Lock on Lock on Lock on Lock on...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jin Shepard, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Jin Shepard

    Am I the only one so sick and tired of this, I am pretty sure I will get flamed for this, but so be it.

    I try to ride in my harraser or fly in my lib or play around in a lightning and sometimes magrider, however, they never live for more then 5 mins because everytime I get to a fight, i get spammed by 10+ people using either the NC/TR maxes with lock ons or spewing lock on rockets as heavy's and if thatdoesnt happen there are always the 10+ engineers using there AV turrets...

    I find vehicle play absolutely unrewarding, unfriendly and unenjoyable and pointless to where I am wondering, why the hell are they ingame in the first place ( vehicles ).
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  2. vincent-

    Well you should probably cert smoke than do some hit and run from a far distance the reason they don't like you is for many great reasons, they're trying to have fun as well and what you drive isn't fun on the receiving end. So if you want to have the fun be smart about what your vehicle is capable and were it can do the most good.

    Libs don't fly those into large large hotzones without ground and air support bugging them as well, the lib is just a cherry to finish the suppression in large fights in smaller take it to a base were 1-12 or 24 were you can survive and the force pushing just need a little bit of good air support for help.

    I can't say for harassers but I see them more effective in groups and taking out sundies and lone tanks in difficult hot spots a good hit and fast run.
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  3. Seuchensaal

    Lock-ons are annoying like hell. :mad:
  4. Keiichi25

    Yes... NC/TR MAXes with Lockon weapons... Oh wait... Nope, they don't have lockon weapons.

    Just to clarify on this... The NC have guided rounds that require the user to track the target. In most cases, against harassers and ESFs, they have to fire a head of the direction said target in order to hit at times due to speed, the tracking of the Raven Guided round is not 'laser accurate'.

    The TR MAX... The fracture is just pure spamming of a missile in a direction and hope it hits.

    And between the NC and the TR, the NC only have the NS Annihilator and the Faction specific AV G2G Launcher. If you want to think the phoenix is good at hitting harassers or ESFs, that is only the case under very specific conditions, one of which is where the target is not moving very fast and also within 300m.

    The TR have 3 Lockon weapons, of which, the Striker requires all 5 rounds to hit to do the most damage.

    And AV Turrets are lockon weapons? Since when?
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  5. bubbacon

    Srly, what are u talking about? Lock ons are a joke now with the Nerf on range. Even the dumbfire mode on Lock-Ons is an absolute joke.
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  6. Bonom Denej

    Hmm, I play HA with a Nemesis and I also kinda like playing with my Scythe. Flares are the way to go and if I'm not careless, I mostly take damage through flak and almost never via a lock-on. And I'm kind of a noob pilot so far. I don't do much tanking but it's not like any RL could 2-shot your tank like an ESF.

    So from someone with a low BR, using lock-on RL AA and also playing with an ESF quite often I'm totally fine with them.
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  7. Jin Shepard

    Hmz, I wish people would read a bit better. One lock on guy ofc doesn't hurt, but when there are literately dozens of them, and they always are, you can bring a tank from full to none in a second, happend plenty of times even if I am in cover, the blue rockets from the nc and the red ones from the TR, whether or not they 'lock' on I don't care.. since it happens.

    As for the 'receiving end must have a way to defend themselves' yes of course they should be able to, AV turrets are good enough already, especially because they don't even render 9/10 times. And yes they do not lock on, the AV turrets, didn't say they did either. Right now there is just to many of them, if you put 20 infrantry against 10 armour I bet 5 of them get shot down before they even reach the dudes hiding behind cover, and a tank sniping is no where near effective as a lock on or guided. I tried it with 2x scope, default magy or anti inf, they dont hit, because they dont stand still ( obv ) so I need to get closer, and you can't if the base has that many AV things. Anyway I knew this thread is / was pointless, I just got sick and tired of it.
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    a good game mechanic would be to let lock-on missiles do relatively little damage (as they are easy to use) while dumbfires do massive damage. bf4's rocketlaunchers follow this principle

    i cant see this in ps2 though. yes, there's a damage difference between, say, empire-specific lock-on launchers and the dumbfire decimator, but in my eyes, it isn't large enough. dumbfire should be more rewarding to use while lock-on should do less damage (as it is much easier to lock onto vehicles that usually cant even see the direction they are getting locked from)
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  9. Shadowhunter1

    max out stealth. don't be a rookie! work around what is giving you a problem and test the weapons, defensive, and utilities you have at your disposal. if you are sick of it, get stealth and max it out on your vehicle. then you will never have to be scared of lock on again.
  10. Jin Shepard

    Pretty sure that the devs will then bring or nerf it to counter that, like they always have... I will try, but iam just really frustrated with the game and the way its going, anti vehicle COD infrantry ****.. and then bad at it too..
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  11. Meeka

    My primary vehicle is a tank...

    I use smoke screen, it works effectively, as does cover... as does shooting the target locking onto you. If someone is locking onto you, they tend to have a unique signature in thermals.

    Rival combat chasis is great for avoid missiles, as it comes in do a corner drift behind a tree, rock, or building.

    I think a lot of problem with PS2 is that people want to play the game they want to play, not the game SOE offers them. Lock ons are a part of that game, use them, learn to counter them, and just accept they are something you need to adjust your play style for... and it's a much more rewarding game.
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  12. Gleerok

    So, basically, for infantry players to have fun all you have to do is spam the heck out of vehicle players with "lolyolo" automated weapons?

