Review of Sirius and NS-PDW. (No videos).

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by LectraWyraph, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. LectraWyraph

    So you may be wondering, and worrying about wasting your certs with various of the aforementioned weapons, well I'll say things I ideally wish could've been said to me before purchasing them, although I did not regret it. If you question my sincerity cause it sounds overtly positive- there are weapons I regretted purchasing, but not for the infiltrator class.

    The biggest question you probably have, are about the SMGs, which is best for you, or which is the best one or whatever. Well I'll compare the Sirius to the NS-PDW for this

    Sirius: Upsides: Much better at close range combat, noticeably faster TTK (it has the potential to kill much faster), also better ammo clip, and only slightly less total ammunition. It's great for hyper aggressive gameplay, in fact it's so good at close range combat, that even non-infiltrators use it for CQC as well.

    Recommended certs: Suppressor, soft point ammunition, advanced laser site,

    Downside: It's range is HORRIBLE, it's range is WAY WORSE than the NS-PDW. Also it's recoil isn't nearly as low as the NS-PDW, and it's aim down sights function seems... Terrible, almost not worth using ADS with this weapon at all, unless using a night vision scope to scout/find enemies. If it's range wasn't so horrible, it'd be overpowered though, so keep that in mind.

    Also having a Sirius will pretty much FORCE you into very close range combat, which will probably make you die a lot more, and you won't be able to sneak, escape, or hide as easily as a result. Being forced into extreme close quarters combat, does not synergize well at ALL with the infiltrators cloak, these do things do not combine well, and while the Sirius is still excellent at what it does for infiltrators, that's a thing to remember.


    Upsides: This gun was practically custom built for the infiltrator class. Sure all classes can use it... Regardless of what it's intended purpose was, it has so much that all the other infiltrator guns lack, and it's weaknesses are compensated by where the infiltrator excels. The major upside of the NS-PDW is it's lack of major weaknesses, that all other infiltrator weapons have.

    Having the ability to cloak actually complements it's relatively poor TTK.

    Also it exceeding at mid to long range combat, again, complements the infiltrators cloak.

    It is not terrible at mid to long range combat, which is the pitfall of the Sirius, Eridani, and similar SMGs.

    It's not... Completely awful at hipfiring, unlike scout rifles.

    It does not have the massive pitfall that bolt action rifles have against moving targets. (a pitfall that can only be compensated for, by aiming skills many people don't have),

    It doesn't force you into ranges where your cloak is nearly useless, unlike other SMGs.

    It's highly capable of self defense in close quarters combat none the less, and unlike scout rifles, or unlike sniper rifles, there are a significant amount of situations, in which it will likely safe your life when you get forced into close range.

    With other SMGs in some ways having teammates nearby can be a liability at times, because even though they can be a distraction, they can draw attention to you... ALL WHILE you cannot fire at range as well as most of them.

    At least in my experience, the Sirius tends to demand either going solo without the safety of nearby teammates, or relying on your teammates to bait enemies up close... Which can have it's downside. But with the NS-PDW you no longer have to flank at close ranges, so you can benefit more from being near your squad or platoon.

    Another thing the NS-PDW excels at, is killing moving targets who aren't nearby. Quite possibly better so than any other infiltrator weapon, unless you have like perfect sniping skills.

    Also if you see an unaware opponent, the NS-PDW is often so good at killing unaware opponents who aren't right next to you, or aren't standing perfectly still, where as with sniper rifles the movement can mess up your aim, or with the SMGs, by the time you're within ambush range you're likely already dead.

    The NS-PDW also just generally encourages better teamwork than other infiltrator weapons in general. Because it's versatile, because you don't need to be so far away from your platoon in order to flank, and this lets your platoon protect you better, but because your NS-PDW is much better at "panic firing" than scout rifles or sniper rifles, at the same time you can also easily use it to protect your platoon members as well.

