does AOE Nano regen device add hits?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by CaptainAmeda, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. CaptainAmeda

    If I enter a battle where my heal device is active, will I be able to take more hits than if I don't have it on?
    Does anyone know?
  2. kadney

    You would need the healrate/second of the ability. Then you could calculate, depending on the bullet damage and the rof, if you would benefit from it after all.
  3. TomoB

    Health regen is so slow that I would guess you can take maybe 1 hit more when having it activated.
  4. hansgrosse

    Depends on how fast you're taking damage. The ability heals at a constant rate, so if you're only getting hit sporadically the ability can keep you going for a long time. If you get hosed by a TRV at point blank range, however, it's probably not doing much for you.

    Either way, there's no reason not to use it once you start taking fire, so I generally activate it as soon as I take the first hit.
  5. Trollakhiin

    I always use it when I'm under fire. I'm not sure if it works, but I think it does. So I guess that makes you feel more confident during a battle.
    • Up x 1
  6. P4NJ

    Should allow you one extra hit from most weapons at min and max damage ranges, but otherwise not really. Doesn't hurt though if your enemy happens to miss a few shots.
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  7. HerpTheDerp

    P4NJ got it right, ANY health regen(even the biolab one) will extend your lfie by 1 bullet.

    It should be noted though that after the nanoweave change it stacks beautifully with the regen and can seriously extend your life at long ranges.