Remove MAX units from the game. Or cut their HP in half.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kapernum, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Simferion

    Being serious: I think the only MAX which is "balanced" is the NC one: lethal at CQB but a sitting duck when taken at range. IMHO MAXes should tank a lot of damage and be the bane of CQC but they should be beatable using some tricks like grenades, rockets and small arms fire from the distance.
  2. Kumaro

    Can't deal with teamwork then bite the dust kids cause that's what combined arms is all about.
    And since the ZOE nerf i see MAX units used everywhere. They are being workhorses on the woodman server.
    They do well at times and they do bad at times. I think they are okay as they are.

    What needs to happen right now is that people need to learn how to deal with them. Which is balancing in it's own right.
    And if people don't take time to figure out how things work i do think they should get killed by maxes until they do figure it out.

    This game was not designed for Rambo fans. It's designed so that we who teamplay can laugh at the rambo fans and walk over their corpses while sipping their tears like good year of wine :)
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  3. Zorro

    It would be better if an engineer and medic have to work in tandem to revive a Mechanized Exo-suit.
  4. Master

  5. VirtualGuerilla

    I always said it ever since I used a MAX suit. MAXs should only have AV and AA weapons. The AI capabilities of MAXs are laughably overpowered. When I grab my Nebulas(75 rounds,143 dmg, 426rpm each!), kinetic armour and charge I'm guaranteed to kill nearly everything in the area.

    Whether or not you support this gameplay, it's an extremely easy way to pad your KDR and Bio Labs have always centred around this teleporter room MAX whackamole gameplay.
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  6. JudgeDeath

    Op seems to have gotten max punched and then infiltrated in a row.

    And this is the end result, pointless no substance thread.
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  7. Pruto

    They cost 100 infantry resources before, how was that ever balanced? It was a force multiplier that enabled you to go on large killstreaks but it was only the cost of one C4 or two grenades.

    350 resources are much more reasonable now in the sense that it's the cost of a vehicle, which is basically the power a MAX will give you against other infantry

    Maybe people are tired of crutchy terribles who pull their powerup items to close the skill gap.
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  8. Prudentia

    Ok let me try:
    MAXes are force multipliers in large battles. (you can spawn them in 3v3 fights and such small fights, but it's not worth it)
    they give Organized players something to plan their movement.

    >If you have a MAX, you need an Engineer and a Medic.
    >If you only have a single MAX and a pocketengi, there is only the medic to cover the back of both. you might want to add more players. you can increase their effectiness by adding another MAX team for example.
    >you now have 2 MAXes 2 Engis and one medic.
    >a single medic is a bit risky, if he dies you are screwed, lets add another medic
    >you now have 2 MAXes 2 Engis and 2 medics
    >however you still lack firesupport, add 2 Heavies with Conc nades or AV nades.
    >if you pulled Burster MAXes AA lockons compliment good. same for AI MAXes in open spaces. in CQC a deci for AM (antimax) duty is perfect.
    > maybe you also want to add an Infiltrator for the recon darts.
    > and a Light Assault for some flanking.

    So we now build a complete squad on the basis of making a MAX as effective as possible.

    Guess what? Planetside is designed as a game played in squads/platoons.
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  9. Winfield

    Never played CoD multiplayer, nor have I used shotguns extensively in this game. Infact most of my infantry kills are done with LMGs.

    Good try though. I can feel the ####hurt through the interwebs.
  10. DeadliestMoon

    MAXs aren't normal infantry.
  11. Gavyne

    Best solution is indeed to make them not able to be revived. It's a solution people have suggested for quite some time now. I love CQC gameplay, and MAX units totally ruin it for me. It was one of my top 3 reasons for leaving this game. Seriously, it's a very simple toggle I'm sure for the devs. Make them unable to be revived, and you solve a LOT of the problems and complaints without actually butchering the MAX units.
  12. Camycamera

    People have already proven you wrong with the MAX part of the argument, so I'll argue against the "remove SMG's from infilscrubs" part, as I do play w/ SMG and infiltrator.

