PU2 and dieing more?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Airazor, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Airazor

    Simple Question, are we dieing in game more?

    I feel like after PU2 that my kill to death ratio (although it does not matter in this game) has took a land slide down. I logged in the last 2 days and as soon as I get in game I get maybe 2 kills and 9 deaths? Even if I play reserved and let other people run in rooms first.

    Not just me but some of my outfitmen have the same issues as well. Granted I am defiantly not the best player at all, I just feel like I am getting my a$$ served more then usual.

    If you feel the same too, post below. This is a general consensus. :)

    PS: It could be a number of things, like guns not working like they used to, vehicles weaker to rockets or other things. The patch defiantly has something to do with it.
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  2. RasFW

    Question - did you rely on nanoweave?
  3. Ryme

    If what you used to rely on to give you an edge was nerfed, then you are probably dying more. As someone who's been using a stock loadout with stock weapons, my experience has mostly been the same, bugged AV damage resistance aside.
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  4. Airazor

    Once they took it off all char's I did not put it back on, instead I certed vehicles. This could be EXACTLY why, however even guys that but nano back on still are having the same difficulty.

    I am dieing for a good reason, no nano weave on my chars. My only rebuttal was that I did not have nano on my HA (instead I put max rocket pouch) pre patch and I lived slightly longer. After patch, same char but die quicker.

    Think of it like getting shot from halo games to getting shot in COD. One you live slightly longer to the other getting 3 bullets then dead.

    Just an observation ;)
  5. AccelPrime

    I'm certainly dying more due to SOE nerfing the only decent weapon the Flash had, so yeah...
  6. SteamBoiler

    My K/D ratio is plummeting. Most because I played a nanoweave resist shield HA. I admit that was ridiculously OP. I notice a huge difference now that nanoweave is gone. I'm glad in a way because now I can roll munitions pouch without feeling like I'm gimping myself
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  7. Epoch/Eep

    Its very hard to not troll as a die hard NC and i really don't want to.

    This isnt trolling but its hard not to take the piss.
    Anyway I have noticed people dying a lot easier and not being able to hit me aswell although that may be the anim bug. My KD is too old to move much now unless i get silly streaks over the course of a few days but its been about 2.5 to 3 where i used to be around 1.8 to 2. (solo infantry)
    NC is feeling a lot more competetive atm.

    Dreading the 4th faction.
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  8. BoomBoom4You

    Simple answer: Yes.

    The patch was mostly about balance, I won't name names but some "areas" were better than others, creating an imbalance that probably lead to some people finding kills easier and others getting frustrated because they weren't having the same opportunities. This patch fixed a lot of that, so consider this reverting back to the mean. People that found it very easy will find it a little harder, and people that found it difficult should find it a little easier, putting everyone as close to level playing field as possible.
  9. Bine

    I used to run primarily Nanoweave Resist shield HA. Im thankful for the changes, really. I feel less like im gimping myself if i go the other shields. Though, tanking 5 people while I HMG them down ona staircase was always entertaining...

    Still. I loaded out with Nanoweave because most things that hit me are bullets anyway. So why not?
  10. Airazor

    Perhaps your right!

    If I had a profession in this game, I think what I would excel at would be dieing haha and a lot of it! My K/D ratio was always junk and I died allot regardless, however I am finding it way easier to die now then before!

    I do feel like the " weren't having the same opportunities" argument is solid. Good reply over all good sir!
  11. NoInstructions

    Seems like everybody is easier to kill now, I die easier to tank spam and general whatnot but I find myself going on more CQC murder sprees since the patch. I play medic almost exclusively and use nanoweave.
  12. Vinakis

    I found myself to be dying drastically more right after the patch, but I also had been using Nanoweave pretty much exclusively. Now I've gone with Advanced Shield Capacitors and actually paying more attention to my positioning, and everything's back to normal. :D
  13. CptSundancer

    Like a couple people have stated, I too ran NW almost exclusively and I'm glad to see the end of its dominance. No more "I might have made that kill if I'd been wearing NW" regrets.

    As for dying more, just take things easy. Go ahead and cert a few levels of NW. It does still help, just not as much. Now you can explore other things like Flak. I tried Flak out last night and felt like a god when going after armor.
  14. Shanther

    My KD has actually gone up funny enough. The only issue I keep running into is ammo. My accuracy has gone completely down the tubes.
  15. Robes

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  16. Axehilt

    Yeah uh, K/D is a zero-sum game. For every kill there's a death. So apart from a little tomfoolery with the game rules of what counts as death and what counts as a kill, the global KD is gonna stay the same.

    (Said tomfoolery being things like how a revive doesn't count as a death, but counts as a kill for the other guy.)

    (I mostly made this post to use the word tomfoolery a few times.)
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  17. voxmachina

    Be sure to play with your sensitivity. The patch did something to input. I had a good death streak before I figured that out, and I'm still not back to my normal aim because I just can't get the sensitivity right.
  18. Airazor

    Good catch! Not enough reading and being to used to spell check made my spelling disastrous! Spanks for the heads up! :)
  19. PanzerShrimp

    Theres always CoD.
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  20. AMW1011

    As someone who never relied on the pre-nerf BS nanoweave, I'm enjoying this patch a lot. My KD is anywhere between 3.2-6.8 on active nights (>50 kills). I've been seeing a very large improvement in my performance now so I'm pretty happy about that.