Ramming needs to stop.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ikillyou1990, Jan 2, 2014.

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  1. ikillyou1990

    Really getting tired of people who can't fly worth a damn ramming everyone. Then laughing because they think they are all that because they killed you by ramming you. You will NEVER get respect from ramming people. Hell, I honestly think that mid air collisions shouldn't even give XP. If you are going to ram somebody, then brag about how you killed that guy, make sure you tell them you are also a noob who has to resort to ramming people when you cannot outfly your opponent.

    This has got to stop. If you are losing a dogfight then at least have some dignity to let the person who outgunned you get the kill and survive. If you can't do that, then stay out of the air and stop ruining it for other people. Go get a burster max or Skygaurd if you cannot kill aircraft without ramming them with yours. If I know I'm going to lose a dogfight, I at least let the other person kill me, hell I even send them a tell saying "nice shot" or something along those lines.

    Ramming other pilots or spamming A2A pods get you no respect. Really pathetic how childish people act when they lose...
  2. IamDH

    You can move out the way, its not hard.
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  3. ExquisitExamplE

    Um... If you get rammed it's usually a mutual affair. If I see another aircraft coming right for me head-on, I'll just roll off and avoid the collision. 85% of the time I die to a mid-air collision, which rarely happens, it's because I didn't roll away in time, in which case it's both of our fault. I don't know how you fly, but if you are dying a lot to rams, you probably need to fly less aggressively.
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  4. ZeroErrorz

    never under estimate the reaver wing, those blade are awesome when the target only have 50 % health or bellow i use it when they are really close and smoking will kill them and you will stay alive, as for noob ramming yea its true that need to stop i hate to lost my lovely reaver each time a noob crash it.

    IMO Tactical ramming is a legit way to play, not noob ramming
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    there's no honor in this game, so forget that. if you can kill your opponent with ramming or a2a missiles, you do so before he is able to kill you.

    also, the game has ram bonus xp, why? that means the game designers had ESF ramming in mind

    that said, what about liberators/galaxies who skywhale their opponents out of the sky? that is ramming too and it is a "respected" and established way to take out enemy aircraft
  6. RHINO_Mk.II

    I tried to ram a scythe yesterday when I was 0/0 ammo near the VS warpgate after soloing a lib. Then I realized he was using PPA + Photon Pods and I laughed all the way back to my own warpgate with him chasing me.
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  7. DukeFlash

    As a spectator, I think mid-air collisions are awesome and should stay.
    I can certainly understand how being on the receiving end sucks so maybe if 'ramming effectiveness' was something that had to be certed into, it'd still be a thing but less spammed.

    I think a spear / prong on the nose of aircraft for ramming bonus would be both hilarious and effective.
    Hell, give it to land vehicles too!
  8. MrPokealot

    There is no honor, only certs.

    Seriously unless you've arranged for a one-on-one, the only good advice is to move in groups and use A2A. It's a game, people are going to try their best to kill you, otherwise it wouldn't be half as fun...
  9. ikillyou1990

    I do understand ramming happens, accidental collisions happen yes. I'm talking about the full afterburner into somebody else kind of crap. You cannot dodge that. Especially when you lose sight of them and they ram you from the top/bottom/side.
  10. Alarox

    It is impossible to prevent someone from ramming you?

    In which case, are you also saying it is impossible to prevent someone from getting into position to one-clip you? Because being able to ram someone is the same thing as that, and preventing that is easy as all hell.

    And if they get above/behind you and ram you... didn't you just get completely outplayed and would have died anyway?
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  11. Yasa

    I suck at dogfighting. What I do have is lvl 10 aquisition, so I can spawn esfs quite fast and ram as many enemies as possible.

    Anyways, what am I supposed to do, just let the enemy rocketpod my teammates? Theres no reason not to do everything in your power to kill the enemy. The exp from the kill is just payment for your sacrifice.

    This isnt Warthunder. If you suck at dogfighting, stop trying to dogfight their ace pilots and just ram them instead.
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  12. MasonSTL

    That's your error, and they took advantage of it.

    What is with pilots and tagging only certain tactics as "honorable." A2A is dishonorable, ramming is dishonorable, ejecting is dishonorable.

    It's another way to take a player out, if it is happening a lot to you find what YOU are doing wrong, learn from it, and build on your skills.
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  13. Nexus545

    Here's the thing. Unless you are really unlucky the vast majority of ESF on ESF ramming is because they're playing a game of chicken and no one moves out of the way. If you hate being rammed and someone is going straight for you just move. Yes you want to put those extra round in but it's not really worth it.
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  14. Hibiki54

    I do not ram on purpose. You just happen to be in my way and didn't move.
  15. JokeForgrim

    Sure because that will stop it. Most of the people who fly but can't dogfight ram because they want to take someone down before they lose. Even if they got no XP for it they would still do it. Not to mention removing XP would unfairly nerf Galaxy pilots (they are already doing a thankless job taxi'ing ppl around, at least leave them with the 1 ESF kill an hour).

    Now If you were to be complaining about wreckage I would completely agree. It seems the shell of a vehicle weighs infinity.

    I have been killed after destroying a tank with my tank, when it magically flipped into the air and landed on top of my tank causing instant damage = to enemy spawn room damage. My tank was pinned as I tried to reverse and then exploded 1 second later.

    My Galaxy/Libs/ESF have destroyed enemy ESF then had the wreckage clip and drag it down to the ground whilst doing heaps of collision damage per second. That makes no sense... the rubble of an ESF that can easily be rammed to death, can then drag a galaxy to the ground under its seemingly infinite weight once its dead.

    Most people don't play for respect, they play for fun. Maybe 10% of this community at best is MLG. Just look at the balance changes, they have all been tailored to casual gamers.
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  16. Latrodectus

    I kind of wish ESF's colliding wouldn't cause any damage. That way ramming would remain a valid tactic for trying to disorient your opponent, but it wouldn't be a last ditch, spiteful effort for sore losers.
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  17. Camycamera

    war, war never changes.... war is never fair.
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  18. Cinnamon

    Ramming is fun but many pilots in this game are no fun allowed.gif.
  19. ikillyou1990

    When they are on fire, they lose engine power, other ESFs cannot turn fast enough to regain sight. Therefore, they can afterburner into you from another direction quite easily.

    If you suck at dog fighting, then get a burster max, lock on rocket launcher or any other means of AA. Problem solved, you will get way more kills, way more certs, and won't die as often.

    When you add laggy pilots and the fact that they afterburn into you before you can even think about turning away, no, you cannot avoid it. I see VS doing it the most.

    Maybe not, but it would lower the numbers. There would be no incentive to ram.

    That is a completely different issue that does need to be addressed and fixed.
  20. Hatesphere

    technically its a tie, so they arent losers, since you are dead.
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