out of a desire to help out. He did after all, revive me.

    Generally you can see on the play-style of someone what kind of players they are. the Medic that charges a somewhat exposed location to revive that downed MAX, getting in cover but risking his neck in the open while he moved, is likely more in it for the team-work than the certs, or kills. Kill-hungry Medics tend to play for the AR and self heal more than helping out, anyhow. Self-centered Engineers keep hogging their turrets regardless of how many guys around them ask for ammo. Useless, both of them.

    And this happens to be the final reason why I on occasion execute allies who consistently insist on not helping out when they are the only ones in the area able to do something that is vital. Last time was an Engineer who refused to supply ammo when there were loads of enemy armor and infantry nearby, medics were busy keeping people up and ammo was dwindling fast. He was the only Engineer anywhere nearby, there were no terminals, and all the rockets were spent.

    If the fun of everyone around you is to be impacted by the fact that we can't do nothing to these tanks, and soo not the infatry either, and you can help change this, if even the prospect of getting loads of exp from all the guys yelling and screaming and asking and pleading for ammo from you is not enough - if manning that AT turret and getting kills on your own is more important to you, well.

    A hit to your K/D, even a small one, is the fine you pay to be unhelpful. Double-tap to the back of the head and knife-swipe, you useless waste of nanites.
  13. smokemaker

    I use the engineer to fix my ESF.
    I never used my medic... got him certed but got like 5 minutes on it....
    i let other do the support.

    so no I do not use engineers or medics for easy XP and NO i do not enjoy helping others.
  14. zappy

    I want to do this so i can get the auraxium medal, but i know i will be in so much **** when people see a level 89 medic that does not heal.

    and I don't want people to start switching sides because 'they have a level 89 medics on that faction that does not know how to use a medic gun'
  15. Archiadus

    The work never ends does it :p
  16. Latrodectus

    I play medic because it's good certs when you're winning, and even better certs when you're losing. I can remember a couple of fights around launch where our zerg was trying to push out of the spawn room, and the enemy zerg was doing everything they could to keep us locked in; and there I was throwing a rez grenade, running back to the terminal, getting another, throwing it, and repeating. Almost every rez was hitting 10 to 15 people. Those were the days.

    When you play a medic, you can't lose.
  17. DegoMusse

    Does it matter though?

    If someone plays a support class for the heal or resupply exp, they are supporting their faction. The general intention might be different, but the final outcome is the same.
  18. Lamat

    I never really did anything just for the XP except maybe really early in my characters life. After reaching BR 100 even less so. I play all classes and when I see a role not being filled I switch. No recon darts, switch to infiltrator it can turn the tide of battle etc. I also try to play specific weapons to get Auraxium medals as my own personal meta game.
  19. KiRRA

    Nah, you're not an odd one at all. As you said (worded differently ofcourse) in a separate post in this thread: There's a great sense of reward when you can help your team out by playing as a support role. I play Engineer most of the time I'm in game and I find great joy in repairing others, tossing down ammo, etc. Even if I am driving my tank you will see me drive out of my way to follow a friendly who is smoking or taking heavy damage, I drive to Mossis that might land nearby and help them repair so they can get back into the field more quickly. I've abandoned my Lightning before just to repair friendly vehicles and maxes and keep them alive.

    There's something about the proximity chat and getting a genuine and truly grateful, "Thank you" from friendlies when repairing or aiding them in some form or fashion. I'm not saying I do it for the praise, but for the feeling of actually being helpful and hopefully keeping them alive longer to come out victorious....and sometimes you even come out making friends from the joined effort.
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  20. Sirlala

    I do it for the certs. Not only that, I will rez hopeless noobs 100 times in a row as they continue to do the same stupid thing over and over, for the certs.