PU2 and dieing more?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Airazor, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. LordCreepy

    Usually getting less vehicle kills now per run on my ap prowler/lighting since the GU - less time per run till I run into ap/enforcer/stealth/iwinbutton vanguards.

    With the harasser nerfed there just isn't anything left on the battlefield that reliably forces vanguards into shields without suiciding itself.
  2. MaCritz

    Currently, the only reason why I'm dying a lot more now is because of the NS Deep Freeze.. I want to auraxium it... Teehee!!

    But if you say that the reason for your decline in performance is the Nanoweave Armor, then you're probably paranoid because everyone else is also affected by the change... You could kill people as quickly as they kill you.. You should not make it as an excuse... lol..
  3. Yuukikun

    Nanoweave changes --> quicker TTK --> less accuracy and skill involved --> convergence of KDRs to average
  4. Nerovox

    Yes I am getting killed more.
    I pull out my repair tool and say man look at the size of that thing and blam! I am dead.
    Having FOV issues, Its way too distracting for me atm.
  5. Rabbitofdoom

    I did for like 2 days. Then i spent a while modifing my loadouts sometimes just replacing whole setups including weapons. Then my KD started to go back to previous value.
  6. Catch23

    same here. hit detection is off and accuracy got a hit. for everyone but more so for moving playstyles.

    a 143tier gun does 114 damage on a body shot with NW5 but 286 to the head. thats a 2,5 ratio prior to 2. as accuracy got a hit on many weapons either in ADS or from the HIP and hit detection seeming to be off due to hitbox adjustment and/ or changes to animations, head shots are much, much more rewarding for stationary, defensive aka camping playstyles. Once people realize the outcome of a nerf the results are multiplied.

    taking chances, attacking is punished, farming is rewarded this way. instead of simply increasing the sniper rifle headshot multiplier to make OHK HSs posssible again (what a large number of customers wanted), they did it the wrong way. It's not like Max Kinetic Armor was made usless vs. headshots.