    Basically, a perfect weapon for mutual protection. It's good at defending yourself, good at protecting your teammates, good at soloing, good at hitting moving targets, and good at much longer ranges than the other SMGs, all at the same time... THAT is why the lower TTK is worth it. I think it quite lives up to the name "personal defense weapon", in that regard.

    Yes the other SMGs kill faster, and are better if you get jumped in close range, but in nearly every other aspect the NS-PDW is better. Also the non faction specific tracers help a lot too, they help way more than they harm your performance I think

    ... And when you find one of those perfect hiding spots, or perfect angles, that is at medium range from enemies... Even if you're solo, you can pull off killing streaks, that'd be hard to pull off with other SMGs, because of the safety the additional distances provides you, and how much more effective it makes your cloak.

    For infiltrators there is no gun more versatile than the NS-PDW, and that versatility complements the infiltrator class amazingly, if you are willing to take the sacrifice of a slower TTK than other guns.

    Suggested certs: Suppressor or flash suppressor, forward grip, and extended magazines.

    Scopes: Trade off between NS-scope, and one of the 2x reflex scopes.

    The NS-scope can hurt your accuracy, which can be pretty bad with a gun that already has subpar TTK, and your accuracy is further damaged at the ranges this gun can excel at... HOWEVER the NS-scope is great for scouting, and great for lining up shots after uncloaking, so as I said it's a trade off.

    I personally use the MH2 reflex site, supposedly it's technically... Slightly inferior to the Vanu version?

    But I like it not only cause it can hypothetically slightly confuse enemies, but it just feels perfect to me... Something about all the red, and the way it centers the screen, and being more square than the VS scope, it feels like it helps me aim on some subconscious level or something, I know that maybe doesn't make sense.

    Basically, I recommend either the night vision scope or whatever 2x reflex scope makes you most comfortable.

    Extended magazines at least partially because if you don't have perfect aim it can be important for CQC, and cause it has a low clip for an SMG... But PRIMARILY because longer range weapons generally perform better with higher clips in general. A high clip can be very important for killing enemies at longer ranges, to kill them before you have to reload.

    Suppressor will give you added survivability, and soloing potential, but it will also increase the TTK at longer ranges, which... Is something you need to take into consideration with the NS-PDW which is MADE for mid to long range combat, and doesn't have impressive TTK to begin with. I have a suppressor and flash suppressor and switch between both situationally. I tend to use the suppressor more when I'm gonna be solo, and the flash suppressor when I have several friendlies nearby.

    Downside: The NS-PDW is by far the WORST SMG at CLOSE RANGE COMBAT, don't get me wrong it's an EXCELLENT gun for infiltrators, but just worse than other SMGs at close ranges.

    Conclusion? If you play the infiltrator class a lot, I recommend you purchase a close range SMG, Sirius if you're VS, AND an NS-PDW. I know 2000+ certs sounds ridiculous, but it was very much worth it for me. The Sirius is better if you want to use that weapon for multiple classes, but otherwise in general for most situations the NS-PDW is better I think.

    And I think for any infiltrator, that both weapons are must haves, in spite of how expensive they are combined together. Do keep in mind my playstyle though... I'm one of those people, who prefers to avoid dying frequently, and cares more about survivability than TTK, and your playstyle and or priorities may be different from my own.
  2. ZeroErrorz

    wow the sirius actualy suck, i thought it was a carbon copy of the blitz and IMO if it does i say the blitz is awesome at close range, and why would you say cloak is useless in cqc ?
  3. Iridar51

    Sirius is not a direct copy of a Blitz, Sirius has different recoil pattern, it's worse by a large margin.

    OP - google the difference between "it's" and "its"
  4. Sathayorn

    Google, as a company name, should be capitalized.

    Other people can be grammar ****'s too. Why so Sirius?
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  5. Iridar51

    Because it hurts to read that OP. And "google" is a verb here, try harder.
  6. LectraWyraph

    It isn't useless, it is just WAY more effect at medium range, and at long range. Many times in medium range, if you can live long enough to recloak you can survive someone trying to shoot at you, and if you can survive the initial shots towards you at long range, you can almost always cloak successfully enough to retreat and survive.

