The most despicable people on Auraxis?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zazulio, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    People that sit behind spawn shields during hopeless camps instead of leaving to redeploy. Once the cap turns, they'll spawn at the next objective only to find that the enemy is already there. Then, they go onto the forums to start a witch-hunt.

    40-man platoons that leave tough fights for softcaps.

    People that don't have enough sense to stay out of rocket spam zones, and then complain about rocket spam (and how its the game's fault) in the forums. "I spawned again and again, and everytime I left the spawn, I got blown up!" Uh...
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  2. Morti

    People playing music into their mic.

    People who have nothing important to say but are still blabbering on in proximity and drowning out the noise.

    Hacksaw maxes that TK you while trying to hit a target 20m away.

    People who smack talk over an easy victory/zerg.

    People who can't grasp the concept that I will want to reverse my lightning/vanguard after taking too much damage, and blocking my reverse kills me more times than I care to admit.
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  3. Astriania

    People who TK to stop you overloading a generator, repairing a turret etc because they want the experience.

    Also seconding pilots who think they're playing an air-only game and whine about being locked or hit by ground weaponry, and people who spam proxy chat.
  4. Borusa

    People who leave their deployed Sunderer locked and unprotected, thus making it often harder for people to defend it.
  5. Rasui

    Apparently we've become "Those who must not be named," lately.
  6. Dead soldier

    Those A2A missle users. Hate them.
  7. aRottenKomquat

    Medics who keep reviving you when you keep dying half a second after the revive.

    Medics who won't revive my MAX. If there's one of you and you're under fire, I understand. But when the building is secure and THERE ARE EIGHT OF YOU STANDING OVER MY CORPSE!!!! There's just no excuse.

    Warpgate galaxy flippers.

    Friendly ESFs who ram me when I'm flying a Galaxy, killing themselves and giving me a TK. Usually in secured, friendly territory near the warpgate so I doubt it's accidental.
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  8. smokemaker

    Drivers that run over people and do not apologizes.

    Know i am planting C4 on your vehicle.
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  9. LightningDriver

    Anybody in a Max suit who sits around and thanks me after I repair them. Go kill whoever is shooting at us, thanking me won't win the base.
  10. Aander

    There was no need to name names. Like doom said, you knew who we were talking about.

    Seriously, though, I rage at you guys more than any others on the server, but only because you guys pwn me so much. It's a hatred mixed with respect kinda thing.

    I make it a point to thank people who repair/heal/revive/whatever me. I feel like it helps build a slight sense of camaraderie between us strangers. Besides, hitting v+1 takes no time at all - you can do it while walking away.
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  11. Garmerr

    People who TK you for "being a coward" for sniping heavies on the top of cliffs, that are decimating your armor column, instead of blindly throwing yourself at the meatgrinder.
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  12. Rasui

    Not true, it's much better when I can just type "ZAPS" into the search bar to feed my ego instead of actually having to look for the posts.
  13. Sathayorn

    Oh my god, this, I couldn't have said it better myself. I'd give you 3 thumbs up if I could.
    Yes... Gotta love that **** talking that happens every time the... Faction... You know which one I'm talking about... outnumber you 3:1
    #1 tactic to use when severely outnumbered - it's dirty, but if you know you're going down, its the smartest thing to do. If you're your lucky, debris might kill a sunderer on the ground below.
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  14. Larolyn

    Lock on heros who love to kill air but have never ever tried to be fly and have instead just gotten "farmed by air". I want to farm from the air and be super MLG Pro but **** me, no one can farm from the air. Too many lock on heros, flak, tank shells, other pilots trying to mess up my day before it even starts to even try flying.
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  15. Yuukikun

    Asking your outfit name to be mentioned for doing MAX crashes only to troll just makes your outfit looks like scrubs. But since you insist, i'll make sure to stay away from the bads from ZAPS when i play on my Waterson VS Character.
  16. Yuukikun

    People spent thousands of certs just to get rid of air when they see it. Using lock on or flak isn't fun at all but it's something they have to do in order to actually have fights without lolpod and zepher spam. Lolpods farming infantry arrived before Lock on, not the other way around.
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  17. Beef Wellington

    The people who play an Engineer and don't know they have a repair gun or how to drop ammo.

    The people who play a Medic and don't know they have a healing/resurrect gun.

    Medics who will revive people, but never heal them because MOAR EXP.

    Sunderer drivers who don't show up at their vehicle after a base capture to take it to the next location, despite 11/12 people ready to go.

    TKers who drive around running over their own team with a vehicle, because weapon-lock still lets you drive like you're play Grand Theft Auto.

    People who stand next to a remote sniper on their own team and then light up the mini-map like a Christmas tree.

    Players who jump into the base turret you were just using when you have to jump out to repair it.
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  18. Rasui

    You misunderstand, it's not the MAX crashes, it's for the ego stroking. I also never actually said we do MAX crashes to troll other outfits, because honestly we don't (though we probably will now). No idea where they got that impression honestly. We do MAX crash saves during alert ops. Typically when it's a vastly outnumbered hex and/or the clock is running out.
  19. MongooseTwoFive

    • Warpgate flippers
    • Proxy chat music blasters/little kids talking smack
    • People C4'ing you for setting your vehicle to squad only
    • Idiots who run in front of you in biolabs when you're suppressing a point with a chaingun/max/engi turret, eventually getting your weapons locked
    • Kamikaze Light Assaults with a resource boost and double C4 bricks.
    • That idiot gunning in your sunderer who draws attention from 3 hexes over by firing at a spec on the horizon endlessly
    • TK'ing conks who feel you "stole their kill"
    • People who have a macro to send you a tell every time they kill you (There was this one dude who would automatically send a message saying "sit" every time he killed me)
    • Dumb drivers who run any friendly infantry in their path
    • Dumb infantry who run in front of moving vehicles and get you grief points
    • Medics that wont revive you despite standing on top of your corpse (especially on a max... happened IN a spawn room once, damn grenade exploit)
    • Engineers that wont repair the only max holding down a room
    • HA's dumbfiring rockets in every conceivable direction inside biolabs without aiming
    • People who spawn at the only deployed sunderer and don't help defend it while it is being attacked
    • Pilots who sit at the ceiling way in the middle of nowhere with stealth equipped waiting to pick off lone targets to pad their K/D
    • Friendly ghost-capping zergs whilst your faction is getting steamrolled in an alert
    • Zergs defending a 48+ base that is cut off by like 3 hexes while the rest of your territory gets ghost-capped
    • People on the forums who post "L2P" or "You just suck" responses to threads instead of constructive feedback
    • Griefers for any reason
  20. Tuco

    Platoon leaders who redeploy when the fighting gets a little tough.

    Platoon leaders who do gal drops.

    Platoon leaders who redeploy on the opposite side of the map.

    Platoon leaders who redeploy every 10 minutes.

    Chatty people in Platoon chat, "blah blah blah blah fricking blah"

    Platoon leaders who get angry at people that don't listen to them, not understanding that A) either they autojoin a platoon at logon or B) every platoon leader uses terrible tactics all the time.