    Thats why I kill lock ons HA's who are too confident with so much joy.
  13. Archiadus

    When there's ''dozens'' of players all working together to bring 1 vehicle down then that vehicle should either get destroyed or forced to back away from the fight, that's how teamwork works in a game. :)

    Also if 10 <insert vehicle here> can't beat 20 infantry then that's pretty much a case of bad teamwork / coordination on the vehicle user's side.
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  14. TomaHawk

    I feel your angst, I really do but the problem goes beyond just lock ons alone. I love vehicle on vehicle combat and the spamming of AV from every imaginable class and configuration has got me equally frustrated. At the top of the list are AV turrets beyond render, who get to fire with impunity. The only good news I've found is some terrain doesn't facilitate this monkey **** AV business so vehicles get to play a little longer. Also, I tend to gravitate towards having a complement of air support which helps cut down on this. Unfortunately, this help is all circumstantial and many times you will spend the 450 points to get into a MBT only to roll out into a barrage of this horse****. Armor isn't Armor in PS2, they're just vehicles that look like tanks.

    Threats against "tanks" in this game:

    AV Turrets, including cannon and gatling
    Tower Turrets
    Other MBTs
    Other Lightnings
    Other Harassers
    Lock on Launchers
    ESFs w/ LoLPods
    AV Mines
    Sundy's with anything AV
    AV Maxxes

    What is the only non threat "thing" in this game? Infs? lol...
  15. Keiichi25

    Actually, you did... Your title is Lock On Lock On Lock On...

    As for AV turrets, while they don't render 9/10s of the time, that is due to the fact they are small and once you go a certain distance, they are culled from rendering, which their effective range needs to be shortened, but at the same time, they don't hit many fast things.

    Your gripe about mass infantry using lockons or av turrets is also a bit invalid, as again, it requires more than 1 person to take out a heavily armored vehicle with said weapons. If you are a lone vehicle engaging infantry, you are bound to get owned. This is also coming from a tanker who gets the same crap you do as well as being infantry and being overwhelmed by vehicles spamming HEAT and HE. Your expectation of not getting smacked, at range, by lockons is foolish.

    And given how most of the non-large bases get spammed by HEAT and HE rounds from tanks and rocket pods or Zephyr/Dalton spam, so that defenders can't actually fight against attackers at the point... Infantry's ability to slow or hamper your progress towards them is going to be 'justified' until you literally overwhelm their ability to do that, which tends to happen a lot in the game either way.
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  16. Leer

    Depending on location but in 80% of the situations...If it is 20 inf against 10 air = 100% infantry dead and the air moves on with one less flare. If it is tanks 1 maybe 2 will drop before all the infantry run or is dead. Like somebody above said if you fly into a zone with 48+ your one aircraft will draw attention and you should die due to the vastly superior numbers.

    Some people don't realize the agility, armoring, resists, flexibility of vehicles is so dominant that a counter are needed. The TR MAX (much slower than a vehicle) missiles are a like a slower, less accurate version of lolpods. Massive advantage vehicle.

    BTW: I play VS and NC. I used a TR example not to protect their OPness but to show that some weapons are in game for a good reason. Even if TR is OP, Evil, L2P, blah blah other bad stuff about TR.
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  17. Corporate Thug

    You can't play the same way in every fight. Perhaps you're picking the wrong times and places to use your vehicle, or possibly the wrong vehicle for the job. I play on a busy server and I rarely get blown up by lock on launchers despite how busy a base is. Try not to over extend, like ease your way into the fight. It is VERY rare that people will wait to start locking you, meaning you should get plenty of warning well before you're too deep in their territory.

    Edit: Leer and Keiichi25 are both correct. There is nothing wrong with lock on launchers. They are only needed to defend against vehicles farming. How often do you see a well balanced fight ruined by lock on launchers or other cheesy gameplay? In my experience one sided fights or fights where defenders are just getting mindlessly zerged are the fights where spam in combatted with more spam (lock on launchers etc).
  18. Leer

    How many kills before it is a fair trade for your 450 resources? Also, if anyone does so many things wrong and get C4'd in a tank they deserved.
  19. deggy

    Better question: How many kills should the Heavy Assault get in exchange for his 0 resources?
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  20. Keiichi25

    By AV turrets, you mean Tower turrets, cause the infantry Anti-Personnel Turret is the only 'gatling gun'. The Tower Turret Anti-Personnel Turret does damage, but on the level of an M12 gun, which is nibble damage in comparison to the Anti-Vehicle Turret, both Tower and Engineer.

    Also, you grossly over-estimate Armor and its ability. This isn't World War 1, where they thought Tanks were the ultimate in warfare. Even this day and age, Tanks need infantry support because infantry can setup things to take out armor.

    Trust me, I drive tanks too, but I am realistic in the belief that tanks are not invincible. Why else would there be a Trophy Anti-Missile system for Tanks? Or Reactive Armor, which is designed to help mitigate Anti-Armor attempts by infantry, but again, even that can only go so far.

    Also, look at "Saving Private Ryan". While it is a Hollywood Movie, the first tank they disabled was using Comp-B with oil to make it into one big roadblock and infantry swarming it once it was disabled, but the tank itself couldn't always stop the infantry, it required some infantry with a mobile 88mm AA to get at the few men on that tank.

    The thing people keep forgetting here is that Tanks rely on infantry support, but no one here wants to play as a team or see this fact. I am not a great player and rely on support of others, but even if you are a pro player, you aren't always going to own everything under the sun, especially when facing numbers over 1 against you and them knowing you where you are.
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