AV turrets + open ground = no vehicles.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CactusLynx, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Tuco

    AV turret ranges are too great, yeah.
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  2. holycaveman

    Rocket launchers got a buff. Been taking me out in my esf and lightening like never before.

    AV turrets should not even be in the game. What a mess.....
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  3. lothbrook

    The stupid part is they NERFED dumbfires and buffed lock ons and tried to disguise the buff as a nerf because they reduce the lock on range, but make the lock on speed practically instant, while Dumbfires go about 50m and start dropping like a stone now. Its like they're actively trying to turn anything that took an ounce of skill and removing it while making things that take no skill and make them better, lol.
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  4. holycaveman

    Makes playing super frustrating. If a dumb fire shot me I figured they were good or I was stupid. So they got nerfed?

    SOE does not know when to leave things alone and when to adress important things.
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  5. Catch23

    While I agree that AV turrets are annoying - noone can master PS2 without switching roles when needed.

    In this case, get a BASR. It might not be at hand while you are in a tank but your gunner can switch to sniper after dropping by a spawn. If you get severely spammed from beyond render distance - go somewhere else. I only find turrets annoying in the desert plains of Indar
  6. Tenebrae Aeterna

    They really need to work on that hitbox...it's absurd.
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  7. basilbroketail

    I was there at the Xeno tech fight ( Chewy was in a lightning not in a skyguard don't remember the loadout he was using. ) . I know about that one stubborn guy that kept on going after NC tanks since i actually went after him. Problem is this :

    First my gunner or I would kill him a few times after having to zero in with the AP rounds ( as an MBT) or Halberd . But he wouldn't give up . He'd just pull another flash and/or redeploy / suicide the moment I'd get close with the AP rounds/Halberd , sometimes my gunner/ I'd kill that pixel with one shot , other times you'd miss and he'd just /suicide redeploy and grab another flash to get to a different position . If i started closing in with the VG to kill him ( outside of pixel range) he'd just /suicide redeploy . That game of cat and mouse isn't fun at all . Esp chasing him with a non maxed out VG . More or less that one player( there were actually 2-3 but his crew got tired of dying ) , had FAR more impact on that fight in the field then all the VS armor/ air . The only time the VS did have a huge impact ( was when they had that ESF / lib swarm for a few minutes ) but that's just pure #'s .

    That one player had EVERYTHING TO GAIN even if he died, he'd only lose at "most" 100 resources ( flash not counting the spawn beacon he had when he was in a squad with 1-2 other pp ) , me ? If i had died i'd lose the usage of probably 1.5k certs AND 450 vehicle resources. If I killed him i'd only net 100ish XP . If he had killed me he'd net a few hundred XP easily . So he had everything to gain , while at "best" i'd just harass him into moving into a different position or net 100ish XP at most. Thus this benefits him vastly to do this , while even if i were to just take one for the empire and hunt him down ( thus lowering my " MLG stats" , aka KPM / SPM , possibly K/D and taking 2 players away from the main battle at xeno tech ) is just a total loss for little gain ......

    To those that say that AV turrents aren't an issue. They aren't if your in a vehicle that utilizes SPEED to their advantage ( lightnings / harassers , etc) . Previously before actually driving the MBT's , I also thought that most of the other " tankers" were just whining about being unable to deal with AV turrents . This was true till I started using MBT's . I had been using lightnings for quite sometime since I didn't have enough certs to make the VG not feel as if its an overweight lightning. Problem is that as a lightning driver with maxed out frames , the MOMENT i'd hear that I'd be getting nailed by an AV turrent i'd quickly break LOS and or start maneuvering like a drunk driver. Coupled with the lower profile that a lightning has , its easier to pull that off to avoid taking AV shots most of the time. Trying this with any MBT ( I haven't played with the mag yet ) Is just an exercise in futility . At best you'd pray you'd find a clump of trees or rocks that could break LOS ( tougher to do when your 2-3x larger then a lightning ) . A single tree or rock ( most of the time) will not shield you from someone that can snipe with an AV turrent . Which is safe to say is not easy to find ( for that part of the map ) .

