Briggs Resource Paradox

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KO-tic, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. KO-tic

    Here's the thing!/planetstatus

    I'm an NC player on the briggs server, During prime time the NC is severally out numbed by both the vanu and TR therefore result in less than 20% territory control, This means than we get a LOT less resources than Both the tr and vanu


    Both TR and VANU have more resouces than NC therefore can spawn more tanks,aircraft and sundies than Nc
    therefore dominating the nc

    More tanks,more c4 ,more ESF more AMS ,more medkits,more claymore more everything, THEREFORE dominating the NC making it near impossible for us to push up or regain territory, a lot of NC player leave and the 4th faction switches over therefore making the situation worse

    It has been like this more MONTHS,I havent got my resouce in Greater than 50 in a loooong time


    ~forgive the spelling/grammer mistakes
  2. Metaphor

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  3. f0d

    you must be joking if you think NC are underpopped
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  4. KO-tic

  5. ST4LK3R

    NOPE! It's pbly NC outfits are fighting for Alerts and VS scrubs are fighting for TAWRICH. After the Alert is finished NC outfits come back and kick VS scrubs out of TAWRICH. THEN VS scrubs will hold some irrelevant base that has been cut so far from any VS territory while TR and NC warp gate VS.

    That happens to other factions too but VS scrubs do that a lot more on Briggs. When I or someone use /order to ask the scrubs to fall back, some scrub will whisper me profanity or "someone is mad". Yes, I am mad sometime because I spent a few hundred $s on this game because I thought everyone in this game has common sense and if something is wrong, someone'd fix it. Be reminded, that request in /order has no sarcasm or profanity 90% of the time and the worst one I said was 'Fighting a squad using the whole VS Platoon while TR warp gate us. Get your **** together, VS'.

    Welcome to Briggs.
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  6. AxisO7

    Err, NC underpopped? NC have been the dominant faction pop-wise for at least a month on Briggs. They'll regularly have more than 40% of the world population.

    The only thing I can think of is that you are seeing periods when there is an Amerish or Esamir alert, and most of NC (and TR) have gone over to that continent. VS regularly stay behind on Indar, attempt to smash the remaining unorganised pubs and warpgate both other factions (how fun :rolleyes: ) . You may be looking at the population stats on Indar at those times and think that NC is underpopped.
  7. Metaphor

    And if you have a look at the link in my post, it clearly shows NC is overpopped at all times.
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  8. TheFamilyGhost

    Why do I come here.
  9. RipperTR


    NC on Briggs is overpopulated (and under skilled.)
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  10. zutzutzut

    so mean ripper =[
  11. Sen7rygun

    ITT: Op: "We NC here get our arses kicked hard and consistently by both the TR and VS. They must out number us by like 5:1."

    No dude, you out pop us both by nearly 20% on some nights, and by 10-15% on average. Briggs NC is just taking a ferocious pounding from superior forces.

    I feel really sorry for some of your players because I know Briggs NC has some incredibly combat proficient individuals who must be getting seriously getting tired of the beatings while carrying the weight of an entire faction on their backs.

    ^ You're one of the guys in this category Evilant.
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  12. RHYS4190

    even during prime time iv noticed NC has a pop advantage, One thing the TR and Vanu i guess have is they got some really good player and outfits, It just they way this game is if you better team players or better players you can over come large scrub armys.

    numbers only get you so far, with the way the game is you can destroy bigger forces using supperior tatics.
  13. Admiralty

    Lol underpopped primetime? Last night or arvo's Esamir alert had 50% NC
  14. Kid Gloves

    Come to Esamir! Especially during an alert. NC almost always has a massive over-pop there, and VS is lucky to have 20% total continent population. It's a target rich environment, and with most of the NC busy hunting snowmen the actual fights aren't nearly as one-sided as the population might suggest. :)
  15. Yasa

    I stopped reading here.
    If this graph is even slightly accurate, you will realise that the NC has been destroying population balance since October. Even during prime time. June-Aug was the month of the Vanu (Zoe and EyeofSaron, I guess). Sept was for the TR (Vulcan harasser?), but the TR never held population superiority over long periods of time.
  16. RipperTR

    Not you obviously, I'd rate you one of the better NC infantry players around. You, Bunit. Yurtles and that guy that only seems to operate in a hex where NC are defending a tower. ;)

    One thing I've noticed playing a bit of NC lately is the lack of medics. 48+ in the hex and not a medic in sight, the same goes for engies that won't drop ammo :eek:.
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  17. ST4LK3R

    Yeah, I knew. It's pointless though. We do go to alerts when we have full squad or at least 10 people since my outfit is very small.
  18. y3ivan

    Hey once VS manage to win an alert despite having 17% pop while TR and NC are fighting each other
  19. Kn1fey

    Hahaha NC underpopped what a joke, we are so overpopped its terrible.

    The problem is even with our 40%+ pop a lot of the newer outfits and there members do nothing, I saw yesterday a wall of NC between Tawrich Depot and Broken Arch Road just sitting back getting farmed couldn't see 1 person attempt to try take the point, it was a 48+ v 48+ fight and NC had a 70% pop advantage but not 1 person there was doing anything and that was for 3hours+ it was happening, the VS must of been loving the amount of kills they were getting. I flew over there to see what outfits it was and I saw 3 different ones (CNOH, FA13, PLA) and some not in any outfit.

    The 3 outfits I mentioned are fairly large outfits but a lot of them don't attribute much to the objective of base capture from what I have seen when they play, I see a lot of them being very low BR sitting back trying to snipe or sitting in a Vanguard doing nothing.

    TL;DR NC are massively overpopped not under popped but the pop advantage is a whole lot of unorganized new outfits/players that do nothing at all.

    To any new players coming onto Briggs please consider a faction other then NC or if you are NC Briggs look into an organized outfit like AUNC, D1RE, AG7, R18 or RSNC.. don't just accept any invite you get.
  20. RipperTR

    From what I've seen the extra pop Briggs NC has at the moment are made up of guys like this,
