Vanu on Connery... ugh...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. TheFencer0

    Oh thank goodness. I worried that the outfit you lead would be completely lost without your peerless leadership and tactical acumen, if your forumside warrioring is any inclination of that (I know for a fact that every single person on Waterson NC knows and fears your name). At least I assume you lead one, or at the very least are a officer in one, considering that outfits are the best way to organize and collaborate to accomplish goals. Clearly someone of your grandiose would never just try and tell the zerg to do something and expect it to get done -- that would be just pure insanity. Hopefully the outfit you join on Connery will benefit from your expertise, and they would be the gravest of fools to leave it unheeded.

    ...Oh wait. None of that is true. You're not in an outfit, much less even lead one. Please, ViXeN, get over yourself. Your KD is impressive, but that doesn't make you a good player. Teamwork and cooperation, as you seem to have noticed, are key to being a good player, but someone who thinks they can just yell at a zerg as a total unknown and get anything done is fooling themselves. Join an outfit. With your stats, I am sure ZAPS, XOO, DAWN, VDS, or VREV would be glad to have you onboard. I appreciate that you're trying to improve the game of the VS (as well as you calling out people for being bad players and telling them not to blame gear for their poor performance), but you can't do that by being a forumside warrior -- you have to get in the trenches in an outfit, collaborate with leaders, and affect positive change that way. Otherwise, you're just spinning your wheels, and I think you'd be wise enough to know that.
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  2. ViXeN

    First of all, I AM in an outfit on Waterson. If you saw my post on the outfit board a little while ago you would know that. A couple friends from other games and I are bringing back ReZ from Tribes in January. We're just deciding on a tag since ours is taken and trying out players for our team, which is going to be a small outfit put together specifically for MLG. Secondly, its my skill AND teamwork abilities that make me a good player. As an NC you only get to see the skill so you don't know what you're talking about. ;) And yes, on Waterson these days I can often get pubbies to listen when I tell them what we need to do. Even when I am playing in squads and platoons, I still give the pubbies advice to help them.

    So are we done now? Good.

  3. Bortasz

    Go to Woodman. Join KoTV. All you problem will be solve.
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  4. Coltorl

    Lol wow the ego on this guy.

    Why make an outfit to compete with ZAPS?
    They will forever be the dominant VS force on Waterson, I've heard a lot of the good TIW players actually left TIW (do they even exists anymore?) to join ZAPS.

    Not sure why you are surprised about how bad a zerg acts, zergs are always stupid find an outfit that has decent leadership and you will find that Connery is the most active, and most fun server in North America.
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  5. TheFencer0

    Until I actually see you outside of a zergfest, leading an outfit, then we'll be done. Until that point, create your outfit, find a new name for it. I'm sure it won't be hard for you. Until then, you're not in an outfit, you're just pugging. No need to futz around, ViXeN -- I'd love to have more VS competition of your caliber, but thusfar, I haven't seen you doing it, but ZAPS. In all honesty, I hope you make me eat my words, but somehow I doubt it.

    Until then...

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  6. zukhov

    Err.. why, if so good, spend an hour trying to solo a bio lab and then come here and complain about it? It sounded like he was completely baffled by a situation that almost everyone has been in pretty much from the moment they started the game.

    Every faction's Zerg on connery will be nothing more then meals on wheels for the opposition if competent outfits aren't on the helm. This fact is true for everyone and that is something you simply have to accept since you can't fix stupid. If you want a more bearable experience on Connery find an outfit or group of friends you enjoy working with and enjoy the free certs that leaderless zergs offer you. As many have mentioned already there are plenty of outfits of many calibers that may peak your interest but until you work with them you really can't get to upset over the competence of zerglings on you faction.
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  8. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    Fixed it for you.
  9. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    Well, if you were on Esamir or Indar, you would have seen the VS dug in deep doing total denial and destruction of the NC on any front they had. Really annoying as an NC when that happens. I blame it mostly on warp gate placement at the moment. Amerish is were the NC have the better chance of taking and holding currently, so no surprise.
  10. ViXeN

    What about ZAPS? Looks like you didn't finish your sentence. We're not here to compete with ZAPS on the server. They will still be the big outfit that you see in all the battles and alerts. Like I said, ReZ will be small and created only for MLG and other tournaments. I don't like co-leading large clans anymore. Its just too much work.

    And most of the time, I don't pug on Waterson because I play with a specific squad of people on most days. On Connery I will be pugging until I find a good outfit to play for on there.

    That won't be a problem, its what I do best. ;) I have already made a lot of people do it on this forum. LOL And speaking of making people eat their words, when I get back later tonight I think its time for a new thread and tumblr post about one of the reasons why I started a new character on Connery. I seem to remember people questioning my Accuracy, SPM and whether or not I could get a higher k/d. :eek:
  11. Jester7x

    lol tumblr for people who cant get attention in real life
  12. Baconite

    Queen of the Vanu? Well I didn't vote for you!

    Help! Help I'm being repressed!

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  13. TeknoBug

    Wow the flaming contest in this thread
  14. Nerd Mode

    How would anyone know or care about some team that you or anyone else is "bringing back from Tribes." And who else is in this imaginary outfit with you? You got Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny on the roster?
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  15. Monkeydmomo

    First of all our outfit isn't very populated the most we'd fill on an ops night is two squads and one third of Charlie squad. They, I wasn't a founder, started of as only four guys. They expanded by selective recruiting and it has paid off as seen on the forum. Second of all, I understand you want to make a name for yourself but imo you should let that grow on it's own. Traseros, our top infantry player, plays a female in game and if anything your title should belong to his toon if anything lol. The guy doesn't ever get on forums to brag, and he's far more infamous then you are. The same goes for Frizzz, Purplepeopleeater, Brick, and many others.
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  16. Alizona

    Having played every day, I have to agree with you on this.

    However, realize there is another angle to this... by always having a lesser population, we now get the XP bonuses, and they can be SIGNIFICANT bonuses at that.

    There are times where I am getting +75% at an Amp Station repairing turrets when normally I would get 15%.

    It is frustrating, because lower population means less areas under our control which means less places I can go to repair stuff (my speciality), but the XP bonus is designed precisely to offset this, and I think it's just fine the way they've implemented it.
  17. ikillyou1990

    If any faction is underpopped on connery at the moment, it would be the TR.
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  18. Coltorl

    I'll give you credit, you are good at not dying, but certainly not good at killing (read .5 kills per min isn't anything special) and you certainly aren't the best at aiming 21% accuracy and 13% headshot ratio (MLG TIER AM I RIGHT)

    Good luck forming a competitive outfit with that ego of yours.
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  19. Alizona

    This is true. :) Usually when I log on, it's something like 40% NC, 32% VS, 28% TR

    But how "underpopped" can a faction REALLY be when...

    ...they currently hold the bragging rights to INDAR???????
  20. Mustakrakish

    That's odd, your outfit name doesn't show up in your PSU sig. You should have Hamma fix that for you.
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