Sneak Peek into the control center of a Vanguard

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RHINO_Mk.II, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Suiradezza

  2. Furrydaus

    Lol whats so funny abt his sig? :rolleyes:
  3. HadesR

    Doesn't the Band Wagon accelerate faster ?
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  4. LordCreepy

    You can skip a gear shift and accelerate much faster in the vanguard by a simple key pressing trick unless they finally fixed this.
    And the speed with max racer is 5 kph below a max racer prowler.

    I wouldn't call this significantly slow enough to call the vanguard a snail sorry.

    And resist levels of the vanguard are out of question.
    You can run max stealth with the vanguard and sport almost the same resistance a mag/prowler has with EITHER side or frontal armor .

    And if all fails press the IWIN button, especially funny if you only fight against lightings.

    If anything the only weak part of the vanguard are infantry av camps - and those kill all mbts alike
  5. mr.hanky

    VS lobster going ape sht*t
  6. Furrydaus

    Haha now that you mentioned it, its actually funny hahaha
  7. Pikachu

    The most funny part was the screen. :D
  8. Borusa

    To be honest, my Vanguard feels far faster than the Prowler, except for turning. Mind you my Vanguard has Racer 3, while Prowler has Racer 2 - though I haven't noticed any considerable difference between stock and Racer two on Prowler (unlike on Vanguard, where Racers make a world of difference).
    I guess when they say that, they refer to the stock Vanguard's acceleration.
    That being said the picture was fun.
  9. BengalTiger

    Racer chassis gives the V probably twice the engine power. I've climbed up steep hills at 50 km/h with R3, that a regular Vanguard would be struggling to get above 20.
    That's not to mention twice as fast gear changes or raw acceleration on flat terrain.

    Top speed is just the cherry on the cake with this upgrade, and going from 55 km/h to 66 is a 20% increase.
  10. Klypto

    The lack of acceleration is what the drivers usually take note of and confuse with speed.
  11. Epic High Five

    But where is the cert ornament and the fuzzy dice

    Why that Vanguard doesn't seem swagged out at all, for shame
  12. Giggily

    it's funny because the magrider is the slowest tank
  13. RHINO_Mk.II

    Primetime bump for anyone who missed it.
  14. BigBooty

    Well, Planetside 2 isn't BF2, BF3, or BF4.
    Also, I remember farming a group of high BRs with my default vanguard on Esamir as a BR 2. I was extremely outnumbered, but I parked high on a hill and destroyed them, spotted their sunderer, and smashed it. Eventually they took the base, but I got at least 20 kills. It's all about strategy. That was a particularly lucky day, but still.
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  15. Liquid23

    that's to many buttons and levers for the average NC to handle...
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  16. EmperorPenguin5

    Ok um.. whats all those magriders surrounding Quartz ridge all the time? hmm? yeah totally not them going up something much more than a slight incline.
  17. DelusionsOfGrandeur

    Pretty accurate, I think it's missing the " Disengage Traction " button though.
  18. RHINO_Mk.II

    No, see it's missing the "engage traction" button.
  19. Prudentia

    You can get up there while pushing a AI MANA Turret... all you need is Hvar (or a map to find the way up on the east) drive up there and come back down. i always sit sat there with my AP lightning sniping defensive sundies inside the base before even a single magrider got there.
  20. EmperorPenguin5

    ok so I guess here's my problem then. WHY THE FRAK DO MAGRIDERS NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO CLIMB ANYTING!?!??! its a frakking hovercraft....