How to 1v1 a ZOE [video]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigIronRanger, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. BigIronRanger

    Footage is from before PU2.

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  2. Hatesphere

    yeah its not really that hard anymore, or did you miss the patch?
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  3. BigIronRanger

    This was before PU2 you can tell cause the crosshair is much smaller as the LMG hipfire nerf wasn't implemented yet.
  4. gigastar

    Then why did you feel compelled to post a video on a topic thats no longer relevant?
  5. BigIronRanger

    Well its got PS2 gameplay in it so im pretty sure its still relevant.
  6. Hatesphere

    ps 2 game play that is no longer ps 2 game play, but lest just ignore that.
  7. BigIronRanger

    Calm down guys this vid is not to be taken seriously
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  8. HooWoo

    When you proclaim yourself as the best player of Briggs is that to not be taken seriously as well bruv?
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  9. eatenalive

    Get off your donkey HooWoo. I'm sure the whole 19 days you've spent playing has made you a better player than Ranger's 70. If you are so high on the moral and skill ladder that you can speak down to him, show us your 1v1 with a ZOE max.

    Oh wait. You don't find maxes at 1000m altitude....doesn't help that you can't shoot them with lock on pods either does it?

    I guess you'll have to swallow your misguided ego OR provide an alternative with undeniable logic. The choice is yours, just leave the **** flinging to the monkeys in africa. This is the official forums.
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  10. eatenalive

    Shame this video didn't come to light earlier. Every time SOE nerf something, they go WAY too far then they spend ages trying to figure out how to make it better, which in the end is a waste of time for everyone. I guess you'll have to look forward to the impending (DO YOU HEAR ME SONY) falcon nerf.
  11. BigIronRanger

    thanks for that im trying my best to ignore him.
  12. Devrailis

    I see much SERIOUS BUSINESS in this thread.

    Guy posted a video of a ZOE MAX who was probably experiencing netcode issues (look at the direction he is firing at the entire time in the hallyway) getting punked 1v1. Big deal, now get those knots out of your spandex panties.
  13. eatenalive

    It's alright bro. Everyone on the forums is getting sick of his behaviour. Loving your videos so far (I get to watch some deserving fellow VS get owned!). I actually never believed anyone would have the mental stamina to make it this far a F2P player. Keep on rocking Ranger.
  14. BigIronRanger

    PS2 is in that goldilocks zone when it comes to infantry gameplay and mechanics the TTK is not to quick and not to long leading to some insane moments and i've been through them all Quake, Counter strike, unreal tourn, battlefield and COD and Planetside 2 is just special. :)
  15. eatenalive

    As an NC player you should know better than most that a dual Grinder max would tear a ZOE apart, and if you could get yourselves firing in an orderly fashion, could bury him with 2 Gauss SAWs. People were just starting to get smart and figure out ways to destroy us in their sleep, and then SOE couldn't put up with all the new guys squealing about ZOE and put it in the ground for you. I agree that it needed a nerf. Maybe less damage at range or a projectile speed drop off, but the horrors they have committed can never be forgiven.
    Oh well, at least I can waste all my infantry resources on medkits now that I will never be pulling a max again :'(
  16. eatenalive

    Do not even get me started lol
  17. Devrailis

    I stuck to my dual Hacksaws, worked fine. Against bad ZOEs, could even take on 2.

    With the new Falcon buff? Everytime I see a ZOE, I smile.
  18. HooWoo

    I am genuinely hurt, a person as honorable and trust-worthy as me would never use those damnable things known as A2A pods :eek:

    You see, I don't go around telling everyone that I'm the best player on a server, unlike our mister friend here who thinks that he is... (screenshot proof bruv) so I just like to tease him about it because even though he's played yes 70 days of PlanetSide 2 he still can't fly an ESF without hitting a poor AA tree every minute or so

    He can dish out the lol-pods but he can't take the flak, no-wonder he can't fly...
  19. eatenalive

    You see ZOE?!?
  20. eatenalive

    Oh what a brilliant counter argument.

    So flying makes you higher (punpunpun) on the moral and skill ladder still? I fail to understand how you think that your minute amount of play time makes you the leading authority on anything, let alone anything without wings.
    One of the reasons you don't mention being the best player on the server is probably because
    a) You aren't

    I'm pretty sure BIR here wouldn't be so innately stupid as to put himself in that position without having a rightful claim.