Hacker just ruined good fight on miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Redshift, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Kaon1311

    Imagine this - These hackers have been obviously hacking for hours/days, and as yet nothing has been done after numerous reports. Cant even begin to imagine how many subtle hackers this game has.
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  2. S7rudL

    Probably the first time I reported any one in my history of gaming.
    At least there is some out of the context action going on. : P
  3. ashen

    Yep you can't TK as he's under the world most of the time, otherwise that would be the easy solution.

    As per the other threads on this, all it would take is a GM. I know it's been the Christmas break, but not having a single guy check the server during primetime? I mean is the financial situation that dire at SOE (actually, it might be after the recent layoffs).

    Even then, as I've seen before in EQ2, which should really have been a WoW-beater, is SOE tend to make great games then fail to support them properly after launch. It seems they're happy to put a few million $ into making a game, but the minute it's launched they'll only invest a tiny amount into expanding and maintaining it. So while games like WoW grow after launch, SOE games slowly and inevitably die. It's a bit of a vicious cycle where less investment = fewer subscribers = less profit = less investment. Just for once it would be great to see them keep a high level of investment in the first year, when they have so much player feedback and data to improve things.

    Perhaps all the eggs are in the EQNext basket at the moment, we can only hope they won't make the same mistake - but ofc, if history is anything to go by, they will :/
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  4. Bibibla

    How much would you like to be paid for a GM job during christmas ?
  5. Redshift

    GM work can be done from home, i have a mate who GM's stuff, he works a few hours over christmas and doesn't seem to mind.

    Considering holidays is when your game gets the most play you'd expect a game company to make provisions for at least basic GM support.
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  6. Catch23

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  7. Catch23

    I'm leaving forumside. waste of time.

    bye everyone and a Happy New Year
  8. ashen

    Yeah, if you're an industry that does most of it's business in the holidays, it's not impossible to find staff. And tbh if you're in the games industry you should expect to be overworked and have to do unreasonable hours ;)
  9. uhlan

    It always happens when there is any new content or updates.

    Many original players that left for one reason or another and all the hackers as well come out of the wood-work.

    Every FPS I've ever played has been the same.

    It's cyclical, but with PS2 with all the hype and hopes associated with the player base it's more extreme.
  10. Astriania

    I do think SOE have cut back in-game GMs too much. During prime time there should be someone at least checking in on all the servers and dealing swift justice to any obvious hacking. You might say that would just encourage more stealthy hacking, but someone using a wallhack or detuned aimbot is merely annoying, it isn't game-destroying which this 00OO00O guy is.
  11. Snowfake

    I think this is an issue we need to be taking to Prosieben. They seem to have abandon us. When is the last time any of us saw one of their "surveillance drones on" : /

    Considering these people are playing for 8 hours at a time it seems obvious there is no built in detection in the game so this game needs MODERATORS! and if Prosieben cant afford to do it then they need to let the community do it.
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  12. Utrooperx

    I would be happy just seeing the old "System wide" announcements that a GM was around again...that used to work pretty good at dissuading the "funny stuff"...but I think those were the guys that got let go a few months ago, as I haven't seen any announcements in quite some time.

    Rather then posting here about it, you might have better luck directly inquiring to Smed on Reddit...or tweet @j_smedley or mail him at jsmedley@soe.sony.com. Tell him how you feel.

    Smed said previously he was going to "get" these hackers...can't hurt to remind him.

    If you feel there is a "script kiddie" problem present in PS2, the BEST way to get action is to "go to the top" via extremely public posts...Reddit, Twitter, Facebook...be polite, but firm in your expectation of a "level playing field" and demand results, not a inconclusive /report in-game function that is apparently meaningless.

    IMO, every server should have a GM "spectating" 24/7...at the very least...or a "probability script" that picks up excessively abnormal gameplay and instantly locks the account pending GM review.
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  13. ncDieseL

    This. Unless he's standing right next to us, or is in the same platoon, it's very difficult to track a friendly. He's not killing us, so he doesn't show in the general chat. The only way we can report him is if we know his full name.
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  14. Villanuk

    The GM's stopped when SOE made the cut backs and the cheats have grown from that day. Now head shots are free, well they are milking it, most are still hiding there little cheats but its happening.

    Agreed, I do think the members need to make SOE aware of how we feel about this. They may just ignore our feelings, but if they don't deal with this situation then for sure people will stop playing this game. There will always be cheats on every game but to close your eyes to the problem and not even accept there is a problem is ignorant.
  15. ImANoob

    i noticed in one of the above threads one guys said your better off using Reddit to get admins to see your posts and get back to you, it really is a sad state of affairs when soe monitor Reddit more than there own forums....
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  16. Shadowyc

    Y'all need to send stuff to support. Mob Justice is a wild and unpredictable thing, and has a nasty habit of being used for very nasty purposes. Like convincing a huge crowd that some little girl should be killed simply because she wore pink on Tuesday. Nasty like that.
  17. Villanuk

    Its not Mob justice or a drum roll court hearing, its presenting the facts or players to SOE to deal with.
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  18. Shadowyc

    Still. Posting it here just makes problems. Even if you might not intend for there to be mob justice, it could happen because of this thread. Hell, hackers themselves could do the same thing to legitimate people, if they really are hackers and not script kiddies with 40 bucks and a disposable PC. Just better to err on the side of caution with this stuff, you know?
  19. janeTEXAS

    why cant they give GM powers to trusted people? People that actually show their face (known youtubers streamers for example)
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  20. Sordid

    ALL. OF. THEM.

    Unfortunately. :(