Allow NC bullets to penetrate Multiple non Max infantry.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. hawken is better

    All three faction's weapons do this already, lol.

    You ever stood behind a friendly (including MAX suits) and watched the enemies bullets fly straight through them and hit/kill you? Yeah, it's annoying.
  2. Shadowyc

    NC would need...I don't know actually. I'd say 10 points less damage or something like that. You get the power to shoot through people, but it's not going to hit as hard as it would know, since it's penetrating. :p
    TR would probably get an increased bullet drop, since they're firing what is essentially a tiny missile.
    And VS would probably get less accuracy, since...reasons that I'm making up.
  3. MrMurdok

    Sure, yeah. NC can hit anything in a straight line.

    Now, since VS weapons basically fire super heated plasma, I think it's only fair that it should be able to pierce all armor, so from now on, all Vanu weapons, from Beamer to Blueshifts can damage tanks and aircraft

    And, seeing as the TR are the only military force on Auraxis, I think they should have access to some more heavy duty hardware, like stealthed Liberators, Willy Pete rockets and smoke grenades that would blanket an entire area with thick, white smoke that rapidly tears everything in it apart, warpgate based artillary strikes and much more.

    Yeah, I can forumside too.
  4. Rabbitofdoom

    Faction flavor NO that would be insanly op.

    It could make interesting ES weapon. For example NC32-Drill fires very small calibre projectiles at extreme velocity that are capable of piercing mutiple targets.
    Vanu could get somthing that applies DOT on hit.
    TR a slow firing gun that would launch micro HEAT procjetiles that would arm themself in flight resulting in much higer damage at mid/semi-long range than in close range. But limited max range.
  5. Maljas23

    I'm ok with atleast trying this in the test server... as long as TR bullets add l0lbf3/bf4 supression effect on near miss, and VS rounds bounce off walls or do light AOE dmg in a small area on contact.
  6. Maljas23

    Even if these ideas are terrible though, I do like the OP's mindset.
  7. Campagne

    Maybe if the bullets could only penetrate once, and did half damage once they had passed through a target.
  8. Monkeydmomo

    You got it all wrong vs weapons will melt away enemy rounds and/or melt your foes weapons if you fire directly at their guns!
  9. lunate

    Please don't put real life into this if you are putting. Than Coil guns doesn't have recoil. Go check out larsplatoon on youtube. He made a automatic guass rifle already.
  10. lunate

    Na they should give TR explosive ammo on everything. Since we are all about EXPLOSION.
  11. Alarox

    The problem with the NC's trait is that... it isn't actually an advantage. You can burst at long range effectively with a high RoF weapon or a low RoF weapon. TTK across most weapons is the same. Higher damage =/= lower TTK or higher DPS because RoF is at the other end of the scale.

    Conversely, damage/magazine and no bullet drop... those are specific advantages.

    As for what the OP suggests, that could be potentially gamebreaking.
    • Up x 1
  12. lunate

    Na make VS shoot through walls, " ITS LASERS" It suppose to melt through EVERYTHING.
  13. Shadowyc

    One coil gun. Big and flashy.

    Sadly, that's not what the VS are using.
    VS are using plasma! Of some kind. Nanite plasma. It's like blood. But hotter. Because nanites.
  14. lunate

    Check this 1 out. I find it more practical than the 1 you show. Also it can shoot auto.

    Also it reloading was like the old PDW T-T how i wish they implement the old reloading animation back
  15. SanPelicano

    Fist of all, VS uses laser and plasma technology... Plasmas temperature is millions of kelvins...Military lasers have thousands of kelvins and nearly infinite velocity. There is no armor which can resist this heat. So swagrider weapons should melt down a prowler with 1 or 2 shot. Vanus small arms should pass infantry, tanks,liberators with the speed of the light

    Secondly, higher caliber does not mean better ability of penetrating, it means better stopping power, damage, bigger wounds... Low caliber has better chance to penetrate the soft tissue, because the bullet does not slow down (smaller wounds,low damage) when it hits.
    Not to mention LAZORZ do not have stopping power, they can not slow down in normal circumstances,they are holy light, so they go throught nearly everything... at least in RL.

    Finally, I know it is just a game. Real physics of lasers/plasmas would be OP... You should know the same, when you are speaking about Railguns...
  16. KnightCole

    And very goddamn annoying for the stupid kids who would try to line up as many friendlies as he could with one Commisioner head shot...which seems to be the thing to do now a days....ohk friendlies with Commi's.
  17. KnightCole

    Ya know that video almost totally explains why the NC LMGs look the way they do. It looks like the front end of our NC6 minus the outer coating of stuff.
  18. DeadliestMoon

    Well seeing as how what technology the factions use are mainly just aesthetics, one could say that NC's infantry weapons are coil tech and NC's vehicles use rail tech.
  19. Shadowyc

    Real physics of lasers in the game would only be OP if they created permanent blindness. They're not really good at cutting you in half when on a planet, despite what James Bond says. :p What would be cool is getting anti-missile lasers and area suppression microwave emitters that blur the screen severely and cause a low amount of damage over time.
  20. FateJH

    Let's ignore questions of realistic capabilities and balance and let me suggest that we have no evidence our current damage model can support this kind of ballistic.