    But in close range your cloak won't be able to save your life as often.

    A better way to say it, is if you want to rely on your cloak to keep you alive, it's generally a good rule of thumb to avoid very close ranges.
  7. Kukuguy

    I would not recommend using a supressor on a SMG, it really takes away the medium engagement option especially if soft-point is equipped.

    Keep in mind that the NS7 is a SMG and it should be used like one. Attachments like compensator and foregrip ruin its hip fire capability. Aimming down sight on an infil can really slow down the pace and expose your position. I would recommend the adv.laser sight over both extended mag and foregrip
  8. Jawarisin

    Biased review. I'm not going to take more time to comment on this.
  9. CuteBeaver

    Really? I think the OP has a few good points, and many of the reasons he provides echo my own experiences with the gun. Particularly the following.

    I personally have found the NS-7 PDW fantastic for being able to take down threats to my squad. The gun feels like it was made for me. The extended reach of the NS-7 PDW makes my climbing even more lucrative. I can kill from roof tops, trees, windows, and reach out and touch more targets easier. It is fantastic for a hit and run stealth orientated play style with a suppressor. It is not meant for brawling with nano-armor cloaking in the thick of things. However that is not my job in cooperative play anyway. My job is darts, darts, more darts, and then squad protection.

    I stand by the NS-7 PDW as a solid investment for anyone who likes SMG's but also likes parkour, advanced squad play, or general sneaky goodness. If you can learn to overcome the weaknesses of the gun **Cough** commy / knife **cough** it truly gives you a ton of advantages.

    I am sure anyone who enjoys run and gun CQC gameplay is scratching their head going... "Beaver , what the heck! How can you recommend this gun when the Sirius has more bullets, better hipfire, and if you can burst fire correctly and control your aim, ALMOST reach just as far?!"

    The point I am going to highlight is that in a tense situation, at an increased range, the NS-7 PDW has a better chance of taking down that target quickly. You don't even have to try, you can panic like a noob and full auto body shots and make out with a kill.
    I think that is what the OP was trying to say. You cannot full auto a Sirius at those ranges and expect to save your team mate. Better yet if you do manage to control yourself with the NS-7 PDW in a situation where your ADS'ing a target towards the end of your effective range, you can burst fire extremely accurately and take them down suppressed with ease. Unfortunately you can't really do that with the Sirius. Your going to be throwing at least half your clip down range.

    Both guns have their place. For me, because of what I do, I rarely equip the Sirius any longer. The more hide spots I know, the more buildings rocks, trees, and walls I can climb the less and less I use the Sirius.
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  10. Jawarisin

    I've taken down threats with a beamer. Justifying the use of a weapon because it kills is not the best argument. I'm no fan of sirius, my weapons range from my favorite Eridani, to the Sirius, the Artemis and the Parallax to snipe.

    The problem with the PDW is the clip size. When you're in a big death-pit with a close front line, killing one person at a time isn't ennough. Sometime yes, but more often than not, you get two or three peoples that you have to kill in quick succession. The sirius allows you that.

    On the other hand, if you want a longer reach, the Eridani is there. I won't talk about this gun anymore than this because the review was PDW/Sirius.

    The advantages of the PDW are a greater versatility at the cost of bullets and TTK. The bullet count is not an issue in a 1v1, except if your aim is terrible, 30 bullets will kill about anybody with a little extra for a short reload. The Issue comes in 2v1 and 3v1 possibly 4v1. In a 2v1, if you don't aim at the head and get most of your shots in, your not getting them down or it's an extremely close call, especially if there's a heavy in there. 3v1 forget it. Sirius has the advantage of allowing you to 3v1 peoples with one clip, and possibly 4v1. The TTK being shorter is also extremely useful if this fight happens to happen around a corner/rock/obstacle.