    You so realise that infiltrator smgers are easier to take out than snipers are, right? It's called situational awareness.

    Plus, even though it might not seem like it to you and others, but the SMG+infiltrator play style does actually take a lot of skill.
  13. EmmettLBrown

    That's why you're supposed to flank it. Take out the medics and engies crouched behind it and it's easy to clean up with almost any explosive weapon in the game.
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  14. hawken is better

    They definitely cheese out the infantry aspect of the game, but this is Planetside; cheesiness should be expected.
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  15. janeTEXAS

    MAX is one of the things that make Planetside different from Battlefield. Because Tanks, ESF, infantry gameplay are present on Battlefield.
  16. holycaveman

    If lock ons, max's and av turrets were gone, I would start my subscription again.
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  17. FocusLight

    First off: You cite no reasons whatsoever other than your own personal preference and beliefs, no reason why any of us should support or even care for your request.

    Second: I find it absolutely hilarious that a VS, having long enjoyed a completely imbalanced tool in the form of you MAX unit, and still enjoying the most universally useful and practical MAX, complains about this. Not because I hold it against you personally that other VS use MAX'es or enjoy them, but because as a VS, you have not had to deal with the really horrible to face MAX in the game - the pre-balance ZOE-MAX.

    In short, your request is not going to gain much traction if it's a legitimate request, and if it isn't, 1/10 rating I offer to you sir. Try harder.
  18. ST4LK3R

    Removing MAX completely would only hurt MAX users and it's not fair. I'd be happy if they don't allow MAX to be revived. I'd still be happy if the revive time is as long as an engy takes to repair a SCU or generator.

    I'm usually one of those crazy HAs running and flanking the MAX and Tanks with only my Concussion Grenade and 2 C4s in my hand. While it takes practice(skill? nah, it's way too easy to dodge a room full of people suffering concussion) and balls to do what I do, one medic can ruin everything just by pointing is magic tool at the MAX for 2-3 seconds and it rustle my jimmies a bit.

    How about reducing MAX's maximum HP by 15%-20% every time it's revived. The reduction stops when maximum hp reaches 40-50% of its original maximum HP(or after 2-3 revive) and leave it revivable but it is still killable with one Deci rock and may be a few shots from LMG.

    Max HP = 3000
    After 1st revive(-15% of MAX's current maximum hp) = 2550
    After 2nd revive(-15% of MAX's current maximum hp) = 2168 (dropped the decimal)
    After 3rd revive(-15% of MAX's current maximum hp) = 1843 (dropped the decimal)


    Max HP = 3000
    After 1st revive(-20% of MAX's current maximum hp) = 2400
    After 2nd revive(-20% of MAX's current maximum hp) = 1920
    After 3rd revive(-20% of MAX's current maximum hp) = 1534

    Don't flame me if you don't like what I said. I'm just suggesting a solution for this issue.
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  19. Brandmon

    The only adjustments I would make for the MAX is for there to be a direct relation between a MAX's effectiveness and its cooperation with other classes (or lack thereof). I think that all classes should in some way contribute towards the effectiveness of other classes, especially the MAX. I am all for further cross-class synergy to allow for better effective organised play. Consequently I am against the MAX just being a free power-trip, even for lone wolves.

    That siad, the removing revivability for the MAX simply doesn't make sense. People will still complain about MAXes killing them and will call further nerfs, you further narrow the utility of the medic and in any case there are already major compromises with reviving MAXes such as longer revive time and very low HP revive, where the only adjustment I see is to disallow revives through shields.

    Otherwise I see no problems with MAXes as I'm not the guy that calls "NERF" simply because I want either equal parity or superiority with my favourite toy over everything else. Then again, I play with friends. So whenever we see a MAX, we gang up on the poor bugger.
  20. Hibiki54

    And this is why MAX suit are able to be revived.