    The problem that MBT's have with AV turrents is the same problem that libs have against AA . Weapons that are built to counter smaller opponents/ vehicles that have some speed , that have an outsized impact on vehicles that have a larger profile . I honestly don't know how to fix that kind of problem without creating new " imbalances" outside of drastic map changes.
  8. patricio_z

    cap the range to 300 but double the firing arc and let me place it anywhere, deal?
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  9. FieldMarshall

    AV turrets + open ground = Sniper spree
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  10. Campagne

    Absolutely. Why is it asking so much to have turret-shaped turret hitboxes?
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  11. Chewy102

    Sorry if I don't remember your name, I don't take the time to read them when fighting and can't hardly read them to start with from me playing on a 42 inch TV. Text is to damn small to read at 5ish feet back. My lightning was using HEAT and was rolling with a repair sunderer plus an AV Vangaurd. All 3 of us was getting hit and the only thing that kept us going was the repair bus till we drew attention from the VS armor.

    The hit boxes are turret shaped. AI Mana turret shaped. They have the hitboxes from those shields but get none of the protection.
  12. NovaAustralis

    Why should you get LESS XP for hitting a tiny target far away than using a guided missile to hit a big target?
    Upping the XP for killing a turret and its owner would be a good start.
  13. Campagne

    Aside from the whole stopping bullets thing... :p
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  14. Hicksimus

    Today I was at the crown firing at vehicles over by the biolab....past TI Alloys. First they couldn't see me, or care about me because I was tucked decently back from the cliff at the crown peeking just over the top to blow up an outfit's armor convoy....then after I dispatched the armor convoy vehicles started rendering twice as far away.....at 836 Meters! I blew those up as well.....because balance! All SoE need to do is add a few trees.....like 5 or 6 and I'd be balanced.....but with just 1 tree.....hahaha happy holidays, in hell!
  15. SteamBoiler

    I hate these things. I'm a dedicated tank and I find myself taking insane amounts of damage from absurd ranges.

    Im afraid to lockdown my prowler because these things will snipe me from a spot I cant see them.

    They do need to lower the range to 300m or so
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  16. Silkensmooth

    A super duper easy fix for the mana turret besides a range reduction which i don't like, and i rarely use mana turrets, would just be make them shells like a tank fires.

    I wouldn't have any problem with AV turrets if they had bullet drop and were not laser guided.

    They would still be powerful, but they would not be terrible effective at crazy range as they are now.

    It makes no sense that it is easier to hit a tank with a portable pocket turret than it is to hit another tank with a tank.
  17. vilehydra

    The Mana AV turret is definitely OP. It can bash tanks and infantry from absurd ranges. However it is the only thing that really prevents tank spam from the dumbest of the tank drivers. As a single heavy assault, without c4 it is impossible to kill even the dumbest of the twatwaffles that drive tanks (not saying all tank drivers are dumb or twatwaffles, but they are out there). Tanks will expose rear armor to me, and they still cannot be killed because Its impossible to put out enough dps or carry enough ammo. Because AV turrets can mercilessly pound from a distance and lack an ammo supply (and puts out as much damage as a deci iirc) they have neither concern.

    For all the tankers ***** and moan, the two real counters we have are c4 and AV mana. Rockets need to be fielded in to large of a number to effectively kill tanks that I can't really consider them hard counters (more of a deterrent). I would willingly trade a nerf to the Mana av turrets for a buff or a rework on how rockets do damage. I don't care if a tank shows it's rear anymore. It doesn't matter because I can't kill it anyways without several buddies and at that point might as well shoot at whatever face is given.
  18. HerpTheDerp

    AV turrets + open ground = roll a sniper, get 50 kills.
  19. Rabbitofdoom

    Problem is a dumbfire nerf. With similiar elevation or lower. Dumbfire lock on AA rocket was best counter up to 300-400m.
    Atm there is only a single weapon system in game that is able to counter turrets reliably at those ranges. To make it worse its ES and requires even more skill than Lock on in dumbfire pre nerf.
  20. mooman1080

    Why SOE held back on nerfing the AV turret when they said they were going to retool it is beyond me.

    Frankly if you ask me the entire idea of a mana AV turret is flawed, as it is now it can be very absurd at sniping tanks, but had they forced it to similar range as the default turret it would immediately be tank shelled for being immobile.
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