What's the situation with Mattherson NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Devrailis, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. Phrygen

    The TR are incredibly dysfunctional, disorganized and strait up bad at this point, and combined with the recent NC buffs, Mattherson NC are doing well.

    Honestly the average TR players on mattheron is completely incompetent. A significant number of skilled and experience TR have quit or faction switched. TR were doing ok for a bit in September, but that is pretty much over. I'm not suppose to speak ill of outfits, but I will simply say I can not honestly speak highly of a single outfit on mattherson TR currently. Not a single one.
  2. Timithos

    Opening up the public squads, I typically see [VCO], [TG] & [BL] recently. I occasionally see [TAS]. [SG] is still on the battlefield but they almost always keep their squads private :(

    Let me log on right now and tell you who is running an active squad with open spots.............. [VCO] & [BL]
  3. Negator

    Give me 30 minutes on NC and I can put together a platoon by myself
  4. Konstantinn

    Unless the core of your platoon is composed of your own outfit, people will rarely do what they are told. Kicking them does nothing, they can just rejoin 30 seconds later. Assuming that 30 sec is about how long it takes to forget someone's name. Point is, you can't call that a platoon, it's more of a disorganized cluster that follows orders whenever they feel like it. Best you can hope for is herding them in the right direction. You'd have to be a real optimist to try.
  5. Negator

    Conditioning, and a suave personality. Really, i was just reinforcing the comment about NC attracting more lone wolves
  6. Pruto

    Maybe NC BR100s are more clued into what is fun in this game. It certainly isn't trying to fight lopsided 48+ fights all day, or the spammy kind of 48+ fight where there is no room for maneuvering.

    Squadding up with the likes of Boursk and having a great time or playing solo entirely will always win out over being with the madding herd, and the boring fights that they bring. I like my ivory towers high, and my SPM even higher.
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  7. bladedcross

    If this how you enjoy playing, then go for it, although I do not agree that this playstyle is the only way to have "fun in this game". And as the rest of what you quoted goes on to say, people are welcome to play the game any way they choose. However, for many, including myself, K/D and SPM are irrelevant compared to enjoyment earned from winning large, hard-fought battles. Unfortunately for the NC, there are only a handful of experienced players in are faction that are capable and willing to lead platoons and organize outfits for large scale attacks.
  8. Konstantinn

    Honestly, I think situation will be greatly improved once continent locking is in place. Like right now there's alerts. You log in 10 min after the alert ended and you don't know or care who won. You weren't there. It does not concern you. There is no progression from one alert to another. They are completely isolated incidents independent of each other or anything that goes on in between them.

    With continent locking, you log in and you instantly see how your faction has been doing for hours and hours before you logged in. It gives a sense of continuation that is instantly visible. Platoon leaders won't have to scratch their heads and figure out what they should do when there is no alert. They'll just look at the map, and go where they are needed.

    This will happen to platoon leaders from multiple outfits on every faction. Losing will be instantly visible to every player. Winning and gaining ground will also be instantly visible. There will be a sense of continuation. I strongly believe that in itself will create a stronger sense of unity and encourage cooperation. Much more so than anything that is in game right now.

    Moreover faction with distinct advantage (VS on Mattherson at this time) will run a much higher chance of getting ganged up on by the other 2 factions.
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  9. Epic High Five

    Hey the NCC have been doing pretty good lately. Props. I know the relationship with [GOON] is a bit tortured at times, but I will coordinate whenever I'm leading a platoon.

    Who won the Indar Territory alert on Mattherson last night? Started at like midnight EST, and the NC had a lead when I had to log off. I was concerned we'd lose too much territory to the TR because we were having so much fun screwing with the VS, and [GOON] camping their warpgate and killing a huge portion of their airforce when they're getting zero air resources/tick DID seem to rile them up.

    Hearing your ranting at Howling Pass after the biolab alert two days ago was pretty great. After the colossal screwup the TR pulled in losing Ikanam because it was only defended by 1-12 against ~all of the VS on the server cost us the win I was pretty upset with the TR

    >:[ Come to the NC! You know deep down that we have the superior weaponry.
  10. ReconHavoc

    TR won that one. Profited greatly on NC and VS fighting each other but we were also effective at capping and defending just the right amount of territory to take the win.
  11. AdamPA1006

    I dont wanna take this topic, but I dont think my question quite deserves a new topic although I might make one.