    TTK isn't the ultimate measure.... but nearly. Face to face, equally skilled to equally skilled, as lucky to as lucky and so on so forth, the sirius will win, the PDW will loose. At longer range, the PDW will win. The problem with longer range though, is it gives more possible obstacles to block your view, a bit harder to aim (not much an issue but it's still a .1 - .2 second lost); silencer makes bullet travel slower too, so you spend a bit more time aiming ahead. and a lot of tiny factors that make it even longer to kill.

    You mentioned the commissioner. It is an extremely effective weapon even at range. So I'll revert that by saying why not use it as a long range weapon and keep the Sirius for closer combat?

    But just in general, if you really want a bigger range and you ADS at about any time, I suggest you give a try to the Sirius with a force grip.

    As stated before, my favourite gun isn't the Sirius. But I think each gun has it's own speciality, and claiming one is better than another without looking at both sides equally isn't really what a review should be doing.
  11. CuteBeaver

    I'v tried the Sirius, the OP suggest infiltrators get both guns, but he focuses on explaining WHY you would want to get the NS-7 PDW. I can only assume he felt compelled to do this because people use the NS-7 PDW wrong when they first start. They use it like just another SMG. Get absolutely destroyed, and call it a crappy gun. He isn't saying the Sirius is a bad gun at all, just trying to explain that by having the Sirius for aggressive play, and the NS-7 PDW for conservative play you fill both gaps exceedingly well.

    About the Eridani:

    The Eridani (which i do also enjoy) has the benefit of being able to hold its own, 1v1 with even the toughest CQC weapons, while being smooth as silk, and accurate for ADS. I used to use this weapon before the NS-7 PDW came out with EMP's to great success. This gun has even fewer rounds then the NS-7 PDW and requires good aim. Its not often recommended to newer players because its less forgiving in terms of clip size. The wonderful thing about the Eridani is you can kind of use it aggressively with EMP's or conservatively (provided you can burst fire well under pressure) as you would do with the NS-7 PDW.

    The NS-7 PDW on the other hand forces you into a conservative play style. Trying to use an NS-7 PDW on 3v1 non EMP ambush situation is just absurd. It is not meant for that. You cannot compare an apple to an orange. The very drawbacks you site, enemies taking cover at range... however can also be used by the player. Add in cloak for escape and you have a perfect gun for stealth play. The gun is wonderful for extending your time to live, mobility and allowing you to take down moving targets at longer ranges. The NS-7 PDW isn't about having more bullet damage, or being able to exchange rounds with shotguns or guns designed for CQC specifically. Its about opening up the battle field, and providing the player with more opportunities to make kills, on the move, while keeping them, and their team safer. The NS-7 PDW keeps you out of the reach of shotguns. It forces you to be more selective in your approach, and I find this is a good thing because it makes you play smarter. Your squad will be happy because their infiltrator doesn't go running off trying to spray down targets putting themselves in situations where if they fail, a revive is difficult. The infiltrator can remain with their team, and provide radar while still being able to defend against flank attacks.

    If your having a problem with the clip size, take off the advanced laser, add more bullets with the extended mag. Now the damage per mag is enough for easily two targets via body shots. Honestly I would recommend the extended magazine over the laser because the DPM is lowest. Learning to compensate for lead time is a non issue, I don't even have to think about doing it. I am glad you mentioned the Eridani, and previous to the release of the NS-7 PDW that used to be my favorite weapon. I enjoy using the NS-7 PDW with EMP's just like I used to do with the Eridani previously. The extra 5 rounds in the clip over the Eridani can ensure multiple kills via the EMP.