    How do you guys think the TR outfits on Mattherson compare? I've been running with AOD and been having tons of fun, but I am interested in.....more tactics, more communications, not always just zerging. I was in a 903 platoon for a night and it seemed a little better, but what are your guys opinions?
  12. grazr

    It seems to be the same for NC on Cobalt. The bad balance for so long has caused my outfit to move to TR and my local buddies to move to VS. The result is a high player turn over for NC meaning most of the time it's low level scrubs with no coordination vs BR 100 TR because of their versatile win guns allowing them to farm happily for a year and the hyper organised VS with some of the most active outfits like Trident operating at all times of the day. NC rarely win alerts and seem to only cap the continents at 4 in the morning when there is no opposition/zerging.
  13. BraSS

    NC won an epic Biolab alert last night (Saturday) during prime time, so the alliance isnt quite as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
  14. WaaWaa


    Sign up with the NCC there if you wanna be part of the discussion between outfit leaders. You can join their TS and hang out with the leaders of outfits and discuss/suggest things.

    Also cert squad leader chat they talk a lot through there.

    Personally, I can't do that ****. I'd rather focus on having fun on my end then trying to organize and steer the herds.

    Have at it if you're serious.
  15. Sithkiller39

    You guys forgot the most elite NC outfit on Mattherson, [JCST] - Jackie Chan Stunt Team :D
  16. Zorro

    That is just unfair. AOD may be powered solely by numbers, but other outfits, BWC for instance, are highly skilled and organized. NC is quantity over quality, but outfits like Voodoo Company and Tactical Gamer are worthy opponents.
  17. Negator

    I tried with the NC. Too busy focusing VS to see it coming, despite multiple attempts at warning. Didnt help that the squads/platoons that were pushing the weak TR front from the beginning were too incompetent to mount any sort of organized push; briggs and mao SE were easily won if they had concentrated on moving to the cap point, maintaining sunderers, and paying attention to their flanks. But alas, EXOC, like every true leetist outfit was there to pick the uncoordinated masses apart without actually trying to form an attack of their own.

    From listening to leader chat and hopping around platoons it was a combination of lack of caring, clueless platoon leaders (moving to locations they werent needed), slow reaction time, and general lack of organization on the ground as far as maintaining forward AMSs and defensive positions.
  18. Epic High Five

    I dunno, I regularly drop my beautiful GOONs into fights where they are outnumbered and we generally come out on top, and we're just a bunch of drunken malcontents. Plus GOON probably possesses 9 of the 10 highest certed Vanguards on the server and a very high Battle Bus:player ratio.

    BWC in the area elicits and immediate "/platoon everybody pull some damn AA, whatever you've got, just be ready" and AOD just does the most effective thing you can do in this game and floods places.

    Ah you see but there were three factors in play last night:

    1) We had just kicked everybody else around during the previous alert and had nothing to prove/alert fatigue
    2) A majority of our forces spent pretty much the entire Biolab alert fending off a colossal TR push on Rashnu (didn't even get adjacency lol) , they probably wanted to shoot some purple mans for a bit.
    3) Camping the VS warpgate with a bunch of bursters when an alert on the cont starts and they aren't getting any air resources is really fun.
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  19. Qoph

    I personally love the NC's weapons but goddamn if there's just less of an understanding of things than any other faction I've played.

    When I logged on with about an hour and 15 minutes left the map looked something like this, percentages were about 55% NC, 33% TR,22% VS:


    Pop quiz for any potential squad leads, which letter is the best place to station your squad?

    If you said C, please read below. Please.

    After Saurva went to TR fairly quickly there was a single lattice link left between TR and VS, compared with the 3 or 4 they each shared with NC. Giving up territory around C would actually be BENEFICIAL for NC's chances in the alert because it is relatively meaningless compared to the amount of territory they already have, and it gives another front where the TR and VS need to focus on each other.

    Despite this, there was still an NC platoon at Allatum for the better part of the next hour, while TR and VS ghostcapped their way through D and B (to some people's credit, A was held pretty well). NC finished with 29% territory and even population if my memory serves me correctly. Something like the below:


    In the course of an hour, the NC lost about half of their territory. Say what you will about the southeast warpgate, but to me this is just results from a lack of understanding of how these alerts should be managed.

    (That and my AA max stood around 5 minutes waiting for repairs at Scarred Mesa.)

    Honestly, I love the NC's equipment, but the level of organization and basic understanding of the game I've seen through 30 BR's is far below what I've seen elsewhere (Waterson VS, Mattherson TR).
  20. ReconHavoc

    That's probably true but I don't think the situation is bad at all. I think the factions are very even on the battlefield. VS win some alerts, TR win some and NC win some. I've been playing a lot on Miller and the situation there would make you lose your mind. TR basically wins everything all the time because of a huge amount of high BR and outfits. NC on Miller compared to Mattherson is like night and day. Totally incapable of doing anything right but on Mattherson they really do put up a fight.

    To me it is a thousand times more enjoyable to play on Mattherson just because the fights tend to be even and fair. I've basically given up on my Miller VS-character to play on Mattherson even though i live in Sweden and the time difference is kind of big.