    The reason I ended up switching away from the Eridani was because I could consistently kill more with an extended NS-7 PDW EMP ambush. With the Eridani I was always concerned the 3rd person would live in a group ambush. The other reason I switched was because of all the climbing I do the extra range of the NS-7 PDW really helped me claim more kills. I also found in most cases I didn't need to be in CQC range. If I did end up close to a target I found the Commy Knife to be the most effective in time to kill anyway. In other CQC situations spraying with NS-7 PDW without an advanced laser is easy anyway. We are not meant to aim for the head when hip firing in most cases. The other tactic i used to compensate for the lower damage is spraying the target, or ADSing them from cover at range, and moving in with the COMMY for the kill. It usually ends up being a 1 shot kill.
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  12. Jawarisin

    The Eridani (at least in my case), can take down two targets with body shots without the use of an EMP. It has a better damage (143) than the NS PDW (125). With the soft point amunition, the max dmg range increases to 15, the same as PDW. They have the same rate of fire but the Eridani's reload time is WAY quicker. PDW has bullet drop.

    PDW feels to me like all the bad points of the Eridani and Sirius combined. The low dmg per bullet of the sirius, combined with the low ROF and smaller clip of the Eridani. Combine this whole thing in a gun without my favourite sight! (the favourite sight (vanu x1) is totally biased).

    Basically, up to around an estimated 23-25 meters, the Eridani is better. After that, the dmg drop (down to 91) falls below his guesstimated PDW buddy (100).
    Eridani looks like a Straight-up Upgrade from the PDW to me.

    As for my pistol, my silenced beamer has been faithful to me for a while now. And I'm slowly getting auraxium on it, one kill at a time. I would never trade it for a non-silenced pistol.
  13. CuteBeaver

    How about try 35-50m?

    Its the longer ranges this gun shines with. Its the ability for an infiltrator to uncloak, kill someone and fade back into obscurity that gives the weapon its niche. It seems like your over estimating the Eridani's ability to pick of targets quickly at those ranges. Or maybe just pointing out the sadface facts about how lame it is close up. Anyway I give up trying to express the advantages here. You seem to be one who focuses on math and hard numbers and cannot seem to understand what I am getting at in terms of target availability/ decreasing personal risks in combat.

    Don't hate on my PDW :) we is friends! And in any case! At least one of us enjoys using it. *evil grin*
  14. Benevon

    According the spreadsheet, the NS7 is hitting 100 @ 65 meters where as the Sirius is 84 @ 42 meters. The NS7 simply has an entirely different damage drop off compared to the other SMGs, where the NS7 will lose out to any other SMG in close quarters, it will work much better at mid range.

    To say one is just "better" is completely biased. Each fills a particular role or play style. In fact, the same could be said for a lot of the weapons and/or attachments (besides the flashlight). Some weapons just shine more in particular situations than another.
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  15. Benevon

  16. Jawarisin

    I can assure you you will never NEVER never NEVER NEVER use your weapon at 60+ meters. Or at least you shouldn't. In fact, you shouldn't shoot it over 25 or so meters, possibly up to 40 if you got a REALLY clear view. Go in game, set a waypoint and see what the actual distance is; you won't believe it until you see it yourself // VR training also even better. There's the distance marked on the ground at the shooting range.

    In 99.99% of the ranges you'll be shooting, including medium range, eridani will hit harder. That's the point. The only advantage of the PDW is if you buy it with station cash, it can be used on any class/faction
  17. Benevon

    Clearly you like the Eridani. I can't speak to the VS guns myself, but obviously people enjoy the NS. That is their perogative.
  18. Kukuguy

    And yet I do much better with the PDW for some reason... yes, I have better stats on the PDW than Blitz, Sirius and Cyclone
  19. Benevon

    Im no math wiz, but the spreadsheet seems to indicate the PDW having lower max damage than the eridani but only begins to drop off 11 meters farther than where the eridani starts to drop in damage. I know the PDW requires less rounds at about 20 meters to drop a target in VR than my armistice.

    You may do better with the eridani, which is great. Use the weapon you work best with. But the stats are the stats.
  20. tugernut

    I prefer the NS 90% of the time , but in the rear CQC battles the Sirius is hard to beat ( for VS )
    but I prefer both the TR and NC smg's way more then the Sirius